If You Learn Anything From The #NoMakeup Movement, It Should Be This
By now, we've all heard about the new trend that's been going around: the #NoMakeup Movement.
In case you missed it, it all began with a Lenny Letter article by Alicia Keys. She took readers through the empowering moment when she had a photo shoot for her new album sans makeup (and, might I add, looked absolutely beautiful).
Because of this article, the #NoMakeup trend went viral. Many women, including a few celebrities (Gabrielle Union, Oprah Winfrey and much more), have posted selfies of themselves bare-faced using the hashtag #NoMakeup.
Many people who hopped onto the "no makeup" bandwagon have said how empowered they feel without having to use makeup every day. They say how happy they are that their mornings are now hassle-free.
Before I go any further, I want to say that I love and respect the reasoning behind the campaign. I fully support women empowering themselves in any way they see fit. No one should feel like they have to wear makeup daily if they want to feel accepted by society. Everyone should have the opportunity to wear as much, or as little, makeup as they wish without being judged.
What I cannot support is when people tear down the women who do choose to wear makeup. Makeup is not a terrible thing, and people who decide to wear it should not be shamed for doing so.
I've gotten several comments from former male companions saying things such as, "You know, women only wear makeup for guys" and "You should wear less makeup." Note that I said "former" male companions.
What a woman decides to put on her face is her decision, and her decision alone. Why is it that some men have this preconceived notion that everything a woman does is for him? I digress. That is another article for another day.
Going back to my main point, makeup is an art. If you log in to Instagram, you can see thousands of videos that showcase the skills of makeup gurus in new, innovative ways.
I don't think I'm only speaking for myself when I say that I find makeup extremely therapeutic. In this article by Allure, Renee Jacques explains the therapeutic effects from people going through skincare and makeup routines. For me, the meticulous rituals I do day after day can provide a sense of control.
Makeup not only provides me and my fellow makeup lovers with a therapeutic process, but it also allows me to explore and display my creativity in a fun, eye-catching way. Makeup has gone a long way since sponge-tip applicators and squeeze-tube lip glosses (no offense, Morphe Brushes).
Women and men from various places and tracks of life have displayed their makeup expertise to encourage others to show off their own creativity. Because of this, many individuals have started to find some real enjoyment in playing and incorporating different colors and techniques into their everyday makeup routines.
Just because one person expresses themselves differently doesn't mean they're wrong for doing so. It means they're introducing you to a new way of thinking. And you can either take it at face value and judge them, or you can embrace it and support them.
If you can't tell by now, I'm a huge lover of makeup. I have a fair collection of shadows, highlighters and lipsticks. I wear them whenever I please, depending on what mood I'm in. I have the right to cake it on, just like you have the right to go bare-faced.
Being yourself isn't a trend. No one should ever feel scared to be themselves, even if that means they have eyelashes stretching to their brows or they only have moisturizer on.
Do you, boo.