Why You Need To Learn From Your Mistakes
The most important life lessons we will ever learn will be from the bad decisions we make. Time and experience can be excellent teachers when you actually learn a lesson from your poor decisions. Experience comes from our way of living, understanding and the adjustments we make. It also comes from suffering, agony and the ordeals we are afflicted by.
“Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from poor judgment.”
We need to learn from our mistakes so that we do not run the risk of repeating them. We must develop the wisdom and sense to make good decisions and choices. Good judgment will only develop if you truly learn from your mistakes. Unfortunately, for many people, it takes a few repeats of the same mistake to learn the lesson.
Good or bad, experiences are what help us learn lessons and form a better sense of judgment. Bad judgment seems to stick with us longer as a lesson learned because we really do not want to keep repeating it. Wisdom is the knowledge you can gain from making mistakes.
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein
I wholeheartedly believe that good judgment comes from experimentation with life. That includes poor decisions and bad judgment to ensure that good judgment might be recognized by a person and will remain a permanent fixture in their lives. If you have a difficult time making decisions or always blame your bad outcomes on others, then you have not learned anything. If you have not learned from anything, you will continue to have bad experiences that will cause you to make more poor judgments. Until you realize that, you will continue to suffer.
You can only learn from the error of your ways if you recognize the fact that you f*cked up. Too many people remain in denial and place the blame on others. The minute you take responsibility for yourself is when the learning process will begin. When you admit your mistakes, you hasten your learning development.
Everything we are exposed to in life presents us with another valuable lesson. Not only can you learn from your own experiences, but also the experiences of the people you surround yourself with. Sometimes these can serve as the most meaningful lessons since it allows you to observe behaviors from an objective standpoint.
“Well, we all make mistakes, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.”
Growth starts as soon as you recognize your mistake and how to prevent it from happening again. Everyone makes mistakes in life, this is normal, but how you learn from them is how you develop your judgment. The only way to prevent making a mistake a second time is to learn. If you don’t, you will be making that same error again and again until you are forced to learn.
Some mistakes can be lethal, some can cost you money or friends, and some are inconsequential and could be ignored. Regardless of what type of error you made, it needs to be acknowledged and analyzed to prevent it from occurring again.
The lessons lie in the way we interpret our errors. If you keep repeating the same patterns, how can you ever expect your results to differ? It is much more beneficial to face the mistake than to escape from it because it will never be solved by itself. Looking at mistakes and working toward understanding them will promote progress and insight. It is normal to feel shameful about an error you have made, but you cannot hide in denial. If you do that, your progress will only be hindered.
“Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.”