I Tried Bloom Greens, The Powder That’s All Over Your TikTok FYP
Influencers like Alix Earle swear by it, but is it worth the hype and actually healthy?
Bloom’s TikTok-viral Greens & Superfoods powder is eating it on the FYP, with numerous influencers claiming it’s their go-to remedy for everything from energy to bloating. Even TikTok It girlie Alix Earle starts her day with one scoop of the green powder, which claims to boast over 30 fruits and veggies. Hype notwithstanding, I tried Bloom Greens & Superfoods to find out whether it’s worth the cost (it’s about $40 for 30 servings), what it tastes like, and whether it lives up to its nutrition claims, according to a dietician.
When my mango-flavored Bloom Greens & Superfoods arrived in the mail, the first thing I looked at was the label. According to the product’s packaging, you can expect to ingest over 30 ingredients per serving, including whole fruits and vegetables, fiber, probiotics, organic green superfoods, antioxidants, adaptogens, and digestive enzymes. Bloom Green’s 30+ ingredients list seems to fall in the middle compared to competitors like Enso Supergreens, which has over 20 organic ingredients, and the popular Athletic Greens, which has 75. I also noticed Bloom Greens & Superfoods is gluten, dairy, and soy-free, making it a good green powder option for people with certain dietary restrictions or sensitivities.
Bloom doesn’t share how many servings of fruit and vegetables are in each scoop (for reference, American adults need four to five servings of fruit and four to five servings of veggies per day), but a quick glance at the “fruit and vegetable blend” on the back shares powdered forms of carrot, beet, beet, kale, spinach, blueberry, and broccoli as some of its key ingredients.
What Does Bloom Greens & Superfoods Taste Like?
Flavored supplements can taste artificial or overwhelming, but IMO, green powders can be a little hit or miss without some type of sweetness. I decided to try the mango Bloom Greens (it also comes in berry, coconut, original, and citrus) based on its positive reviews.
Opening up the container, I was surprised that it was only filled up halfway with the green powder. Considering a 30-count container costs $39.99, my first impression was that you wouldn’t be getting that much bang for your buck. The powder itself was a light green color, and smelled somewhat grassy. I mixed one scoop of the Bloom Greens & Superfoods with a glass of water, and grabbed a metal straw. While I’ve seen people add it to a smoothie or protein shake with a whisk or blender, I wanted to see what it really tasted like without adding anything else.
At first sip, I was surprised by how good it tasted. The mango flavor really complemented the taste of the greens and added a hint of sweetness without being overwhelming or tasting artificial. Though I enjoyed drinking it by itself, I think Bloom Greens would be a tasty addition to a fruit smoothie.
After a week of having Bloom Greens & Superfoods daily, I noticed that I felt slightly less bloated overall, but I don’t think it was a dramatic difference compared to how I feel most days. One big benefit with having Bloom Greens every morning pre-coffee was that it made me consciously consume more water that week, and I was living for the extra-glowy skin and additional energy as a result of being more hydrated.
Bloom Greens & Superfoods Ingredients, Decoded By A Dietitian
Before cutting your fruit and veggies for a daily serving of Bloom Greens, Kate McGowan, a Boston-based RD, tells Elite Daily that green powders should be seen as a supplement rather than as a substitute for whole foods. Because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve dietary supplements before they are sold, she says there’s a lack of recent, high-quality, peer-reviewed research and regulation to support their efficacy. It’s also hard to know how much of each ingredient is in the product, as Bloom Greens does not have any third-party testing.
“I always recommend whole foods first, because you know exactly what you are getting when you eat, let's say, a handful of spinach,” McGowan says. “We also know that when you eat a whole fruit, like an apple, the fiber is found in the skin.”
Because dietary supplements are not approved by the FDA, it’s tough to really substantiate Bloom Greens & Superfoods’ claims that it supports against bloating, balances gut health, and boosts energy. (On its back label, Bloom does acknowledge these claims have not been evaluated by the FDA.) While the FDA only approves a handful of health claims with significant scientific backing, McGowan says Bloom’s ingredients list looks comparable to other green powders that are currently on the market.
However, she flagged that people who are sensitive to FODMAPs, aka fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, might experience some bloating from the chicory root fiber in the Bloom powder. Inulin, which is the first ingredient on the list, is also a fiber which can cause bloating and gas when consumed in excess.
It’s also worth noting that like many other green powders on the market, Bloom Greens also has an adaptogenic blend with rhodiola for energy, as well as digestive enzymes. Anyone with pre-existing digestive issues or who’s taking certain medications that could be impacted by adaptogens should check with a health professional before incorporating powders with these ingredients into their daily routine.
What To Look For In A Green Powder Product
When it comes to consuming dietary supplements like green powders, McGowan suggests looking into a company’s sourcing and testing to ensure it’s a safe product. While she normally suggests looking for powders that are NSF-certified for sports (i.e. the products do not contain unsafe levels of contaminants, prohibited substances, or masking agents), she says it’s a good sign Bloom’s website states that its products are manufactured in a Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) facility. It’s also a good idea to check out the ingredients list of any green powder for any specific intolerances. Though McGowan says she didn’t see any listed on Bloom Greens’ ingredients lists, common sugar substitutes like sorbitol, xylitol, erythritol, mannitol, and lactitol that are found in many powders can cause bloating.
In short, adding Bloom Greens to your diet can be a more convenient way to increase your vegetable and fruit consumption, but it’s best to view it as a supplement to eating real whole foods. “As a dietitian, I love that one scoop contains all of these fruits and vegetables, because we know that people are not consuming enough daily as it is,” McGowan says. “If people supplement with a greens powder, it’s a step in the right direction.”
Expert cited :
Kate McGowan, RD, and founder of Bittersweet Nutrition