Young woman with her hair tousled during the August 2022 full moon, which will be groundbreaking for...

Every Zodiac Sign Can Expect A Groundbreaking Evolution During The August Full Moon

Get ready to revolt.

by Chelsea Jackson

On Aug. 11, the full moon in Aquarius will light up the sky, illuminating the need for innovation, structure, and individuality. Since this full moon is conjunct Saturn retrograde, it’s shining a light on the boundaries you’ve been holding onto. With Uranus squaring this lunation, there’s a need to make some powerful changes now, but not without some resistance.

Here’s what every zodiac sign can expect from the August 2022 full moon:

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Aries (March 21-April 19)

As the full moon illuminates your 11th house of friends, community, and social groups on Aug. 11, conversations around how to innovate the boundaries and systems you’ve upheld here will take center stage. How have the rules you’ve been following when it comes to making friends been holding you back? Now is the time to embrace new, unfamiliar ways of connecting with the people around you.

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