Yes, We Love EDM And No, We're Not All On Drugs
As much as Andy Samberg and "SNL" like to make fun of it, the EDM scene is growing rapidly in America.
Festival junkies and bass heads alike are uniting to celebrate this revolutionary genre of music. But as popular as it has become, electronic dance music still contains a relatively small, almost ominous group of people.
EDM freaks are this century’s “metal heads.” We’re obsessed with a newfound genre that our parents refuse to believe is truly music, and we’re the least accepted in the musical world.
We’re stereotyped as being rampant druggies or dirty hippies who preach about a genre that is “brainwashing” Millennials. Regardless of the discrimination, thousands of EDM fans flock to shows and festivals to endure the heat and the crowds in order to experience a great DJ. But some people still aren’t convinced.
Have no fear, electro-enthusiasts; I'm here to explain what it is that makes EDM so amazing and groundbreaking for our generation.
1. Everyone’s your best friend
I have honestly never seen a happier group of people than those at an EDM festival. No hand goes without a high-five, no introduction goes without a hug and you never have to dance alone.
You can chalk it up to drugs if you’re still stereotyping, but there’s a sense of community at EDM shows you can’t find anywhere else. It’s communication without words, and an experience that has no explanation.
You’ve all come together because you’re united in your love for music and want to experience it with other like-minded individuals.
2. It’s all about the music
If you’ve ever been to a regular concert before, you know how competitive it can get. Drunken sorority girls will punch each other in the face if it means getting closer to the stage, hoping Justin Timberlake might sweat on them.
For the most part, this is nonexistent in the EDM world. It may get a little packed if you’re waiting for some big headliners like Bassnectar or Steve Aoki, but for the most part, people are willing to share their rave room.
Some people even welcome the crowd; it’s one of the best parts of an EDM show. Plus, unlike most concerts, the experience is amazing no matter where your seat is. Bonus points.
3. The art of the unexpected
EDM is one of the most dynamic genres out there. Each set is different from the last, even if it’s by the same DJ.
Artists like Skrillex and Tiësto mix their songs live, meaning each performance is unique. Each drop will be heard for the first time: audible adrenaline, a whoosh of bass and riffs that echo through the tapping feet and banging heads of everyone in the crowd.
Despite common misconception, DJs have to be immensely musically endowed. They have to be educated in music structure, music theory and the art of being a badass.
4. The remix culture
In college we were taught about the idea of the remix culture. Presented by Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig, the remix culture envisions a world where people don’t just absorb modern culture, they contribute to it.
The EDM world is a perfect example of this theory. At any given show, Zedd will play Flux Pavilion, and Calvin Harris will play Diplo. It’s a community where everyone can create, respond and remix freely.
Everyone has something constructive to add, and eventually it compiles into one giant, bass heavy mix of awesomeness that is out of this world.
Like anything new and upcoming, the EDM world comes with a lot of criticism and stereotypes. The truth is, people are afraid of the unfamiliar. With our pumping bass, flashing lights and hectic dancing, we can be a frightening bunch. But underneath the glowing body paint and rave gloves, we’re just a bunch of kids who love music.
Photo Courtesy: Youtube