Christmas May Not Be Holly Or Jolly For These 3 Zodiac Signs
Ho, ho, no.
Christmastime brings many things — cold weather, chestnuts roasting, and Mariah Carey, to name a few — but despite the cheeriness many people feel during this time of year, others may have a more difficult time getting into the holiday spirit. Since Capricorn season is still in full swing, this earthy cardinal sign energy is pushing many zodiac signs to prioritize their goals and ambitions as the year comes to an end, but not everyone enjoys the Saturnian energy of this season. In fact, Christmas 2021 will be the worst for these unlucky zodiac signs — Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius — because their energy differs strongly from the disciplined, structured energy of Capricorn.
Along with the sun, Venus is also in Capricorn, but is currently retrograde and will be conjoining Pluto on Dec. 25. As the planet of love and connection, Venus’ conjunction to Pluto — planet of transformation and rebirth — will likely prompt sudden changes in romantic dynamics. This will especially be the case for Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Since Venus will be retracing its steps through the dark houses of each of these signs’ birth charts, each of these air signs will be prompted to direct their attention to their more inner, private connections.
Here’s what each individual air sign can expect on Christmas Day, based on their birth chart:
As the mutable, adaptable air sign of the zodiac, Capricorn season doesn’t exactly complement a Gemini’s characteristics. And Venus retrograde may double down on its effects. As the planet of love and connection retraces its steps through your eighth house of endings, boundaries, and shared resources and conjoins Pluto in Capricorn on Dec. 25, you’ll be prompted to reevaluate your relationships and assess the boundaries you may or may not have in place. You like a lot of freedom in your romantic dynamics, but boundaries are an essential part of every relationship you’ll ever have. While Christmas may be the turning point that your relationships may need, it could possibly coincide with some necessary endings that will wipe your slate clean just in time for the new year.
As the Venus-ruled sign of the zodiac, this retrograde is affecting you much more than the other signs, specifically pertaining to your home and family dynamics as Venus makes its way through your fourth house. Christmas Day will likely coincide with some sort of powerful turning point as your chart ruler conjoins Pluto, asking that you reflect on your role among your family’s dynamics. While your first instinct is to mediate, it’s not a responsibility you should constantly be burdened with — especially during the holidays. Be sure to use this time to pause and reflect on how you’ve possibly sacrificed your own needs in order to keep other people happy, and set necessary boundaries between you and the people who have possibly been taking advantage of you.
While Capricorn is a sign also ruled by your chart ruler, Saturn, your energy couldn’t be more different, which is a major reason why Venus retrograde will be a bit challenging for you. As Venus moves through your 12th house and conjoins Pluto on Dec. 25, you’ll be asked to reevaluate your current relationship dynamics. Are you being held back by your bonds, or are they supporting the current growth you’re experiencing? As a fixed sign, you tend to resist change, but this retrograde will be giving you the boost you need to release all the things that are no longer serving you, just in time for 2022.