Your December 2023 Horoscope Is Intense (Hi, Mercury Retrograde)
Why so serious?
Merry Christmas? More like Mercury Christmas. The final month of the year is here, which means that holiday decorations will quickly be turning into colorful vision boards and lengthy lists of New Year’s resolutions. But before you get serious about your goals for 2024, your December 2023 shows that you’ll be getting one final dose of adventure before the winter solstice begins.
As you say goodbye to the carefree energy of Sagittarius season, Mercury retrograde will ask that you get serious about the long-term plans you have in mind. While these newfound ambitions may require you to ramp up your self-discipline, this month’s astrology doesn’t signify all work and no play — it’ll also come with some emotional aha moments. ’Tis the season, after all.
The Astrological Dates Everyone Should Keep In Mind In December 2023
- Dec. 12: Sagittarius new moon
- Dec. 13: Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn
- Dec. 21: Capricorn season begins
- Dec. 26: Cancer full moon
December 2023’s Astrological Overview Intensifies As The End Of Year Approaches
December’s astrology doesn’t truly begin until the Sagittarius new moon takes place on Dec. 12. As the luminaries conjoin in this mutable fire sign, you’ll be prompted to feast your eyes on an uplifting new perspective. If you’ve been in need of encouragement, expect to feel inspired and enlightened on this day. Since this lunation will be ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, every sign will feel closer to accomplishing the dreams and ideals that previously may have felt out of reach. You’ll be inspire to take big risks, and in turn, reap big rewards. Keep in mind in which house Sagittarius falls in your birth chart, because that’s where you can expect massive developments to unfold.
One day later, Mercury will station retrograde in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, prompting a brief reevaluation period of your long-term goals. With Mercury reversing its way through this sign, you may find yourself rethinking some of the endeavors you’ve been slowly building upon. Are you satisfied with what you’ve been establishing? If not, this will be the time to go back to the drawing board. However, since Capricorn is a Saturn-ruled sign, you may not feel incredibly flexible when it comes to making changes to your plans. If anything, you may find that the only thing that needs changing is your mindset. Self-discipline is essential, but it’s not supposed to be overly limiting.
The sun will shift into Capricorn on Dec. 21, marking the start of the winter solstice, and consequently the start of girl-boss season. As the sun shifts into this productive earth sign, the ambitions and objectives you have for the new year will not only be illuminated, but the shift in season will motivate you to take action, too. If you’ve been putting off any important responsibilities, you may feel inclined to take care of them. Capricorn season is all about fully embracing what your obligations are, so you’ll feel the weight of your commitments really start to set in.
The month ends with a Cancer full moon taking place on Dec. 26, highlighting the emotional needs that have taken a backseat during the hustle and bustle energy of Capricorn season. You may feel intuitively led to people, places, or things that support and satisfy you. While Capricorn season tends to emphasize rational thinking, this full moon is a reminder that your nonlogical needs deserve to be honored too.
Here’s what each zodiac sign can expect from December’s astrology:
Aries Zodiac Signs (March 21 - April 19)
During the Sagittarius new moon on Dec. 12, you’ll be setting your sights on broadening your horizons through different beliefs and perspectives as this lunation unfolds in your ninth house. You’re always eager to break out of your usual routine, and today, you’ll be looking for any new endeavors that allow you to do so. You may be enrolling in a new class or booking a flight to a destination that pushes you out of your typical comfort zone. Either way, today’s adventures are certain to keep you guessing.
You’ll start to reevaluate your career and professional endeavors on Dec. 13, as Mercury stations retrograde in the methodical sign of Capricorn. As the planet of communication retrogrades through the cosmos, you’ll be adjusting the current mindset you have pertaining to your career — particularly when it comes to longevity. You feel most successful when you’re steadily working toward a long-term goal at work, but during this retrograde, you may experience a brief change in perspective when it comes to what you’re trying to accomplish. Luckily, as the winter solstice begins on Dec. 21, you’ll be made aware of new opportunities for success, as well as some well-deserved recognition for your current efforts. While you may be in the process of making changes to your public persona, your hard work won’t be going unnoticed.
The astrology of the month comes to a close during the Cancer full moon on Dec. 26, illuminating your desire for comfort and security in your home and private world. As this full moon unfolds, you’ll feel the urge to retreat into the comfort of your safe and familiar habitat. While today’s energy won’t have you feeling particularly social, it’s a fortunate time for cozying up to family or roommates. Recharging your batteries in the place you feel the safest will fill your cup in immeasurable ways.
Taurus Zodiac Signs (April 19 - May 21)
You’ll prioritize an abundant new chapter in your financial duties and shared responsibilities during the Sagittarius new moon on Dec. 12. While you may be focusing on more serious affairs during this new moon, you’ll maintain an optimistic outlook regarding what’s possible in this area. Whether you’re making some promising investments or taking on a new financial responsibility, the potential of these new monetary endeavors.
On Dec. 13, Mercury will station retrograde in the pragmatic sign of Capricorn, prompting you to reconsider your current perspectives and outlooks on the world. As an earth sign, you tend to maintain a logical approach when it comes to your philosophical beliefs and world views, but during this period, you’ll be rethinking your viewpoints. It’s OK to change your mind, Taurus — especially if you’ve discovered new information or insight that makes more sense to you. By the time the sun shifts into Capricorn on Dec. 21, it’ll be easier to consciously acknowledge your personal truths, and make any lifestyle choices you deem necessary. This season may also prompt you to share your findings with anyone willing to listen, as well as take your new studies more seriously.
The comfort you find in your immediate environment will be front and center during the Cancer full moon on Dec. 26. While you’ve been actively exploring things outside your comfort zone this month, you’ll feel inclined to surround yourself with people, places, and things that make you feel safe and supported. You may find yourself reaching for your favorite novel, or visiting the park you used to frequent as a child — anything that fills you with feelings of nostalgia.
Gemini Zodiac Signs (May 21 - June 22)
Your romantic relationships will experience an expansive new chapter during the Sagittarius new moon on Dec. 12. Today, you’ll be given the chance to move a budding connection forward, allowing you to clearly envision where this dynamic could potentially be headed. It’s a good day to open up and share your stories and experiences anyone willing to listen. Odds are, your transparency will only intensify the bond you have with this special someone.
You’ll be slowing down your communication as Mercury, your chart ruler, stations retrograde in the rational sign of Capricorn by Dec. 13. You typically enjoy sharing your thoughts and opinions openly, with other people, but during this transit, you’ll be more selective with what you choose to disclose. Since you’ll be feeling more receptive during this retrograde, you may find that others are more compelled to tell you confidential information of their own. As winter solstice begins on Dec. 21, you’ll gain increased awareness around your current private matters and affairs — including the ones of others. You may find yourself reorganizing your finances so that they support your long-term goals, or having important conversations with others about boundaries and shared responsibilities. These convos may have a more serious tone than what you’re used to, but they’ll help you get your affairs in order in time for the new year.
On Dec. 26, the Cancer full moon illuminates your second house of personal resources, assets, and finances. As the moon reaches its peak, you’ll be intuitively led to lean into the fruits of your labor, signifying an important purchase or a natural shift in your financial responsibilities. You may feel more emotionally impulsive regarding your spending now, so be mindful of making purchases without thinking them through. Your feelings today are bound to fluctuate, so try not to make permanent purchases without thinking them through.
Cancer Zodiac Signs (June 22 - July 20)
You’ll be turning over a new leaf when it comes to your habits and routines on Dec. 12 as the Sagittarius new moon takes place in your sixth house. As the zodiac sign is all about ebb and flow, you feel your best when you’re not limited or restricted by a rigid regimen, and on this day, you’ll be called to implement new rituals that support your desire for freedom in this area. This may look like taking on a new exercise routine, or a diet that leaves plenty of room for changes and fluctuations.
On Dec. 13, Mercury will station retrograde in the goal-oriented sign of Capricorn, bringing revisions to your romantic affairs and connections. You prioritize relationships that are rooted in reality, and during this retrograde, you’ll be taking a closer look at your bonds to ensure that they are worth investing in. You may feel inclined to have important conversations with your partner now, but be prepared for potential misunderstandings. Mercury retrogrades have a way of creating confusion, so if you can, try to sort out the specifics of what you want to discuss with someone before initiating the conversation. Trust me, it’ll make a huge difference.
The sun’s shift into Capricorn on Dec. 21 brings more of your attention to your current dynamics with other people. During the winter solstice, you’ll be called to acknowledge your desire for reliable and consistent relationships, heightening your desire for socialization and connection. While you’ll feel eager to mingle, you’ll only be interested in people you can truly take seriously. If they don’t feel reliable, they’re not for you.
The month comes to a close as the Dec. 26 full moon in your sign illuminates your desire for comfort, familiarity, and emotional safety. Are you currently feeling at home with yourself? Do your current behaviors support your need for emotional support? If not, it may be time to engage in nurturing activities that support your overall well-being. Listen to your body today, Cancer. It’ll guide you toward the things that make you feel your best.
Leo Zodiac Signs (July 20 - Aug. 21)
You’ll embrace excitement and spontaneity in your creative and romantic affairs during the Sagittarius new moon on Dec. 12, inviting you to let loose and enjoy yourself. During this time, you’ll seek adventures through new hobbies, relationships, or creative endeavors. Impromptu activities will appeal to you more than usual now, so feel free to take some big risks, Leo. Do something spontaneous now — it’ll liberate you in new and exciting ways.
On Dec. 13, Mercury will station retrograde in the productive sign of Capricorn, inviting you to organize your current duties, responsibilities, and routines. You benefit from having plenty of structure in your day to day life, but during this transit, you’ll be inclined to revisit how you typically use your time and energy. Although you may feel unsure about how you can best accomplish productivity in this area, this retrograde is allowing you to experiment with different methods of productivity.
The winter solstice begins on Dec. 21, as the sun makes its way into Capricorn. During this season, your efficiency levels will be illuminated, and you’ll be energized enough to take care of any tasks you’ve been putting on the back-burner. If you want to improve your health or overall routines, now is a fortunate time to do so. With the sun, your chart ruler, traveling through your sixth house, self-discipline will be on your side, and you’ll be able to check many things off of your to-do list.
You’ll be called to take a brief hiatus from the outside world during the Dec. 26 full moon in Cancer. As someone who’s used to being in the spotlight, you’ll feel compelled to retreat in order to tend to your emotional needs as this full moon unfolds. Have you been putting on a brave face while neglecting yourself behind closed doors? If so, now is the time to do a self-check in. You come first, Leo.
Virgo Zodiac Signs (Aug. 21 - Sept. 22)
You’ll feel eager to broaden your horizons in your home and domestic world during the Sagittarius new moon on Dec. 12. You benefit from plenty of freedom for change and adaptation in your natural environment, Virgo, and on this day, you’ll be more inclined to make spontaneous decisions regarding your current living situation. You may be prompted to relocate, or a new chapter may begin in your family dynamic. Regardless, today’s changes will support your desire for continuous growth behind closed doors.
As Mercury, your chart ruler, stations retrograde in Capricorn on Dec. 13, you’ll be reevaluating your dating and creative pursuits. How do you allow yourself to let loose and enjoy yourself? You may be prompted to experiment with different hobbies or socialize with people a little more during this retrograde. Although you may have a traditional way of enjoying yourself, you’ll be more inclined to try out different hobbies and leisure activities. Try not to take yourself too seriously this month, especially when you’re exploring your creativity. Those things are meant to be enjoyed, after all.
As the winter solstice takes place on Dec. 21, you’ll actively acknowledge how you experience satisfaction in your life. How can you best prioritize the facets of life that make you happy? This season is illuminating the importance of what brings you joy, and it may guide you to more events or pursuits that make you laugh and encourage you to let loose.
The month comes to a close as the Cancer full moon illuminates your friendships and community by Dec. 26. During this lunation, you’ll seek comfort and familiarity in your relationship with your peers and social groups. You may be lending a loved one a shoulder to cry on or spilling your guts to a trusted companion. You’ll feel more vulnerable today, so be sure to surround yourself with people that feel like family.
Libra Zodiac Signs (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21)
The month begins as the free-spirited Sagittarius new moon unfolds on Dec. 12, inviting you to embrace expansive new concepts and ideas. You’ve always been able to keep an open mind, Libra, but as this new moon unfolds, you’ll be more accepting of different outlooks and perspectives. You may even find yourself sharing wisdom and knowledge with those in your immediate environment and exchanging perspectives. Your usual stomping grounds is also likely to bring you some inspiration now, so don’t hesitate to explore your local neighborhood for a little extra stimulation.
On Dec. 13, Mercury will station retrograde in your fourth house of home and family, prompting you to reevaluate the responsibilities that exist in your household. You’ll be making sure that your natural habitat is in order now, calling for you to make some adjustments in this department. You may also find yourself having important discussions with a family member or a roommate that involve the long-term future of your current arrangement. Or, you may be making plans to relocate somewhere that supports your desire for stability.
The sun shifts into Capricorn on Dec. 21, illuminating the current structures and systems that are in place in your living environment. You prioritize plenty of organization at home, and as the winter solstice unfolds, you’ll feel inclined to bring more stability into your space.
You’ll be shifting your focus to your career and professional pursuits on Dec. 26 as the Cancer full moon unfolds. It’s important that you feel at home when you’re at work, and on this day, you’ll be actively seeking more ways to increase your level of comfort and contentment in this area. You may be stepping into a role that supports your desire for security, or gaining recognition for the nurturing role you play in your field. It’s a fortunate time to showcase how much you care about the work that you do.
Scorpio Zodiac Signs (Oct. 21 - Nov. 22)
The month begins with the Sagittarius new moon on Dec. 12, which prompts you to embrace new possibilities in your money and personal finances. On this day, you’ll be setting your sights on how to maximize the fruits of your labor. You may be making a significant investment or experiencing a positive shift in your income. While you tend to be a cautious individual, this new moon is encouraging you to think outside the box when it comes to your resources.
On Dec. 13, Mercury stations retrograde in the ambitious sign of Capricorn, inviting you to reevaluate your current opinions and ideas. While you pride yourself in maintaining a strong sense of self-discipline regarding your perspectives, you’ll feel more compelled to consider different viewpoints during this transit. Give yourself room to weigh your options this month and explore different ideas without too much pressure.
The sun shifts into Capricorn on Dec. 21, shifting your focus fully toward the skills and information you’re currently taking in. During this season, you’ll be gaining plenty of stimulation through your immediate environment and engaging in discussions with those in your local community. You may be acknowledged now for your current insights, with like-minded individuals easily gravitating toward you.
As the Cancer full moon unfolds on Dec. 26, you’ll find comfort in environments outside your familiar domain. This may be through traveling to a new location, or exploring a new concept, belief, or philosophy today. Today, your emotional needs will be fulfilled through things you may not usually be drawn to, so be sure to keep an open mind, Scorpio. Comfort can outside outside of your usual routines.
Sagittarius Zodiac Signs (Nov. 22 - Dec. 19)
A new personal chapter unfolds on Dec. 12, as the new moon in your first house takes place. On this day, you’ll embark on a journey prioritizing your freedom and desire for continuous evolution. You may feel more inclined to lean into spontaneity or take big risks — anything that reignites your lust for life. You may be setting your sights on some big dreams or endeavors you aim to pursue, making this a fortunate time to get the ball rolling. Don’t limit yourself today, Sagittarius. The world is your oyster.
On Dec. 13, Mercury will station retrograde in Capricorn, prompting you to reevaluate your spending habits. As this transit unfolds, you’ll look closer at your budget to ensure it can hold up in the long run. You may be prompted to organize your possessions to create space for improvement or get rid of old clutter altogether. Consider what’s cluttering your life, and whether or not it’s serving a useful purpose.
The sun’s shift into Capricorn by Dec. 21 illuminates the state of your finances. What do your current boundaries here look like? Now that Mercury is retrograde in this area, you may be able to restructure some of the rules you’ve been following that may or may not be working in your favor.
As the Cancer full moon unfolds on Dec. 26, you’ll be shifting your focus to financial responsibilities, debts, and private affairs. During this lunation, you’ll prioritize the emotional facets of your shared resources and obligations. What are your feeling responsible for that may not be your cross to bear? During this full moon, you may be offering emotional support to a loved one or engaging in vulnerable discussions about your duties in a relationship.
Capricorn Zodiac Signs (Dec. 19 - Jan. 20)
You’ll seek new ways to experience freedom in private as the Sagittarius new moon takes place on Dec. 12. While you tend to exercise plenty of self-discipline, this lunation supports your desire to break out of your usual routine, even if it’s just behind closed doors. Try a new coping mechanism or spiritual practice – anything out of the ordinary that excites and uplifts you. While you may not be feeling particularly social today, you’ll be gaining plenty of newfound wisdom all on your own.
On Dec. 13, Mercury will station retrograde in your first house of self-expression, prompting you to reevaluate the ways you share your thoughts, plans, and ideas with the world. As someone who prioritizes conveying structured thoughts and pursuits, you’ll contemplate how to use your voice to push your goals and ambitions forward. Just be mindful of sharing your game-plan before you’ve ironed out all of the details.
As the sun shifts into your sign on Dec. 21, you’ll be thrust into the spotlight. Expect your natural ability to manage responsibility to be front and center, along with your ability to achieve any goal you set your mind to. While the newfound attention may be a little uncomfortable, you’ll enjoy getting recognition for your hard work.
Next, the Cancer full moon on Dec. 26 shifts your focus away from your plans and toward your romantic relationships and partnerships. During this time, you’ll need to seek emotional support from your loved ones, prompting you to embrace your vulnerable side more than usual. While this full moon may have you in your feelings, your connections with others fill your cup in the most comforting ways.
Aquarius Zodiac Signs (Jan. 20 - Feb. 19)
As the month begins, you’ll pursue new, expansive beginnings in your friendships and social groups. Thanks to the Sagittarius new moon on Dec. 12, you’ll be eager to explore new horizons within your community and alliances that support your future dreams and ideals. You may be discussing exciting plans with a companion or plugging yourself into a social group that embraces open-minded beliefs. It’s a good day to get out there and socialize, Aquarius — you’ve got more in common with your peers than you may realize.
On Dec. 13, you’ll revise how you use your mental energy. Are the things you’re currently invested in draining your energy? If so, it may be time to restructure your habits and practices. You may feel compelled to do an internal self check-in during this transit, prompting more routine and organization. While this may not be a particularly active time for you, it’ll allow you to clear your head. The sun shifts into Capricorn by Dec. 21, increasing focus on your internal world and subtle practives. Whether it’s time to buckle down and get serious about how you share your energy or you need some mental TLC, you’ll be withdrawing this month to recharge your batteries.
As the month comes to a close, you’ll be shifting your focus to your physical health, routines, and regimens. As the Dec. 26 Cancer full moon unfolds, check in with your body — what does it need? Expect these urges to feel far more intuitive today than logical. If you’re craving comfort food, it could be a sign that you’ve been depriving yourself of the cuisines that you enjoy. Treat yourself to whatever you’ve been missing out on, Aquarius.
Pisces Zodiac Signs (Feb. 20 - March 20)
The month begins on a hopeful note as the Sagittarius new moon ushers in new beginnings to your career and public persona. You’re always looking for expansion in your field, and on Dec. 12, this new moon invites you to set your sights on opportunities that honor your need for freedom and liberation. This may signify a promotion or a shift in your role altogether. Regardless, you’ll be embracing the endless possibilities that your vocation has to offer now.
Next, Mercury stations retrograde in productive Capricorn on Dec. 13, inviting you to reconsider your current friendships, connections, and alliances. As the idealistic sign of the zodiac, you prioritize relationships that are grounded and supportive – and during this retrograde, you’ll be reconsidering whether or not the company you’ve been keeping is truly reliable. By Dec. 21, your community and allies will have your undivided attention as the sun shifts into Capricorn. New opportunities to build long-lasting relationships may arise, or you may find yourself at the center of a new social group or event. Allow yourself to take up space in your community this month, Pisces. You’re bringing a sense of structure and security to the table, which is something your peers admire.
The month comes to a close as the Cancer full moon illuminates the sky on Dec. 26. During this lunation, you’ll seek comfort and familiarity in your creative hobbies, romances, and passions. While this day is bound to be entertaining, you’ll ultimately find yourself most fulfilled by the simple pleasures in life, like curling up with a new flame, watching a movie, or engaging in an activity that used to soothe you as a child. Surround yourself with things that bring you a sense of safety during this full moon.