Stop Resisting And Learn To Accept
Deepak Chopra, Hindu Indian-American physician and holistic guru, wrote, "Nothing brings down walls as surely as acceptance." When we choose to accept incidents as reality, we tear down the walls of resistance, holding us back from moving forward. Acceptance is often difficult to submit to. As human beings, we are on a constant pursuit of happiness in every aspect of life. We want nothing more than mere satisfaction at the very least to keep us moving, aiming for something greater as the days and years pass by.
Acceptance means receiving new realities with open arms. It means welcoming what realities we're handed, without battling them for what we desired in their place. Acceptance is the key to avoiding utter chaos in the mind and, rather, maintaining a peaceful state. It seems acceptance can be conquered with ease when considering if you would rather remain at ease, as life flows smoothly, or if you would rather perceive change as a disturbance, which enters your life to rough it up.
The truth is, acceptance is difficult when we are faced with circumstances in life that we would rather avoid, or instances of devastating events that are out of our control. However, letting go and reaching acceptance empowers oneself and brings about the realization that only you are capable of controlling yourself.
The beauty of life is that it's unpredictable. I'm not sure of your feelings on spontaneity and excitement, but I find the unknown future to be extremely thrilling. Many factors of life are rather stagnant, like maybe our line of work or the place that will forever be home, but not knowing what comes next is what makes life so enjoyable. As I said, we are in the endless pursuit of happiness, but when we finally achieve what we were seeking all the while, it is one of the most transcendent feelings. We experience momentary elation in the wake of change when it is welcome.
Change not only occurs in our surroundings to alter our reality, but it also changes what's within. You are transformed as an individual by your experiences. Experiences help you grow, mature, learn and discover. The greatest gift of change is the discovery of the self. Change clears the fog and helps us to see more clearly who we are, what is and what we want.
Nothing in this life is permanent. I used to strongly dislike hearing this statement, particularly in fear of change, but it's actually quite luminous. Nothing is permanent. I explore this phrase with such curiosity. Love is also included in this strong generalization, but it does not have to be interpreted negatively. People change. No one person remains entirely the same for his or her lifetime. As we change, the people we love change, and along with it, our shared love changes. In the best ways, love reaches greater fruition over time and change. However, many loves you experience might not always remain fulfilling.
Acceptance of reality when it is unwelcome and unexpected is one of the biggest challenges we face as life goes on. The best way to deal with these hardships is to find lesson or purpose behind it. Every mountain you have to climb leads you to salvation. To keep your head above water and keep swimming through the tumbling current, you have to accept what comes and embrace it. Don't take pity on yourself, submitting to being the victim of change, but rather, find the good in the rough waters. There is good in even the toughest of times, whether you simply become stronger as an individual, or you learn a valuable life lesson to carry with you forever.
Negative change might seem impossible to accept. Losing a loved one, battling through the end of a relationship that you aren't ready to part with and dealing with your own physical turmoil are some of the most grueling experiences in life that test your resilience. Learning to cope is essential. Life is beautiful, but loss is inevitable; negative change is inevitable. Coping pushes us to continue. Acceptance plays a pivotal role in coping. We learn to move on and to stop resisting what is. We learn to accept what is real, what is right in front of us. We are able to swallow the negativity and turn it into a stepping stone, pushing us forth to see the future for its bright potential.
The way we handle any given change is all about perspective. Consider the situation. Could worse things happen? In many cases, yes. Sometimes you feel you're at the worst, lowest, deepest, darkest hole with no one around to pull you out. What do you do? You accept where you are, and you find your own way out. You alter your thoughts from the negativity weighing you down, keeping you sitting at the bottom of that hole, and you find a glimmer of hope. You find positivity. As far down as you are, you can still see the sun. You're still living and life is going to continue. You devise the solution.
Along with acceptance of your personal circumstance, accepting other individuals is critical to your personal happiness, as it directly affects the success of your relationships. Avoid a critical demeanor. A negative and defeatist mindset will trap you in your own thoughts. Constantly tuning into someone's negative attributes is a guaranteed way to maintain little to no successful relationships. Every person is different. Each individual on this planet is their own person. You won't mesh effortlessly with everyone you come across, but embrace who they are and what makes them special.
Do it with acceptance, just as you should handle change. Don't look for fault in other individuals; don't point out their annoying tendencies. You have annoying tendencies, too! Open your heart to the unique and defining characteristics of every individual you meet. Not only will this expand your social circle, but it will also open your eyes to the good in other people and leave you feeling humbled.
Understanding leads to acceptance. Acceptance leads to peace of mind. When you learn to cease the fight against nature's way, stop resisting and open up to what is, you will learn to accept what isn't. If you accept life in both the happiest and worst of times, you will find a balance that sustains a high level of peace, ready for whatever may come your way.
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