The Luckiest Date In February 2024 For Every Zodiac Sign
Valentine's Day wishes.
2024’s astrology may have kicked things off with Mercury retrograde, but since the planet of communication stationed direct, things have been pretty quiet in the cosmos. Aside from Pluto (aka the planet of *major* transformations) moving into Aquarius back in January, the astrology of this year hasn’t been too messy (yet).
While you can definitely expect things to kick up a notch once eclipse season begins next month, February’s astrology is looking pretty fortunate for each of the zodiac signs. In fact, February 10, 2024 in particular is the luckiest date this month for everyone, particularly for expanding on any plans or ideas you’ve been ruminating over.
On Feb. 10, Mercury, the planet that governs over ideas, concepts, and thoughts, will form a square to expansive Jupiter, widening your perspectives and inspiring you to take a leap of faith. Since Mercury is currently in the progressive sign of Aquarius, you’ll be able to think outside of the box without too many limits or obstacles today. So, if you’ve been wanting to come up with some innovative ways to improve the world around you, you’ll be taking some major mental strides on this day.
Here’s how every zodiac sign will be affected by Mercury’s square to Jupiter on Feb. 10:
Aries Zodiac Signs (March 20 - April 19)
On Feb. 10, Mercury and Jupiter will square off, bringing expansion to the plans and ideas you’ve been developing with friends and alliances. During this event, you’ll be prompted to share the original perspectives with anyone willing to listen, which may allow you to attract some like-minded individuals along the way.
If you’ve been in need of some input from people you can easily trust and relate to, now is the time to listen, Aries. Though you’re typically not a fan of receiving feedback from others, you’ll benefit from the support of your peers now.
Taurus Zodiac Signs (April 20 - May 20)
As Mercury squares Jupiter on Feb. 10, you’ll be feeling optimistic about your plans and ideas for your career and professional pursuits. While you may have struggled to execute some of these endeavors previously, now is when you’ll begin to notice some progression in regards to any growth-oriented strategies you’ve been attempting to implement in the workplace.
During this transit, you may also find yourself speaking up about any progressive theories you’ve been wanting to explore in your vocation, which may garner the attention from your colleagues or audiences. It’s a good day to speak your mind, Taurus, so don’t hesitate to step up to the plate.
Gemini Zodiac Signs (May 21 - June 20)
Your chart ruler (AKA Mercury) will square expansive Jupiter on Feb. 10, bringing broader perspectives and viewpoints into focus for you. Though you’re no stranger to thinking outside of the box, today’s aspect invites you to think even bigger than usual. This shift in perspective may prompt you to take up a new spiritual practice, or dive into a political study of some kind.
If you’ve been looking to take up any new routines or regimens, now is when you’ll feel inspired to do so, Gemini. You may be embracing a different belief today, or setting your sights on a solo vacation or venture that brings you outside of your comfort zone. Regardless, you’ll be in the mood to try something different today.
Cancer Zodiac Signs (June 21 - July 22)
On Feb. 10, Mercury and Jupiter will form a square aspect, broadeing your perspectives regarding your shared resources and financial obligations. During this transit, you’ll be prompted to approach any debts or money matters in a way that’s innovative and unconventional.
Today’s transit is fortunate for considering what your ultimate dreams are for your assets. You may even be given some support from an outsider, or some useful information from a financial advisor. Either way, you’ll be feeling more optimistic when it comes to your monetary burdens on this day.
Leo Zodiac Signs (July 23 - Aug. 22)
You’ll be thinking bigger in your relationships and romantic affairs as the Mercury-Jupiter square takes place on Feb. 10. If you’ve been struggling to see the potential in a partnership, you’ll be feeling more optimistic about what this connection has to offer in the long run.
Your ideas for how to expand upon this dynamic will be innovative and original, Leo, so don’t be surprised if others are taken aback by your perspectives. If anything, the people around you are bound to find these new perspectives refreshing, even if they are unorthodox.
Virgo Zodiac Signs (Aug. 21 - Sept. 22)
On Feb. 10, Mercury (AKA your chart ruler) and Jupiter will form a square, bringing bigger concepts and perspectives to the forefront regarding your daily routines, habits, and obligations. During this transit, you’ll be looking to re-vamp your rituals by incorporating new spiritual beliefs or world views.
Though you may not be switching things up too drastically now (you are a creature of habit, after all), you’ll be much more open to trying different methods of productivity and efficiency as today unfolds.
Libra Zodiac Signs (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21)
The Mercury-Jupiter square on Feb. 10 will inspire you to expand your mind when it comes to your passions, hobbies, and romantic interests. Today, you’ll be compelled to switch up your approach to indulging in life’s pleasures, allowing for new, refreshing experiences.
This transit is particularly fortunate for flirting and socializing — anything that allows you to engage in conversations that bring you outside of your usual comfort zone. You’ll also be feeling more open to sharing the deeper aspects of yourself with others now, alloiwng you to establish some intimate bonds with others.
Scorpio Zodiac Signs (Oct. 21 - Nov. 22)
During the Mercury-Jupiter square on Feb. 10, you’ll be embracing broader perspectives regarding your household and family affairs. During this transit, you’ll be incorporating some different plans and ideas to your home life, bringing some innovative changes to this area.
Today is also a fortunate time for acquiring new roommates or family members to cohabit with you, or discussing what the future holds for your current living situation. Though you’re typically slow to embrace changes, you’ll be feeling more open to incorporating some progressive adjustments to your home today.
Sagittarius Zodiac Signs (Nov. 22 - Dec. 19)
On Feb. 10, Mercury will square Jupiter (AKA your chart ruler), expanding on any current ideas, studies, or interests that you’ve been practicing. You’re familiar with thinking big, but today, you’ll be able to formulate concepts that are innovative and unorthodox.
With so many new ideas brewing, it’s a fortunate time to bounce your thoughts off of other people. It’s important to engage in conversations today that support your newfound perspectives, rather than limit them, so be sure to only discuss your plans with people who support this way of thinking.
Capricorn Zodiac Signs (Dec. 21 - Jan. 19)
As Mercury and Jupiter form a square on Feb. 10, you’ll be embracing a broader mindset regarding your money and resources. Today, you’ll be considering of the some different ways you can make money via your hobbies or creative pursuits.
Even if today’s ideas seem a little far-fetched, it’s bringing you a refreshed perspective when it comes to how you can monetize off of your talents and abilities. Regardless of whether or not you proceed with these ideas, you’ll benefit from thinking outside of the box now.
Aquarius Zodiac Signs (Jan. 20 - Feb. 19)
During the Mercury-Jupiter square on Feb. 10, you’ll be feeling conversational and willing to discuss the current plans and ideas that you have for yourself. On this day, you’ll benefit from sharing your perspectives with the world around you, as Mercury continues through your first house of self-expression.
Now is a fortunate time for bringing awareness to topics or perspectives that you’re passionate about. Share your views on social media, with loved ones, or in the workplace. Odds are, you won’t want to stay quiet about your opinions today, so feel free to express yourself as loudly as you can.
Pisces Zodiac Signs (Feb. 20 - March 20)
On Ferb. 10, Mercury and Jupiter (AKA your chart ruler) will form a square, deepening the introspective thoughts you’ve been giving consideration to. Though today may not be incredibly social for you, you’ll be feeling hopeful about the inner discussions you’ve been engaging in behind closed doors.
If you’ve been meaning to implement new self-care practices, now is a fortunate time to try out a new method. You’ll be more open to trying unconventional regimens now, and they could ultimately become habits that benefit you in the long-run.
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