10 Best Gilmore Girls Moments If You Love Winter Just As Much As Lorelai
Who can forget learning Lorelai’s superpower?
Sorry Luke, but we all know that there is one thing Lorelai loves more than you, and that is winter. Seriously, she can smell when it's about to snow. She practically has a superpower and knows when her favorite season is about to arrive. Lorelai was all about those "winter is coming" vibes long before Game of Thrones was a show, and we totally get why she loves the season so much. If you're as passionate about winter just as much as Lorelai, you can totally relate to the best Gilmore Girls episodes for winter that feature your favorite time of the year.
Let's face it, we loved all of the seasons in Stars Hollow, but there was just something magical about the wintertime. From the different holidays to the events around town, you knew something special was going on. It could be why winter is the first season we get in the revival series Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. It's also the perfect season for drinking a nice, hot cup of coffee, which is what we all know is the Gilmores' favorite thing to do. For any of you winter lovers out there, every time you watch these ten Gilmore Girls winter moments that feature the season you love so very much, you want to scream, "Oy with the poodles already." So, grab a cup of Joe from Luke's Diner, cozy up on the couch, and fall in love with winter all over again as you rewatch Gilmore Girls on Netflix for the one millionth time.
01When Lorelai Could Smell Snow
This is the first time we were introduced to Lorelai's superpower, and we got to know why she loves snow so much. She's right when she says, "everything's magical when it snows." The white blanket it creates across the land is incredibly gorgeous, and we have to agree that there's nothing like a cozy winter sweater. Whether you yourself are snow-obsessed or you have a Lorelai in your life, just maybe this superpower is lurking among you, too.
02When Lorelai And Rory Made A Snowman
One of the best parts about the wintertime is all of the outdoor activities. From having a snowball fight and going sledding, to building snowmen and hitting up the ice rink, the possibilities are endless. You can truly make anything your heart desires out of snow, like Björk, which is what Lorelai and Rory made for their snowman contest. It may even inspire you to release your inner child and make one of your own the next time it snows! This activity definitely makes for a fun IG or TikTok post.
03When Luke Was Romantic AF And Made Lorelai An Ice Rink
When Lorelai had a fight with snow, Luke reconciled the two by making her an ice rink. Come on, we all need a Luke in our lives. We also know that as much as we love winter, there are times when we can have a little disagreement or two with it. That doesn't mean we can't still fall back in love with winter the next time we see something magical or go ice skating.
04When Lorelai Smelled Snow With Luke
When Lorelai showed Luke her special power of smelling snow for the first time, he didn't believe her until it actually snowed. We've all been there, Luke. And when Lorelai talked about all of the things she was so excited about — like sleigh rides, hot cocoa, and even curling — we were hardcore relating.
05When Lorelai And Rory Took A Walk In The Fourth Snow Of The Season
Your first walk in the snow every year is a magical experience that should be well-documented on social media. You're being reintroduced, while also getting hyped up about the winter that is to come. Rory and Lorelai loved taking a walk in the first snowfall of the year, but since Rory was away at Yale, they ended up taking a walk in the fourth snow of the year, and it was just as beautiful. It’s OK, no matter when you can take your snow walk this winter, it’ll be just as magical.
06When Jess Jumped Into Rory's Sleigh
When the town was invited to The Bracebridge Dinner, Lorelai and the Inn offered horse-drawn sleigh rides for all of the guests. Jess jumped into Rory's sleigh, and we were blessed with a sweet Jess and Rory moment that us shippers will forever cherish. You can't get sleigh rides at any time of the year, so we're thankful for winter for bringing us this cozy, romantic moment.
07Snowed Out At The Bracebridge Dinner
Despite guests being snowed out, it was a magical evening for the town of Stars Hollow when it snowed at The Bracebridge Dinner. The entire town had a memorable experience. Even Richard and Emily joined the community at the Dragonfly!
08When Luke Made Lorelai A Santa Burger
One of the best parts about winter is enjoying all of the holiday food. When Lorelai wasn't invited to her parents' house for their Christmas dinner, she missed their apple tarts. Luke tried to make her feel better by whipping up a festive Santa burger, and we all swooned. Though it wasn't the cutest burger, she appreciated the effort. And don’t forget this winter season, every morning should start off with a cup of coffee from Luke’s Diner.
09When Rory, Dean, And Jess Went To The Winter Carnival
Winter activities are what keep us on our toes throughout the season. It’s like a reunion of high school friends, and a time to reconnect with those you haven’t seen in a while. If only we lived in Stars Hollow, we could attend the winter carnival. They had snow cones and ice hockey. There's a ton of fun to be had, especially if you aren't hanging out with Dean's little sister.
10When Lorelai Surprised Everyone With Horse Drawn Sleigh Rides Through Stars Hollow
The evening of The Bracebridge Dinner, the winter loving queen herself surprised everyone with horse drawn sleigh rides through Stars Hollow. This fun community event eventually led to a sweet moment between Lorelai’s parents, Emily and Richard.
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