90 Funny Wedding Hashtags For Your Special Day, When You Met Your Match And Want To Get Lit
You're making major progress on your wedding checklist. Some of the big items, like saying "yes" to a gorgeous dress, locking down a dream venue, and picking out delicious treats to serve at the reception, have been crossed off your list. While those are major things that take priority, you can’t forget about the small stuff either. Nowadays, a proper wedding hashtag is as necessary as your bouquet of flowers. (OK, maybe that's a little dramatic, but it still plays a crucial part on your special day.) It helps keep every picture organized in one easy-to-search-for tag on Instagram. As important as they are, coming up with your own funny wedding hashtags can be difficult AF — so Elite Daily is here to help.
As a savvy social media user, you know that hashtags are vital for boosting your posts on Instagram. They can also be a cute way to tag all your photos if you’re using something punny and fun. These days, a lot of couples try to come up with wedding hashtag ideas that combine both of their names. If you’ve got a pun-able name, that’s easy. If not, coming up with your own wedding hashtags may be too hard.
You already have a lot on your plate getting the last-minute details together. You can't spend too much time coming up with a punny wedding hashtag as well. To save you the stress, consider these 90 wedding hashtags we curated for you below as an early wedding present. Use any of them that match your vibes or have you grinning from ear to ear. You could even place little reminders all over the reception for your guests to use certain wedding hashtags in their Insta posts, so you and your partner can scroll through all the memories later.
- #WedLongAndProsper
- #GettingMeowied
- #PromDate2LifeMate
- #MintToBe
- #EatDrinkBeMarried
- #MermaidToBe
- #TheyLivedAppleyEverAfter
- #AVowToParty
- #DonutLetMeGo
- #InTentsLove
- #WholeLatteLove
- #ANicePear
- #MarriageHasANiceRingToIt
- #WeddingsReallyTakeTheCake
- #MeowAndForever
- #ForButterOrWorse
- #YouMakeMeHapBey
- #LoveFromMyHeadTomatoes
- #ALoveLikeNoOtter
- #NachoAverageWedding
- #SuchAGoudaCouple
- #HolyCatrimony
- #APizzaMyHeart
- #PutARingOnIt — Beyonce, "Single Ladies"
- #ISaidYesToTheBest
- #AToasterToTheHappyCouple
- #Don'tGoBaconMyHeart
- #SoHappyImInTiers
- #WaffleyWedded
- #IDew
- #KissTheGirl — The Little Mermaid
- #LifeIsGoudaWithYouDuh
- #FoundMyButterHalf
- #WeDoPhoReal
- #LoveYouBerryMuch
- #OwlAlwaysLoveYou
- #PearfectCouple
- #MrsHasANiceRingToIt
- #MarriageIsAMatterOfWifeAndDebt
- #TillDeathDoUsParty
- #LoveYouFurever
- #MarriageGoals
- #BeerlyBeloved
- #WeTiedTheKnotNowHaveAShot
- #MetMyMatchNowLetsGetLit
- #TacoBoutAParty
- #YouHadMeAtMerlot
- #FromFeyonceToRingOnIt
- #EvenTheCakesInTiers
- #IBrew
- #ISeeSparksFly — Taylor Swift, "Sparks Fly"
- #IChewsYou
- #SmoreLove
- #TwoLessFishInTheSea
- #PopTheChampagne
- #AVeryEngagingWedding
- #TimeToStoutForever
- #LoveTheWineYoureWith
- #MuffinComparesToYou
- #BrieMineForever
- #ILoveYouAWholeWatt
- #OliveYouSoMuch
- #LetsGetThePartyPoppin
- #TotesGettingMarried
- #ThanksForBeanHere
- #LettuceCelebrate
- #SipSipHooray
- #ThisMermaidIsGettingMerried
- #AllYouNeedIsLoveAndCake
- #IDoYouDoWeAllDoAWedding
- #NoBunnyComparesToYou
- #WelcomeToForever
- #SimplyMeantToBee
- #WereKittenMeowied
- #WeDidIt
- #YodaBestCouple
- #LikeTheEndOfADisneyMovie
- #ATaleAsOldAsTime — Beauty and the Beast
- #WhaleyExcitedForThisWedding
- #LetThatOneMarrynate
- #CantaloupeNow
- #2Become1 — Spice Girls, “2 Become 1”
- #MyBooquetForLife
- #GettingGoodReception
- #ThisTakesTheCake
- #TwoPeasOnePod
- #OhSnapItsOurWeddingDay
- #TimeForWed
- #CanKnotWaitToBeMarried
- #APerfectMatcha
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