24 Cute Texts To Send Your Best Friend Right Now, Just Because
Your person could always use a little extra love.
Let's face it: Your phone is constantly popping with text notification after text notification from your best friend. You're BFFs, after all, so you keep in touch by sending each other messages when you remember an inside joke or see something that reminds you of them. There's not a day that goes by when you're not communicating somehow through sending TikToks back and forth, or tagging each other in Instagram foodie pics. You've exhausted your go-to GIFs, so now you’re in need of some cute texts to send your best friend — just because.
Sometimes, you just want to get sappy. You feel like sending a nice note to your bestie to simply say, "Hey, I'm really glad we're friends." There’s truly no better feeling than getting an out-of-the-blue text from your fave person on a random Tuesday. It always makes you feel one million times more loved knowing that someone’s always thinking of you. So, why not return the favor and do the same for your bestie? A simple text you could send is a fun nod to a throwback moment you two experienced or a random memory you share, but if you're looking for something a little bit sweeter, here are 24 cute texts that will instantly make them smile.
To Let Them Know You're Thinking Of Them
- "Just wanted to say hello, and I love you."
- "Just saw your Instagram selfie, and was reminded that my BFF is a model."
- "TBT to brunch last weekend."
- "Ugh, this meeting at work is so boring. Wish you were here."
- "Was just thinking about you, so I guess it was the universe telling me to send you this text hoping you have a great day."
- "Sometimes, I wonder if I should buy a lottery ticket, because I'm the luckiest person in the world to have a friend like you."
- “#NeverForget that I love you so much. That’s all.”
- “Our song just came on the radio. Miss you!”
To Make Them Laugh Out Loud
- "Not to sound totally cheesy, but you're a gouda best friend"
- “Words cannot espresso how much you bean to me. Wanna get Starbucks later?"
- "Don't forget that 'F' is for friends who do stuff together. 'U' is for you and me. 'N' is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea." — (Inspired by SpongeBob Squarepants' "F.U.N. Song")
- "I value our friend-chip, because you guac my world."
- "If you magically turned into ice cream, I promise I wouldn't eat you. You know that's big, because you know how much I love ice cream."
- "Thank you for being my best friend, and also watch out for that pole in front of you."
- “You’ve got a pizza my heart. Also, I’m hungry.”
- “Water you doing? I can’t wait to sea you again. You’re my favorite beach.”
To Make Their Day Better
- "Just a reminder that you're the Cristina to my Meredith — aka, my person."
- "Sending you a virtual hug. I hope you can feel it."
- "You're my hero, and I'm so lucky to call you my BFF."
- "I know other people claim to have best friends, but you truly are the best."
- "Hope you're having the best day ever, and if not, let's get margs later and vent."
- "Hoping you have a truly kick*ss day today, because you deserve it.”
- “Wanna scream-sing to some Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift later?”
- “I can just tell that the outfit you have on today is something I want to borrow.”
This article was originally published on