
So Long, Summer: 5 Reasons Why Fall Is The Season Of New Beginnings

by Alexandra Badita

September is always a reminder that summer is gone, and so are our vacations.

When we were little, the beginning of fall meant getting back together with our classmates, eager to share stories from the summer holidays. Even though we lack the same enthusiasm when it comes to going back to the office, fall still gives you the feeling of a fresh start.

You are no longer as dreamy as you were during the hot, lazy summer days and you are still far away from hating each and every minute of the winter.

So, what keeps you so fresh when autumn comes? Why does fall always give you the feeling of a new beginning?

1. Goodbye, swimsuit. Hello, leather jacket!

For all the fashionistas, any change of season is a new beginning because it means shopping for new clothes.

First, you sort the outfits from the previous fall season that you may still be able to wear, and push away at the back of the closet all your swimsuits, crop tops and beach dresses. Then, you plan a shopping session for adding the latest trends to your wardrobe.

Who doesn’t need a pair of new ankle boots? Of course, most of the time, you end up window-shopping. But it still helps to know what gifts to ask for.

2. Pumpkin and cinnamon toppings, please!

You no longer feel like drinking iced frappés all day long.

You know it is autumn when the menus at the cafés switch to the season classics. You replace mint with pumpkin spice and iced tea with regular fruit tea.

After all, we need to be able to keep warm to enjoy these small things. Otherwise, the end of summer can make us depressed.

3. Indoors vs. outdoors

After-work activities suffer small changes when fall begins.

Instead of going to the park to roller skate or ride a bike, you prefer bowling with your friends at a bar. Instead of planning a barbecue gathering in your backyard, you look for new heaters to buy online.

Where are the nights when you could easily sleep on the beach or in a tent? The low temperatures of autumn require sacrifices.

4. New seasons of your favorite TV shows

Have you also been fantasizing about Oliver (aka Stephen Amell) all summer long? I know I have. I’m also thrilled to see what "Arrow’s" new season has in store for us.

All your favorite TV shows are coming back, and they are all returning to make your life easier. Since the weather will not feel so friendly anymore, you will have cold and rainy weekends to spend at home.

5. Budget planning for winter holidays

So you came back from your summer trip, showed off your tanned skin around the office and posted all 500 photos on your Facebook wall. What's next?

Well, in order to cheer yourself up, you should start thinking about your next holiday. But don’t get very enthusiastic, you should start saving up if you want to spend a nice New Year’s Eve in the mountains.

It might help if you put down some numbers and plan your budget for the following months. Otherwise, you will be left watching the New Year’s live broadcast from Times Square.