20 Beautiful Wedding Pics That Prove Your Bridesmaids Are Your Friends For Life
Your wedding day is one of the most spectacular days of your life for several reasons.
While most of them have to do with the incredible man standing next to you at the altar, your bridesmaids can make the entire experience extra special, too.
Having your best friends right by your side throughout the process of preparing for a wedding can be a huge help.
The wedding stress melts away as your besties help solve any issues at hand, and monotonous tasks become fun when girl talk is involved.
As you look forward to your big day with your girl squad by your side, be grateful for all they've done for you. One day, you'll be returning the favor.
Here are 20 pictures that prove your bridesmaids are your best friends for life.
1. These adorable pics featuring our main girl Ariana Grande as a stunning bridesmaid.
Remember when we got these stunning pictures of Ariana as a bridesmaid pic.twitter.com/m93tqcBW9s — Nemo & Vanessa (@ArianatorIsland) July 16, 2017
2. This granny who wins the award for most adorable bridesmaid in the history of bridesmaids.
This 92-year-old granny is the sweetest bridesmaid ever! https://t.co/la3voVIQuP pic.twitter.com/J7rM05f47K — LittleThings (@LittleThingsUSA) July 11, 2017
3. Are your bridesmaids even your friends if they don't react like this when you put on your wedding dress?
When your #bridesmaids can't contain themselves. Don't you love these faces?! • pic.twitter.com/9Hgup673H8 — Jeff & Michele (@jmfawp) July 11, 2017
4. This wedding party sure knows how to have a good time.
This is funny...but what I really like is how all the bridesmaids are in a solid orange dress and th pic.twitter.com/GTOSO0vai5 — Casey Laudon (@HistoryVFL) July 11, 2017
5. Smiles all around, obviously.
To me, bridesmaids mean one thing....your most important friends who've been there for you not only in your good times but also in your wor… pic.twitter.com/3dcvCeesRP — digitalplusphoto (@dgplusphoto) July 10, 2017
6. The happiest bridesmaids we ever did see.
“Like” if you're counting down to the day your best friends get to give you away! #weddingparty #bridalparty #bridesmaids #weddingtrends pic.twitter.com/KFGAr5gDM8 — Lily & Lime (@lilylimephoto) July 11, 2017
7. This everlasting friendship withstands even extremely questionable fashion trends.
Tammi Sauer apologized to her bridesmaids for the gown she picked out for them 22 years ago. pic.twitter.com/raj4TO81Qv — Libby McEnulty (@KWCHLibby) July 11, 2017
8. This sparkling group knows that friends who slay together, stay together.
All these beautiful ladies! #Munaluchi #munaluchibride #munabridesmaids / #Repost @nenagrey ・・・#bridesmaids https://t.co/gRo5ySa7On pic.twitter.com/vjLMgfa5nf — Munaluchi Bride (@munaluchiBride) July 11, 2017
9. This beautiful bunch enjoying a candid laugh during photos.
How to choose your bridesmaids – our ultimate guide https://t.co/2VqoMpdxr8 #wedding pic.twitter.com/5Iih4UVSCk — Sue Williamson (@suewilliamson4) July 11, 2017
10. This #BrideTribe who probably had a little too much fun during the bachelorette party.
Hands up if you love your #bridetribe! #bridesmaids #wedding pic.twitter.com/0wukV3qaDb — Guides For Brides (@GuidesForBrides) July 11, 2017
11. This gorgeous group of ladies.
The bride and the bridesmaids. pic.twitter.com/zGiIbLPX1a — Fatimatuz Zahroh (@ima_zahra21) July 11, 2017
12. I'd be that happy, too, if I were in a tropical paradise marrying the person of my dreams.
Laughter is very good for the soul! #wedding #bridesmaids #love #friends #girls #bride #tropical #ido pic.twitter.com/qaycBKAPfU — Lucero Photography (@_analucero) July 10, 2017
13. These floral gems.
An alternative look for your bridesmaid dresses. https://t.co/emWEGQJZvE pic.twitter.com/RIaQReSP2k — Robin Gardner-Jones (@detailsbyRobin) July 10, 2017
14. This joyful wedding party.
Twice the lace dresses, twice the brightly-colored bouquets, twice the bridesmaids. Caitlin & Laura's Wedding: https://t.co/QY6tywCtNJ pic.twitter.com/oPPHq9bLAo — Julia Fenner (@leggybirdphotos) July 10, 2017
15. Between the singing and those beautiful gowns, there's so much to love about this wedding.
Last year today when @thedanieb sang her heart out for us and all our bridesmaids are dressed in Siriano gowns! #anniversary #sirianowalsh pic.twitter.com/EoCFZjV4di — Christian Siriano (@CSiriano) July 9, 2017
16. This gives a whole new meaning to a "friend for life."
One bridesmaid short? That's okay! Your four legged friend will step in #WeddingInspo pic.twitter.com/boq8wX7VgL — GettingMarried.co.uk (@gettingmarriedx) July 9, 2017
17. This girl squad who's set to slay the floral trend.
Samething. #withflowers #thegirls #bridesmaids https://t.co/PcGsjHkHH0 pic.twitter.com/4G4G1IqUTd — Nazia Govaria (@NGovaria) July 9, 2017
18. These ladies looking pretty in pink.
15 Stylish Chic Summer Bridesmaid Dresses Your Girls Will Love! https://t.co/p0hYNDHwMs pic.twitter.com/3Ix9b0rXwu — Solaf (@IyadUAE) July 9, 2017
19. This is the reaction to expect, TBH.
How cute is this photo by @AngelPhoto1..Bridesmaids first look: https://t.co/mF9gTrBqR0 #weddingday pic.twitter.com/f1pmtG2U2K — Wedding Colors (@weddingcolors) July 9, 2017
20. This bride is a lucky lady to have these girls in her life.
The perfect Taupe for the perfect bridesmaids https://t.co/jIfgy0ggr2 : @shillawna pic.twitter.com/IDDkDvEGlU — AZAZIE (@iheartazazie) July 9, 2017