Feel The Magic, Because You’re Entering A New World This Week
Bask in the fairy dust. ☆
You’re on the verge of a spiritual awakening and an artistic revolution. This week, you’re exploring the great expanse of your imagination and discovering a different realm. You’re plucking on your heartstrings and falling in love with the music. By the time this experience has fully sunken its teeth into you, you might even feel like a different person. After all, your horoscope for the week of April 11, 2022 is overflowing with goodness and brimming with abundance. Give yourself permission to welcome everything the universe has to offer with open arms. You deserve it, babe.
On April 12, larger-than-life Jupiter will join forces with dreamy and escapist Neptune, forming a conjunction at 23 degrees Pisces. This magical alignment only takes place every thirteen years, and every time these enchanting gas planets become a united front, it launches a new era of growth and creative expansion. However, this upcoming Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is particularly special, because they’re meeting in mutable water sign Pisces, a zodiac sign in which both planets flourish and thrive. This mystical and momentous occasion could evoke a world-wide shift that prioritizes love and self-expression above all. Embrace the fact that beauty is infinite and there’s more than enough to go around.
By April 14, another major planetary switch will take place as Mars — planet of action and drive — leaves behind its home sign of Aries and enters the fickle and illusive realm of Pisces. Although Mars may seem harmless as it surges through such emotional and introspective territory, there’s more to this transit than meets the eye. Although Mars in Pisces may not express its anger with as much aggression and it might not fight tooth and nail for first place, you don’t always understand the extent of its power until it’s crashing over you with full force. Let’s not forget — Pisces is the entire freakin’ ocean (and it’s when the ocean is at its most quiet that you should be worried about a tsunami).
As if this week wasn’t intense enough, you’ve also got a full Pink Moon scheduled for April 16 at 2:55 p.m. ET. This full moon will rise in Libra — the cardinal air sign of balance and harmony, especially regarding your relationships. As it opposes the sun in individualistic and impulsive Aries, this full moon will remind you to consider the way your actions affect others. It will also inspire you to solve conflicts with compassion, diplomacy, and intellectual cleverness. Whether you’re facing your best friend, your lover, your colleague, or even your enemy, you’re taking on a different role every time. It may be time to learn how to play each role with more effectiveness.
Here’s what each you can expect this week, according to your sun and/or rising sign.
This week, a burst of spiritual energy will activate your psychic senses. The more you embracing inner healing, the sharper your intuition will become. Connect with your heart center and find the courage to explore your inner world. Let your ego become a part of you, but don’t let it obscure who you *really* are. Pay attention to those who come to your aid and understand your intentions. Align yourself with the people who align with your highest self.
You’re connecting with the world on a grand scale this week. In fact, you may find reconnecting with your social circle and creating magic with the people you meet along the way. Open your heart to the understanding that everything — and everyone — is connected, and together, nothing can stand in your way. However, in order to make the impossible possible, you need to get practical about your goals and serious about your level of discipline. You’re ready to do the work.
This week, you may be seeing your name in lights. You’ve been working hard and taking your failures in stride, and now, you’re ready to reap the rewards of your resilience. Embrace all the accolades and appreciation you’re receiving, because it’s only inspiring you to keep going. Believe it or not, work *can* be fun. You’re finally learning how to set your sights on the goals that keep you up late at night because you can’t stop thinking about how much they matter to you.
Your world is becoming *much* bigger, and this week, you’re seeing things in a bright and positive light. In fact, your desire to expand your horizons, try new things, and live life to the fullest is next level, so follow it with every inch of your heart. Don’t be afraid to believe in something larger than what you thought before. And as you see the world, it paints a clearer picture of what’s waiting for you at home. To heal your heart, start with the roots and work your way up.
You’re tapping into your power this week. Although you might experience the rise and fall of all the emotions you’ve been holding close to your heart, it’s making one thing clear — you’re pretty damn resilient. As you let go of what’s holding you back and embrace a brand new start, it may feel difficult to release your grip on the past, but you *know* its in your best interest. Speak your mind without hesitation, because the world needs to hear your story.
Your relationships are taking a beautiful turn, and this week, you may realize you’re becoming closer to someone than you’ve ever been before. In fact, friends, lovers, and allies are coming to your aid, showing you what it means to be involved in a truly inspiring partnership. And as you gain a deeper awareness of who has your back, you’re also learning how to sustain yourself first and foremost. Don’t forget to take care of yourself before making sacrifices for others.
This week, you may feel inspired by the process behind everything you do. You may feel motivated to be as productive as possible, breaking records and putting bad habits to rest. However, the need to indulge on progress can become counterproductive if you don’t value rest and rejuvenation along the way. As you come to terms with how much you’ve grown as a person, you may feel ready to make changes in your life that align with the person you’re becoming. Go for it.
You’re experiencing a creative breakthrough this week. In fact, if anyone’s leading this artistic renaissance, it’s got to be you. Now’s the time to embrace your urge to express yourself; to get up on stage and show the world what you’re made of. You’ve got too much talent to keep it contained. Unleash it all without hesitation. In fact, you’re realizing how healing it can be to create art out of your pain, because the best creations are always fueled by so many emotions.
You’re feeling deeply rooted where you stand this week. In fact, you may feel drawn back to your roots (or ready to plant new ones somewhere beautiful). The more you nurture your personal life and spread warmth across your familial connections, the stronger they become. Define your circle of trust, but don’t forget there are layers to how deep this trust this extends. Embrace the way everyone plays a different role in your life and the significance of each bond you crate.
This week, you may feel flushed with intellectual promise. In fact, you may feel the urge to study everything you want to know about a topic that intrigues you. A bright idea may surge through your heart, pushing you to flesh it out and discuss it with your colleagues and mentors. Embrace the urge to follow your curiosity, because it’s leading you toward great success. The world is watching your progress, so give them something incredible to talk about.
This week, you’re beginning to understand that wealth and abundance extend *far* beyond money matters. You deserve a healthy pay day, but you’re also realizing that being “rich” doesn’t always mean having a phat bank account, but a heart that’s dripping with love. Indulge in what stabilizes and anchors you, because in order to explore the world without hesitation, you need to know how to find your way back home. You don’t want to get so lost that you can’t even locate your North Star.
You’re flowing with potential and radiating confidence wherever you go. If you’re feeling larger-than-life, it’s no wonder. After all, this week’s Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces has got you feeling like you’re on top of the world. Feed into your soul purpose, because you might be discovering the meaning of life this week. However beautiful this new perspective may seem, leaving behind your old mindset isn’t always easy. Go gentle into this gorgeous new chapter.