Your 2023 Money Horoscope, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
New year, new goals.
With a new year on the horizon, you’re presented with a clean slate where you can set new intentions and pursue new goals. If managing your finances or making more money is on your to-do list for the new year, then you’ll want to read your 2023 money horoscope.
As always, there are a series of astrological transits to be on the lookout for, but when it comes to financial matters, it’s important to be mindful of the transits activating your Venus-ruled second house of stability and your eighth house of shared resources. Security-seeking and sensually driven, your second house is more personal, as it represents the money you earn and spend. Your second house belongs to Taurus. The eighth house, which belongs to Scorpio, involves both you and a significant other. This could be everything from an employer who pays you every other week to a loan you applied for in hopes of starting a new business venture. Both of these astrological energies intertwine with material and spiritual wealth. This area of your chart is also related to inheritance and lucky breakthroughs, but again, it depends on the astrology.
The Taurus-Scorpio eclipse series — which began towards the beginning of 2021, surrounding matters related to ownership and energetic exchanges — will be wrapping up. And it’s very much aligned with financial foundation.
Ready to see what’s in store for your wallet? Here’s what to expect in terms of money in 2023, according to your zodiac sign:
Aries 2023 Money Horoscope:
If things felt inconsistent with regards to your sense of security in 2022, take heart: you will find more stability and grounding in 2023. This, however, isn’t something that will happen overnight. For instance, with lunar eclipses activating your eighth house of shared resources on May 5, followed by your second house of earned income on Oct. 28, chances are you’re already in the process of wrapping up these financial chapters as we speak, even if it’s a joint collaboration or business partner you’re no longer committed to.
Either way, these are big energies that are being eclipsed out of your life in 2023 in order for you obtain the abundance you both desire and deserve. The best part? Lucky Jupiter will be debuting in Taurus — your second house of income, values, and money-making abilities — on May 16, which means you will have the planet’s help and support to level up financially.
Taurus 2023 Money Horoscope:
For the past two years, the cosmos have been bringing focus to themes of me versus we, as well as your individual identity versus the partner(s) you’ve chosen to commit to. This is all thanks to the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse series, which finally comes to a close in 2023. That being said, there may eclipses in your personal life or something else that needs to be transformed before you can fully bask in these financial beginnings. Nevertheless, there are a series of aspects you can work with. Jupiter also enters your sign in May, so don’t be afraid to test your luck.
For instance, between April 11 and May 7, your celestial ruler, Venus, will glimmer through Gemini and your second house of finances, which is an excellent energy for investments, financial collaborations, and personal monetization in general. There will also be a new moon in this area of your chart on June 18, in case you’re in the mood to plant some seeds of intention. Lastly, Venus will transit through your eighth house of shared resources starting Dec. 29, which can be a beneficial time for business ventures and obtaining other sources of income.
Gemini 2023 Money Horoscope:
The year kicks off with a lot more financial focus than you’re accustomed to, Gemini. For example, in addition to Mercury stationing direct in Capricorn on Jan. 18, via your eighth house of shared resources and other sources of income, there will also be a full moon in Cancer on Jan. 6, via your second house of earned income and value systems. This is suggesting you experiencing a full circle moment in this area of your life. Something will pick right back up from where you left it, so give it a minute before you invest or make any big money moves.
Then, on March 23, after a 15-year-cycle in Capricorn (your eighth house), Pluto will finally enter Aquarius, which will feel like a nice load off compared to the financial pressure or contractual agreements you may have been struggling with for quite some time. Go-getter Mars will be slipping into Cancer on March 25, bringing momentum to your second house of finances, so stay tuned for that. Also, you and a financial employer or significant other could come to a big agreement during the full moon in Capricorn on July 3.
Cancer 2023 Money Horoscope:
One of your main financial moments for 2023 is Venus retrograde. The planet of finances and security will backspin through Leo — your second house of money, comfort, and values — between July 22 and Sept. 3. You’ll want to pay attention to your spending habits, as well as the money you’re earning at this time. However, for some of you, this could inspire a big creative awakening when it comes to your sense of self-worth, as well as your money-making abilities.
Next on your financial notes for 2023 is Pluto’s entry into Aquarius on March 23, as it will kick off a 15-year cycle via your eighth house of intimate unions, other people’s money, and shared resources. Now, this is considered a generational transit, given that the planet of transformation moves slower than the others, which means you won’t begin to see changes until much later. On another note, you’ll want to be mindful of Venus’ journey through Aquarius between Jan. 2 and Jan. 26, as well as the new moon in Aquarius on Jan. 21. Collaborative efforts could bring financial perks.
Leo 2023 Money Horoscope
First thing’s first, Leo: The planet of money and stability (Venus) will station retrograde in your sign from July 22 until Sept. 3. That being said, it’d be best to steer away from financial risks, investments, or contracts involving money at that time. (Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.) But don’t worry, you’re simply being called to take a step back in order to reflect, review, and reassess Venusian themes such as finances, creativity, and self-expression.
Saturn — the planet of limitations, boundaries, and restrictions — will enter Pisces and your eighth house of shared resources on March 23 for the first time since 1996. This could definitely set some ground rules in terms of your joint ventures and finances, so stay tuned. Next, with Jupiter debuting in Taurus in May (your career sector) chances are many of you will be promoted, recognized, or presented with a new career opportunity, so make sure you’re being compensated fairly.
Virgo 2023 Money Horoscope:
Fresh starts are afoot, and I don’t just mean ringing in a brand new year, Virgo. There will be solar eclipses — equivalent to a new moon on steroids, ushering in powerful changes — via your eighth house of shared resources and other sources of income on April 20, followed by one on Oct. 14 via your second house of earned-income and value systems. Now, this astrological axis (Aries-Libra) has everything to do with what’s yours and what you share with a significant other.
Ironically enough, in addition to the eclipses, Jupiter will spend the first few months transiting through Aries and your eighth house of inheritance, joint ventures, and energetic exchanges. This will continue to bring luck and expansion to energies surrounding “give and take,” whether it be with a romantic partner or a business venture that turns out to be financially successful. The North Node will be entering this area of your chart on July 17, suggesting that other sources of income will be of greater focus throughout 2023.
Libra 2023 Money Horoscope:
You’re closing a series of financial chapters in 2023, specifically those that surround your sense of security as well as what other people — significant others, professional employers, financial advisors — are bringing to the table. This is especially true when considering the lunar eclipses happening in your second house of earned income and stability on May 5, followed by one on Oct. 28 via your eighth house of other people’s money.
Big energies will continue to be eclipsed from your world this year, but only so you can embrace the beautiful changes headed your way. For instance, in addition to there being solar eclipses happening in your first house of self and seventh house of one-on-one relationships, lucky Jupiter will be entering Taurus — your eighth house of inheritances and shared resources — on May 15, which is an ideal transit for financial breakthroughs.
Scorpio 2023 Money Horoscope:
The year begins with a much-needed pick-me-up. After several months with your traditional ruler, Mars, retrograding through Gemini — your intimate eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and other sources of income — the red planet will finally station direct on Jan. 12. That said, if you’ve had incoming payments at a halt or have been contemplating a joint venture, things should start to pick back up again. Another takeaway to consider in 2023 is Venus retrograde, as the planet of love will backspin through your career sector between July 22 and Sept. 3.
Venus retrograde could bring changes to your professional life, which may or may not affect your finances, so try to steer away from signing contracts or committing to new financial circumstances during that window of time. Otherwise, you’ll definitely want to take advantage of Venus’ arrival through your financial sector on Dec. 29, as well as the new moon in this area of your chart on Dec. 12. This is especially true for those of you hoping to plant new seeds of intention when it pertains to finances.
Sagittarius 2023 Money Horoscope
You’re stepping into your unique self-expression in 2023, Sagittarius. As for your financial situation, the year begins on tricky note, as Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn until Jan. 18. This retrograde transit will bring emphasis to your second house of money, comfort, and stability, but not in the way you think. For instance, retrograde energies typically slow things down in order for reflection and reconsidering next steps, so try to steer away from commitments and contractual agreements until at least the end of January.
Then, on May 7, Venus will slip into Cancer and your intimate eighth house of joint ventures, shared resources, and other sources of income. This is typically a financial benefit, especially for those of you in committed partnerships — whether it be personally or professionally speaking — as you are complimented by Venus’ abundance, prosperity, and harmonious energy flow. Be it via a business partner, romantic interest, or a loan you’re applying for. Be on the look out for a full-circle moment in your financial sector on July 3, as there will be a full moon in Capricorn bringing closure, clarity, and celebration to this area of your chart.
Capricorn 2023 Money Horoscope
One of the main financial events for you in 2023 is Venus retrograde, as the planet of money and stability will backspin through Leo and your eighth house of shared resources between July 22 and Sept.3. During this time, it’s suggested to avoid signing financial agreements and committing to an investment you’re not 100% certain about. Some of you, however, could hear back from a financial institution on money you’re owed, or reconnect with an ex-spouse or business partner to go over next steps.
Elsewhere, Pluto will be debuting in Aquarius on March 23, after a 15-year-cycle through your sign. This will not only influence your sense of self, but also bring profound transformation to your second house of values, money, and sense of security. Keep in mind, Venus will shine through this area of your chart between Jan. 2 and Jan. 26; this is always a sweet boost in the financial arena. Although, if you’re looking for an opportunity to set some money-manifesting intentions, you’ll want to harness the energy of the new moon in Aquarius on Jan. 21.
Aquarius 2023 Money Horoscope
You’re getting grounded and down to business when it comes to your sense of security in 2023, Aquarius. This is especially significant to consider with taskmaster Saturn debuting in Pisces on March 23, as it will bring structure and discipline to your second house of finances, values, and sense of security. Also, with Venus retrograde touching down on your relationship sector between July 22 and Sept. 3, it’s important to be mindful of the business prospects and contractual agreements that come towards you.
My advice? Wait until Venus is direct, so you can have a better idea about this relationship and where it’s going. Similar energies may or may not come up during the new moon in Virgo on Sept. 14, so be on the lookout just in case. Expect a full circle moment in your financial sector on Aug. 30, as the moon will peak in your second house of values, comfort, and security.
Pisces 2023 Money Horoscope
Change is on the horizon, Pisces. After all, Saturn will be returning to your sign on March 23, and for the first time since 1996. The cosmos is preparing to ground you and help crystalize your individual expression at its highest vibration. More importantly, there will be solar eclipses — equivalent to a potent new moons, ushering in powerful changes — via your eighth house of shared resources and other sources of income on Oct. 14, and another April 20 via your second house of earned-income and value systems.
New avenues are opening up for you when it pertains to matters of ownership, exchange, and financial earnings. The real question is, are you ready to put in the work that comes with it? You’ll want to harness the prosperous essence of Venus, specifically while transiting your second house of finances between Feb. 27 and March 16. Financial perks, promotions, and general feel-good moments are likely during this window of time.
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