A young couple wearing masks and holding each other on Feb. 16, 2022, the most romantic day of the m...

The Most Romantic Day This Month Has Nothing To Do With Valentines

What happens days after Feb. 14 will be even more special.

by Chelsea Jackson

The most lovey-dovey month of the year is upon us. But if you’re expecting romance to hit an all-time high on Valentine’s Day, you’re mistaken. Two days later, on Feb. 16, Venus will conjoin Mars in Capricorn, intensifying your desire for connection and intimacy while the full moon in Leo looms overhead.

Here’s what every zodiac sign can expect on this special day:


On Feb. 16, you could have an increased desire to pursue a romantic relationship with someone in your profession, or simply work closely with a colleague on a new business project. Either way, it’ll be nearly impossible to separate your work from your personal relationships on this day.

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