Share photos of your nieces and nephews with these Instagram captions for aunt photos.

35 Best Instagram Captions For Your Cool Aunt Photos

“I'm not like a regular aunt. I'm a cool aunt."

by Rachel Chapman
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Let’s face it, you don’t want to be just like any other aunt. Your goal is to be the cool aunt your niece or nephew can’t wait to hang out with. It almost makes you feel like a celebrity seeing the excitement on their face when you walk in the room. So, of course, you do everything you can to keep the “cool” title by planning fun adventures you can go on together. While you’re making memories playing dress-up and running around the backyard (and snapping plenty of photos), you’ll want to be equipped with Instagram captions for aunt photos that are too cute not to post.

Not only do you love making memories that’ll last a lifetime, but you love bragging about how adorable and wonderful your niece or nephew are. In fact, you probably have a million photos saved to your camera roll that you’ll share with anyone who asks about them. You know those photos are grid-worthy as well and need to be posted to Instagram stat. The problem is coming up with a cute Instagram caption that expresses just how much you love being an aunt. Luckily for you, these 35 Instagram captions for your cool aunt photos are here for you to use.

Use a funny aunt caption for a silly selfie of you with your niece or nephew making funny faces or a sweet aunt quote for a candid snap from your day trip to the zoo. Whatever the moment, you’ll want to have the right words ready to go. Just remember to take all the pictures you can, because kids grow up too fast and you’ll wantto really cherish the moments you have together.

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  1. "My darling girl, when are you going to realize that being normal is not necessarily a virtue? It rather denotes a lack of courage." — Alice Hoffman, Practical Magic
  2. "I never dreamed I would be a super cool aunt, but here I am rocking it."
  3. "Aunt: like a mom, only cooler."
  4. "I was born to be the cool aunt."
  5. "I'm not like a regular aunt. I'm a cool aunt."
  6. "I used to just be the cool sister. Now I'm also the cool aunt."
  7. "Only an aunt can give hugs like a mother, keep secrets like a sister, and share love like a friend."
  8. "There's this boy... he kinda stole my heart. He calls me Auntie."
  9. "Nine out of 10 children get their awesomeness from their aunt." — Someecards
  10. "Funtie: like an auntie, only cooler."
  11. "I'm the fun aunt everyone warned you about."
  12. "BAE: best aunt ever."
  13. "I may have not carried you for nine months, but I will spend the rest of my life loving you, protecting you, and doing whatever I need to make you happy."
  14. "Sometimes, the littlest things take up the most room in your heart." — Winnie the Pooh
  15. "Let me love you a little more before you're not little anymore."
  16. "There's nothing little about the light you shine."
  17. "My favorite people call me aunt."
  18. "Being a sister is an honor. Being an aunt is priceless."
  19. "Best aunt ever, at your service.”
  20. "If you only knew how much those little moments with you mattered to me."
  21. "You may not have my eyes or smile, but from that very first moment, you had my heart."
  22. "Great sisters get promoted to aunt."
  23. "An aunt is a safe haven for a child. Someone who will keep your secrets and is always on your side." — Sara Sheridan
  24. "The best aunts aren't substitute parents, they're co-conspirators." — Daryl Gregory, Harrison Squared
  25. "Becoming an aunt is like finally meeting your soulmate."
  26. "I love it when somebody sees me, screams my name, and then runs to hug me."
  27. “I live for the moments when my sister/brother says Aunt [your name] is here, and it’s followed by excited screams.”
  28. “I promise to always keep your secrets and give you candy.”
  29. “Always down to play dress-up.”
  30. “Happiness is becoming the aunt you've always dreamed of being.”
  31. “I may never be an EGOT, but I am the cool aunt, so I think I win.”
  32. “If you've got it, aunt it.”
  33. “Do I love being the cool aunt? You bet giraffe.”
  34. “I’ll always be your auntie and bestie.”
  35. “Nacho average aunt.”

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