The Types Of People You Need To Cut Out Of Your Life In Order To Be Happy
In life, you will encounter all different types of people: the good, the bad and the detrimental. However the kicker is, at the end of the day, the only person you can rely on is yourself. It actually does not even make sense to entertain the negative types of people in your life, chances are they are extremely unreliable.
You need to surround yourself with people who encourage you to grow and who will not be dead weight you have to carry around through life. Once you cut this type of negativity out of your life, you realize how well you can breathe again.
Those who are incapable themselves will try and cast their issues onto you. They look for any way to release the burden they have on their own lives and do so in a poor manner. You must not allow yourself to fall victim to these issues, as they will only take away from your life’s experiences. It is important to be nice to people, but you cannot do so at the expense of your own happiness.
Nothing changes until we do; we cannot expect the situations around us to alter if our personal behaviors do not change. You must take responsibility for your demeanor and if it means distancing yourself from negative people, then so be it. You need to look out for yourself because when it comes down to it all, you only have yourself to blame for your failures and your triumphs.
These are the types of people you need to be wary of in life:
The Negative
If this person was ever happy or in a good mood, chances are he or she was severely intoxicated. Negative Nancy is that person who literally has the mentality of that angry old neighbor who complains 24/7. These people never bring anything positive into conversation or any social gathering. They constantly complain about every little thing, yet cannot propose any better, alternate plan.
The Downer
Everyone knows who in their circle of friends has this title and that is the person you never make plans with without at least 3+ more friends joining you. This is because you need an odd number of people to outvote the Downer. These people won’t complain outright about proposed plans, but the second you take them out, their bitchy resting face is on.
“Happiness is not determined by what’s happening around you, but rather what’s happening inside you. Most people depend on others to gain happiness, but the truth is, it always comes from within.” - Anonymous
The Judge
This is perhaps one of the worst kinds of people you could ever surround yourself with. Instead of being free and comfortable to act like the real you, you need to monitor your behavior, as this person is closely watching your every move. What kind of friend is this anyway if you cannot even be yourself around him or her? It is one thing to offer advice on certain behaviors, but it is quite another never to feel truly comfortable around your friend.
The Taker
Rob Kim/Getty Images
This person will take, take and take while bringing absolutely nothing of value to the relationship. It takes two sides to have a great friendship, so if you think you are the one doing all of the work, it may be time to reevaluate your situation. It can be exhausting, frustrating and just downright hurtful if you are always the one making the effort, but as soon as you need something, this person is nowhere in sight.
“I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.” – Groucho Marx
The Manipulator
We Heart It
These people will do whatever they possibly can to get whatever they want out of any given situation. They have one priority in life and that is themselves. Actively try to disengage yourself from their manipulation, as failing to do so will only fuel their fire. As soon as you stop responding, the better off you will be.
The Unsupportive One
A good friend is someone who will support you in all of your endeavors even if he or she does not agree with you. Life is about making mistakes and learning from them so even if your venture does fail, you take that lesson with you into the future. Recognize where you went wrong and what you could’ve done to prevent such an error. The next time you try, at least you know which ways to alter your behavior. Don’t waste your time surrounded by people who don’t want to see you succeed or tear down your hopes and dreams whenever they have the opportunity.
“Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.” - Earl Nightingale
The One Who Refuses To Forgive
Tattoo Arm
The ability to forgive is something that not all possess. It takes a strong person to make peace with the negative actions of others. People will and often do make mistakes, but that is just a natural part of life. How would we learn certain lessons if we did not mistakes? If a close friend cannot forgive you for something, then were they really a true friend at all? If they can just cease contact and be complacent with it, why would you even want this sort of person in your life anyway?
Top Photo Courtesy: Gatag