70 Friendsgiving Group Chat Names For When You’ve Got Pumpkin To Talk About
It’s thyme to get into feast mode with an organized group chat.
There’s no crew you’re more thankful for than your besties. You love ‘em like family, which is why you’ve decided to celebrate Thanksgiving with a little Friendsgiving feast this year. Whether you’re spending the actual holiday together because you aren’t traveling back home to see your fam, or you’re pre-gaming your big Turkey Day meal by spending some time with your BFFs, Friendsgiving is happening. The first thing you need to do before planning out who is bring what to the potluck is starting up a group text with some Friendsgiving group chat names.
Even the most chill friend hangs require a bit of organizing and it’s best to have a solid group chat going to help make that happen. Your group chat is there to not only make sure you don’t end up with several sides of mashed potatoes and more pies than savory dishes, but it’ll also be the spot where you share any group pics you take and keep the inside jokes going throughout the season. You can even use your group chat to share funny Thanksgiving TikToks you see or share the hit recipes everyone’s been asking for. As thankful as you are to have each other to spend the holidays with, you’ll be super grateful to have an organized chat to keep you together digitally as well. That’s why it’s important to kick things off with a solid Friendsgiving group chat name, which will set the tone of the conversations.
If you’re a funny crew who is always laughing when you’re together, you’ll want something LOL-worthy using Thanksgiving puns. Of course, you can’t go wrong with something sweet like Friendsgiving quotes to show how much you care and how thankful you are to have these people by your side. Whatever the vibe you’re going for, you’ll be sure to find it in this list of 70 ideas for Friendsgiving group chat names.
- Pie Love You
- I Get Pie With A Little Help From My Friends
- We’re Plucking Hilarious
- My Gourd Friends
- Feast Your Eyes On This
- In Cider Information
- Friend Thyme
- Yes We Cran
- The Berry Best
- All About That Baste
- Seasonings Greetings
- Turkey Leg Day
- In Feast Mode
- We’re Stuffed
- Ahead Of The Carve
- Carving Out Time For Friends
- Pour Some Gravy On Me
- The Butterball Express
- Gravy Train
- My Sweet Potatoes
- Friends Who Feast
- Basted Besties
- Squash Goals
- Give ‘Em Pumpkin To Talk About
- You Want A Piece Of This?
- The Pumpkin Of My Pie
- Rollin’ With The Homies — Coolio, “Rollin’ With My Homies”
- Crock 'N' Roll
- The Turkey To My Heart
- Having A Good Thyme
- A-maize-ing Friends
- Full Of Thanks
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turkeys
- We Are Framily
- Baby Pie, Pie, Pie
- 50 Shades Of Gravy
- Thankful As Cluck
- Ap-peeling To Us
- Potatoes Gonna Potate
- Spudtacular Friends
- Turkey Tribe
- You Ain’t Seem Stuffing Yet
- Gobble Till We Wobble
- Who Wants Seconds?
- Filled With Love
- We’ve Got Fillings
- Hap-pie Friendsgiving
- My Friends Are Gourdgeous
- I Crust My Friends
- Having A Butterball
- We Knead Food
- ‘Tis The Seasoning
- Pie-ning For More Friendsgivings
- You Bake Me Cranberry Happy
- All You Knead Is Love
- My Friends Make Everything Butter
- Stuffin' Compares To My Squad
- I Love You A Pumpkin Spice Latte
- Struttin’ Our Stuffing
- On Friendsgiving, We Eat Turkey
- Sweet Potato Pals
- Stuffed
- I Yam What I Yam
- My Best Spuddies
- My Ride Or Pies
- My Baste Friends
- We Are Occu-pied
- In Pie We Crust
- Keep Your Eyes On The Pie
- My Friends Are Cutie Pies