
Why Millennials Are Thrilled With Kristen Stewart's Comments On Sexuality

by Amanda Epstein

Kristen Stewart, thank you for saying what I thought I was the only one thinking:

"I think in three or four years, there are going to be a whole lot more people who don't think it's necessary to figure out if you're gay or straight. It's like, just do your thing."

Damn, you rock.

When I first told my parents I was dating a woman, their reply was: "Don't hurt her."

Thanks, but what about me?

Honestly, it was reassuring to know they cared enough about my girlfriend to worry about her feelings, but their reasoning was flawed.

They simply thought she was gay, and I wasn't. So in a few months, I would break her heart.

Granted, they were right when they said, "[I] never exhibited any of the 'typical signs' that most lesbians do," but why does that automatically rule me out from dating someone of the same sex as me?

Growing up, I was boy crazy. I had my fair share of heterosexual relationships, and it wasn't just because I was trying to compensate for some hidden feeling inside me.

I genuinely liked them. They made me feel tingly inside, and their chiseled abdominal muscles were a nice touch.

Maybe, it was just because I had never considered women in a romantic way, until my best friend kissed me last year. Before that, I had never really thought about being bisexual.

Maybe I was always that way, and my seemingly superficial "girl crushes" were actually real crushes?

I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that there was no "ah-ha" moment, and I wasn't repulsed by kissing someone of the same sex.

So, where did that leave me? I didn't fit.

After a significant period of introspection and searching on Google, I decided I was gender fluid.

It's not that I was always attracted to both sexes; it's just that I didn't seem to care who I was attracted to.

As long as I loved someone, and he or she made me feel special romantically, it didn't matter the gender.

At first, it was a confusing change. Not necessarily because I didn't feel sexually attracted to someone of the same sex, but because I felt like I wasn't supposed to.

I didn't feel bisexual. I wasn't attracted to all women. But then again, I definitely wasn't attracted to all men.

Maybe, that's what bisexuality meant? Or maybe, I'm just a unique case.

But, it seems like all of us don't really fit into what we're supposed to, doesn't it?

I'm sure most of the world disagrees with me, but I don't find the need for my attraction to be labeled. I don't find the need for anything to be labeled, if people don't want it to be.

The sexuality spectrum is massive, as is almost every spectrum I can think of. For example, I'm an extrovert, who thinks like an introvert and acts like an ambivert, but is labeled an extrovert.

It's exhausting and unnecessary to fit yourself into these preconceived notions that rarely apply to anyone in society, let alone your complicated self.

It's just like my girl Miley Cyrus said:

"I'm down with any adult — anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me. I don't relate to being boy or girl, and I don't have to have my partner relate to boy or girl."

It's not like I'm advising people to quit self-discovery all together, but I am saying it really is okay to not fit into the vague and impersonal labels society demands you to.

Again Kristen Stewart, you're killing it:

"If you feel like you really want to define yourself, and you have the ability to articulate those parameters and that in itself defines you, then do it."

That's the crazy thing about people's identities; they are the ones who get to figure them out.

Citations: Nylon