13 Things To Do Your First Year Of College So You'll Look Back With No Regrets
Truth be told, freshman year can be a crazy adjustment period for most.
You're going through one of the biggest life changes you've experienced thus far, surrounded by strangers and in a totally new environment.
On top of that, you're balancing courses while trying to figure out just what it is you want to do with the rest of your life.
Sit back, and take a deep breath.
Navigating college comes down to knowing the tricks of the trade, and making the most of your time there. Soak it all up, because the next four years will fly by.
These are the 13 things you need to do your first year of college so you'll look back with absolutely no regrets.
1. Join At Least Two Clubs
Getting involved in clubs from the start is a great way to meet new people who share some of the same passions. Worried you won't find something you're interested in? Don't be.
There are a ton of options to choose from, and many schools allow students to start their own clubs if they don't see it already available.
2. Make Friends Outside Of Your Roomie Squad
Sure, you can be great friends with your roommates, but don't put all of your eggs in one basket. You'll want some other people to make college memories with, too... whether they be people in your classes, or sorority sisters.
3. Work A Few Hours A Week
Most schools have a student services center that can help you find an on-campus job.
It may not be fun, but you'll definitely appreciate the extra income going into your wallet to feed your social life. A job will also help you avoid calling home to ask for a few bucks.
4. Find A Gym Buddy
Establish your go-to gym buddy who you'll enjoy catching up with at the end of a busy day.
There may even be yoga and meditation classes on campus that will help alleviate any excess stress caused by school.
5. Don't Skip Your Classes
Roll your eyes all you want, but don't skip.
When you think about it, skipping is costing you money each class you decide to sleep through. Plus, the more work you put it now, the less you'll hate yourself during finals week.
6. Go To At Least One Sporting Event
Show off your school pride and show up for games and rallies with your squad.
There's no better time to sport the gear you were gifted when you graduated high school, and you don't want to look back and regret not cheering in the stands with the rest of the school.
7. Get Organized
Buy an agenda, use your iCalendar, put sticky notes on your bathroom mirror -- find whatever works best for you, and keep up with that method.
8. Meet With An Advisor
Especially if you're not quite sure what you want to study, make time to meet with an academic advisor for insight on any majors you're considering.
9. Learn The Best Way To Study For You
If you didn't learn how to study in high school, you need to figure it out ASAP. Classes are going to be a slippery slope without a study schedule set in stone.
10. Try A School Tradition
Spray paint the school's spirit rock, participate in welcome weekend, or sign up for the freshman scavenger hunt.
You'll make some of the best memories this way, and it gets a little harder to stay involved once you move off-campus.
11. Enjoy The Dining Hall While You Can
You have hella convenient access to a variety of great foods prepared for you, with no effort on your part. Enjoy your meal plan while it lasts.
12. Take A Lot Of Pictures
It's your first year of college, so make sure to document it. In the future, you'll be so grateful for the laughs and memories you can look back on.
13. Call Home Every Once In Awhile
Whether they show your or not, your mom and dad miss you, and if you have one, your sibling definitely misses you more than you know.
Take a bit of time out of your hectic schedule to catch up with them.