How To Use Mercury Retrograde's Shadow Period To Prep And Plan For Chaos
Mercury in Retrograde, we meet again. On August 12, Mercury will move into full blown retrograde to stay until September 5, wrapping us up in a nebulous cloud of painful delays, miscommunications, and confusion -- or so we've been led to believe. Actually though, right now, in the two weeks leading up to (and following) a Mercury Retrograde, we have what's called a "shadow period" to allow us to prepare for (and then process) the lessons of the retrograde period.
Since we've officially entered Mercury's shadow period, here's how to use the time to your advantage.
Back Up Your Data
How do you prepare for Mercury Retrograde? Well, to start, you should back up all your data now, as your computer or phones are more likely to crap out on you while the communication planet takes its quarterly nap. Another thing to do is to change any passwords you use too much. If your bank password is the same as your Facebook login, that's probably one to shift.
Clear Up Misunderstandings
Go through your messages and make sure you write down any dates in your calendar that you haven't written down already, and be sure you've gotten back to everyone you need to about dates and times that conflict. Make sure to clear up any arguments you've been having or address any misunderstandings before the retrograde goes into full effect, because if you don't, they're more likely to escalate when the retrograde starts.
Press Pause On Any New Projects
If you've been preparing to launch any new projects before September 5, it's best to wait until after this date if that's a possibility.
For instance, if you have a website or app that you've been preparing to launch, it might be better to use this time period during Mercury Retrograde to go back, recheck your work, and clear up any old mistakes. Delays are a pain in the ass, but at least this way, when the retrograde is over, you know your project will launch without a hitch.
Prepare To Focus On The Details
This month, Mercury is retrograding in the sign of Virgo, which rules over daily routines and responsibilities, as well as our productivity. This retrograde will be a time to learn new skills or really get a grasp on whatever we need to do to make our lives more efficient, productive, organized, and healthy.
That can take time, which is why it's so important to be sure that calendar is clear now. You've got to make time for yourself if you're going to improve your life. Set yourself some goals now about how you want to improve during this retrograde period, and make sure you're specific. Virgo loves specificity.
The good news is, just by keeping track of the Mercury Retrograde and beating the clock you're already increasing in your productivity. Kudos to you, reader.