The Final Days Of 2021 Could Be Dramatic AF If You're 1 Of These Zodiac Signs
Outlook not so good on Dec. 24, in particular.
2021 has been a wild ride, and because astrology never rests for too long, the year will end on a particularly dramatic note. December has arrived and it’s packed with volatile astrological activity. It begins with a solar eclipse in Sagittarius at 22 degrees on Dec. 4, pointing you toward an expansive and soul-enriching shift. The last month of 2021 could very well lead you down a path you never expected to take, and if you happen to be one of the unlucky zodiac signs who will have the worst month of December 2021 — Taurus, Cancer, and Libra — then you’re probably feeling the cosmic chaos more than most.
This month could unearth deeply buried truths about your relationships. After all, romantic Venus will join forces with revelatory Pluto on Dec. 11, encouraging you to face the darker facts about how your relationships function. When Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn as of Dec. 19, you may even find yourself facing unfinished business with someone in your life. This retrograde will likely encourage you to have an honest conversation with yourself about the way you deal with conflict and the boundaries you’ve set with others, especially as Venus once again joins forces with Pluto on Dec. 25.
The holiday season may also coincide with some frustrating, yet inspiring challenges. As rigid Saturn squares off with unpredictable Uranus on Dec. 24, you may feel particularly torn between following what you’ve been told and embracing your instinct to shake things up. You might feel stuck between a rock and a hard place, but that rock could easily become a diamond under the right pressure.
Here’s why the following zodiac signs may run into difficulty this month:
Taurus: You May Feel Frustrated With Whatever Is Holding You Back
You may feel a little off this month, Taurus, and it’s all thanks to the fact that Venus, your ruling planet, is stationing retrograde on Dec. 19. This could leave you feeling somewhat confused or disconnected, forcing you to become a bit more resourceful and flexible. As the month continues, you may feel like certain situations in your life are becoming more emphasized and intensified. It may even feel like certain walls are closing in, forcing you to either respect their barriers or tear them down. As Saturn squares off with Uranus in Taurus on Dec. 24, you may be on the verge of rebelling against whatever has been limiting your potential.
Cancer: You Might Experience More Relationship Drama Than Usual
This month, you may feel like you and your loved ones are stepping on each other’s toes, Cancer. Venus will station retrograde as of Dec. 19, stirring drama in your seventh house of partnerships. This could bring dormant conflicts back to life, encouraging you finally discuss the elephant in the room and get some answers. If you’re not getting along with someone you love, try to stay positive. You’re learning so much about what kind of partner you are and what kind of partner you need. Work through the difficult things, because it just might bring you and your partner so much closer.
Libra: You May Feel Like Your Personal Life Is Way Complicated
If it feels like this month is a doozy, you’re well within your rights to complain, Libra. Venus — your ruling planet — will station retrograde on Dec. 19, which may leave you feeling more vulnerable and sensitive than usual. This retrograde also happens to take place in your fourth house of home and family, which can bring deep-seated emotional issues to light. However, these issues may have always been there, simmering just beneath the surface. This retrograde could be a beautiful opportunity to work through them in a way you never have before.