
Traveling Is The Healthiest Way To Put Yourself Before Others For Once

by Kiana Azizian
Denni Van Huis

We were sailing through the calm blue waters of the Whitsundays Islands in Australia, with warm sun on our skin and cold ciders in our hands. Every so often, a cool breeze would pass over us, blowing our hair into its direction. A blissful silence surrounded us, while the steady rocking of the boat soothed us.

Suddenly, the cute English boy sitting next to me jumped to his feet. It was as if he had just remembered something extremely important.

He dashed toward the front of the boat and perched himself over the edge. He curled his finger over, and then brought his circular shaped hands together, creating what looked like a pair of binoculars. He then proceeded to press his face toward them, as if he was actually looking through out at the horizon.

“No f*cks,” he proclaimed in his sexy accent. “I see no f*cks ahead.” He seemed to be reassuring us as he turned his head from left to right.

I couldn't help but laugh, partially because he looked like he was reenacting a scene from the Titanic. But I was mostly laughing because he was right. At that exact moment, we had no f*cks.

Zero f*cks were given that day. Not even one.

For the remainder of my travels, I carried that moment around with me. I was living life to the fullest and had no cares. The image of him assuring us that we were clear of bumping into any f*cks would replay in my head. I let this memory push me to appreciate my travels to the fullest.

I created his words into my new manta: “Today, I will give zero f*cks. I have have no worries.” I would remind myself of these words every morning.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: We all travel for different reasons. Some are running away, while others are searching for something more meaningful. Some travel to find love, while others are looking for lust.

Some go at it alone, while others travel together. Some of us travel to see, while others travel to do. We each travel for a specific purpose, and we're each searching for different things.

But there is one underlying theme present in each of our journeys. We travel so we can be free. We travel so we can have – you guessed it– no f*cks.

Every person out on the road has his or her own story. Most travelers have unique pasts that have led them to the places they are in now. No two travelers have the same agenda. We are all dancing to the beat of our own drums, searching for a place we can call home.

That is the best way to travel. Have no burdens, no plans, no responsibilities and no obligations.

Not having a plan is the best plan to have. Traveling without any restrictions allows us to have the spontaneity we crave. We wander blindly, taking everything as it comes. We find ourselves out in the land of uncertainty.

We're completely lost, but in a good way.

We learn to how to let go of power and authority, and we realize that most things in our lives are uncontrollable. So, we learn to take things as they come and handle problems as they arise. We discover how to relax and be carefree.

We won't let anyone or anything stand in our way. We are given the opportunity to be able to create ourselves into the people we want to be, while not having to pretend to be anything we aren't. Traveling allows us to be the rawest form of ourselves.

We are reckless, stomping around the world acting like we own the place. We are selfish, leaving behind a life of responsibilities and people who rely on us.

We are jobless, spending the little money we have left of plane tickets. We are homeless, sleeping wherever we can get a spare moment to rest. We are irresponsible, doing only what we please.

But the best part of it all is, we don't f*cking care.

With every border we cross and every stamp we collect, our perspective of the world changes. Every person we met helps shape our new reality. With every interaction, we morph into the people we were put on this earth to be.

We are young enough to know better, but old enough to not give a sh*t.

I will never forget that moment: the rocking of the boat as we slowly made our way, the sun beaming down upon us and the taste of the refreshing cider as it touched my lips.

But above all, I will never forget the feeling of having no f*cking f*cks.