11 Gorgeous, Healthy Breakfast Instagram Accounts You Need To Follow
Instagram is the best and also the worst.
Let us explain. You're scrolling through, nodding along and feeling great as you read an inspirational quote about never giving up and pause to watch an instructional fitness video.
You're super inspired. Instagram is going to be the social media platform that finally gets you in shape!
But before you know it, you're staring at a beautiful doughnut.
Soon enough, you're scrolling through heaping plates of pasta and suddenly you're desperately scouring restaurant menus on Seamless for something that will taste half as delicious as everything you're looking at on Instagram.
Trust us, we've been there.
That's why we dug up 11 beautiful, delicious-looking breakfast Instagram accounts that will also inspire you to be healthy.
Check them out below.
Healthy By Kate
Pears N Pancakes
My Vibrant Soul
Shake For Shape
Vegan Coconut Zone
Squeaky Clean
Secret Squirrel Food
Breakfast Criminals
Plant Based Pixie
Natural Nomad
Blueberry Smoothies
Thinking about investing in a high-speed blender yet? We are.