New Year, New Baes?

The Luckiest Dates For Love In 2024, According To Astrology

No romance spells needed. 🔮

by Chelsea Jackson
Elite Daily/Getty Images/Shutterstock

With 2023 finally in the rearview, the chaos from last summer’s Venus retrograde (aka the season of breakups) is probably a distant memory, even if the flashbacks are harder to forget. Whatever the case may be, the astrology of 2024 looks much more promising for lovers everywhere, with Venus making moves that should benefit everyone in the romance department on four very lucky days.

How To Use Astrology To Manifest Romance

The key to manifesting love and relationships rests heavily on Venus. As the planet of intimacy, romance, and pleasure, Venus’ condition in the cosmos tends to describe the kinds of partners you’ll attract, as well as offer insight into whether dating is currently with or without its major challenges.

When Venus is in one of its home signs (Taurus or Libra), connecting and relating to others can feel easy and enjoyable; when Venus is in one of the signs of its detriment (Aries or Scorpio), retrograde, or connected to Mars or Saturn by a square or opposition, it can disturb the peace and make it more difficult to get along well with others.

Luckily, 4 Dates Promise To Work Their Magic In Your Love Life In 2024:

  • April 3: Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces
  • May 23: Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus
  • June 17: Mercury conjunct Venus in Cancer
  • Sept. 15: Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini

Also good to note: There will be exactly *zero* Venus retrogrades throughout the next 365 days. Not only does this mean that the planet of love will be coasting through the cosmos with fewer delays and setbacks, but it also suggests that your romantic interests won’t have to jump through as many hoops to get to you, so attracting connections won’t be as difficult.

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April 3

One of the most fortunate astro transits for romance begins with Venus conjoining Neptune in Pisces, increasing your ability to love without limits or bounds.

Since Venus is exalted in this mutable water sign, the partnership-oriented planet can effortlessly see beyond a potential partner’s flaws, making it easier to accept others as they are without too much judgment or criticism. This transit is particularly lucky for those who may find themselves focusing too much on a love interest’s shortcomings, because it will offset the urge to find fault in others.

While this conjunction will amplify your empathy, it also has the potential to be deceptive, so make sure that you’re not over-idealizing a person or relationship. Instead, try visualizing the union that you want as vividly as possible. This will be the day to let your delulu thoughts win.

May 23

The reality regarding your romantic connections will set in as Venus conjoins Jupiter in Taurus.

This transit is optimal for manifesting partnerships that offer security and longevity. Since Venus will be in its home sign of Taurus and conjunct bountiful planet Jupiter (aka the planet of good fortune), you’ll be able to initiate a relationship that’s beneficial on a tangible level. The fixed earth sign is all about materialistic pleasures, so it will be easier to pair up with someone who brings valuable resources to the table on this day.

Your desires will also heighten, but you won’t want to have to settle for anything less than what you want. You’ll prioritize quality over quantity, making this a fortunate time for dating high-quality people. You won’t be enticed by anyone who doesn’t meet your standards.

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June 17

You’ll be feeling more aware of your needs as Mercury and Venus link up in the intuitive sign of Cancer.

During this transit, others will be more receptive to your feelings, making this a fortunate time for opening up and having conversations that make you feel safe and emotionally supported. Feel free to express your vulnerable side; it will be well-received by the company you’re keeping.

You’ll be more compelled to want to nurture and take care of your romantic interests on this day, which could deepen and intensify the bond within the dynamic. Sharing sentimental stories and forming connections based on emotional compatibility will be easier than usual. If you’re spending time with a special someone, cook their favorite dish or put on a comfort show that you’re both fond of — anything that creates feelings of warmth and familiarity.

Sept. 15

As cuffing season nears, Venus in Libra will trine Jupiter in Gemini, increasing enjoyment, human interaction, and romantic connection.

Since Venus will be in its home sign of Libra, getting along with others will happen effortlessly. During this transit, you will be able to bond with others over like-minded thoughts and interests, making this a beneficial day for going to a party or on a date.

You’ll be feeling extra bold, too. Go on a first date, create a dating app profile, or attend a social event — because this will be a good day to take some risks. You’ll be well-received, particularly through communicating your interests and perspectives. It may also be a day when a relationship experiences a positive progression, increasing its potential. Wins all around.

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TL;DR: Since each of these days involves Venus, they are also advantageous for manifesting other needs like financial growth, self-love, or success. The goddess of love rules over all forms of beauty and pleasure, so you’re able to use the planet’s abilities to increase abundance in any area of your life that you choose.

For a more detailed understanding, check the house in your birth chart where the Venus transit is taking place.