4 Things Millennials Should Remember When Dealing With Self-Doubt
Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé said it best: There is nothing more pertinent in this thing we call life than self-worth.
If you are not your own number one fan, then get out there, buy a damn foam finger and starting faking it to start making it.
You will get nowhere rapidly if you lack self-worth.
As young adults, we question everything.
Why do my friends seem to find success easier than I do?
Why I aren’t remotely interested in a relationship?
Did I peak in college?
Does this tank make my arms look big?
Are my parents proud?
The answer is stop. Stop with the doubting yourself, and start talking yourself the F up.
Not only are you going to be okay, but you're also going to reach like hell for spectacular.
But, that can only happen once you eliminate your doubts, comparisons and uncertainty.
Here are four things to consider that will help you do it:
1. The magic happens in the mirror.
Whether we like to admit it or not, insecurity reveals itself faster than any other quality.
We all have insecurities.
Some of us wear them on our sleeves like they're our accessories of the day, while others bury them 8 feet under.
We must not do either.
To truly start to appreciate ourselves, we must make amends with our inner demons.
We must leave them at the door. There can be no excuses.
We must face them head-on and bring them to their knees.
Newsflash: No one else has that power.
Not an ex, not our parents, not Jack Daniels, not the friend who has her sh*t together and not pizza.
The strength comes from within, and goddamn, it is powerful.
2. Maybe Rome was built in a day.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t.
But, it’s way too easy to think of every change in life as an intricate process.
Once you indulge in procrastination, well, let’s just say they weren’t lying when they called it a “vicious cycle.”
There’s nothing more damning to self-growth than the absence of taking action.
If you want something, go after it with a sense of purposeful urgency.
It can be simple.
Hate the shabby desk job?
Forget two weeks’ notice; don’t waste another two minutes.
Don’t be a “I’ll start going to the gym on Monday” kind of person.
Change doesn’t have to be a well-crafted plan.
It can be a 2 am afterthought that's turned into reality.
Nothing liberates self-worth like exerting control of your own path.
3. Be unafraid of the unknown.
Self-appreciation means congratulating yourself, even when you think you don’t deserve it.
Our 20s aren’t a blank canvas; they’re a shabby diner napkin for us to scribble all over with boundless mistakes.
Toss them away before they become regrets.
So don’t freak out if that unpaid internship didn’t turn into a full-time position, or if that sort of hot guy never Snapchatted you back.
Fretting over the unknown is as effective as swiping through Tinder to find Mr. Right.
We must recognize that circumstances outside our control shouldn’t gauge our happiness.
By truly "going with the flow," we are allowing our futures to be drenched with unfathomable possibility.
It’s refreshing.
4. We define failure.
Everything happens for a reason.
Believe that, and even the most f*cked up of f*ckups can be morphed into constructive fuel for success.
It is more than okay to stumble after reaching for a goal.
To write it off as a failure is actually a conscious decision.
Our failures are not defined by our parents, our bosses or our exes.
Whether it's eating a box of doughnut holes and crying on the couch, or allowing them to be the motivation that carries us to our next great success, we define our failures and decide how to use them.
Maybe it doesn’t have to be true what they say.
Youth doesn’t have to be wasted on the young, if the young don’t consciously waste it.
This is a vital time to realize how much possibility lies ahead and how much power lies within.