These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Be The Main Characters On Friday The 13th
Life is good.
Ever since you were a kid, I bet you heard all about the dangers and terrors of Friday the 13th. You were probably told that it was a date of bad luck, but you were most likely never given an explanation as to why it was something you should fear. Truth be told, there’s no direct reason for all the negative attention, but there’s plenty of belief surrounding it. If you’re feeling nervous, then hopefully you’re one of the zodiac signs who will have the best Friday the 13th 2021. It might even be a day you won’t want to forget.
Who doesn’t love Fridays? After all, Friday is the day of Venus — planet of love, romance, and luxury — making it a time to pamper yourself and indulge in all the splendors of life. The next Friday the 13th, taking place on Aug. 13, 2021, happens to land on a day in which the moon is in Libra. This cardinal air sign is all about balance, harmony, friendship, and seduction, so if you’re up for a night of flirtations and propositions, you’ve picked the right date to do it. In fact, Libra just so happens to be ruled by Venus, which emphasizes the potential power of this particular evening. I mean, seriously? A Friday the 13th that takes place while the moon is in a Venus-ruled zodiac sign? The cosmos are the gift that keeps on giving.
If you’re worried about Friday the 13th, don’t let it get you down, especially if you’re one of the following zodiac signs:
Gemini: You’re Feeling Romantic And A Little Mischievous
Ooh la la, Gemini. If there’s anyone who knows how to flirt and create a little drama, it’s definitely you. With the moon in your romantic, passionate, and playful fifth house, you’re literally the life of the party on this particular Friday the 13th. You may feel like doing something creative and artistic; something that unleashes your desire for color. However, you might also feel like unleashing your inner wild child, giving yourself permission to go all out without even an ounce of apology.
Leo: You’re The Center Of Attention, As Always
Some might think that Leo season is cursed by this upcoming Friday the 13th. After all, it is the day of bad luck, isn’t it? However, they forget Leo is also the most dramatic and theatrical zodiac sign of the bunch. With that in mind, doesn’t it make sense to throw a Friday the 13th into the mix? On this day, Leos may feel particularly talkative, perhaps even in the mood to gossip. However, everyone’s favorite sign to spread rumors about is definitely Leo. There’s simply so much to talk about. And you know what? They can keep talking. They’re only making you even more famous.
Libra: You’re Feeling Everything More Intensely And Purely
You may feel like the main character on this Friday the 13th. After all, the moon will be in your zodiac sign, bringing all your emotions to the forefront and inundating you with electric pulses of energy. On this Friday the 13th, you might feel even more like yourself than usual, which is definitely something to celebrate. Sure, it may be the day of “bad luck,” but it’s also the day of Venus, giving you every excuse to simple enjoy yourself and have a good time. All that negative press is no match for your bright ball of light.