The January 2023 Full Wolf Moon Will Affect 4 Zodiac Signs Most
Trust your gut.
With Capricorn season emphasizing practicality, productivity, and goal-setting, it’s probably been awhile since you let your emotions take the wheel. As the sign all about using your rational mind in a way that’s always calm, cool, and collected, you’re probably long overdue for a melodramatic moment. Changes are coming, though — the upcoming full wolf moon on Jan. 6 is reconnecting every sign with their gut feelings. While the ability to make rational, apathetic decisions is valuable in many areas of life, making choices that validate you on an emotional level is necessary, too.
Full moons tend to unveil things that were previously hidden from view, and with the first full moon of 2023 taking place in la luna’s home sign of Cancer, the desire for emotional comfort and security will be impossible to ignore. The cardinal, water sign of Cancer is a sign that seeks familiarity, because it’s easier to be vulnerable when you’re somewhere you’ve been before. Because of this, you’re a lot less likely to take risks on this day, and instead, you’ll be more inclined to play it safe — especially if you’re one of these four signs. As the fellow cardinal signs of the zodiac, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn each have Cancer in fundamental areas of their birth chart, making the effects of this full moon far more noticeable.
What Is A Wolf Moon?
Despite its cool name, a wolf moon simply means that the moon is at the furthest point from the earth (about 252,600 miles away). Also referred to as a “micromoon”, this lunation may appear smaller in size due to distance, although the difference may be difficult to see with the naked eye. The term “wolf moon” comes from the fact that during this time of year, wolves are supposedly heard howling more because of the drop in temperature and their difficulty finding prey. However, for four zodiac signs, meeting needs won’t involve chasing unattainable prey through the woods (thankfully). Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn will find themselves encouraged to not only embrace their needs, but take the necessary steps in order to fulfill them — no matter how irrational they may seem.
When Does The Full Wolf Moon Take Place?
Starting on Jan. 6, 2023 at 6:09 PM ET, the moon will illuminate the sky at 16 degrees of Cancer. This full moon will be opposite Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, bringing disparity to the forefront when it comes to using common sense versus going with your gut. Since Mercury is currently retrograde, however, the logical decision may not be as it appears to be, making it the perfect time to trust in yourself, instead of going along with what’s traditionally deemed correct. Your intuition is a powerful tool, and is sometimes even more trustworthy than following traditional rules. Your feelings exist for a reason. Don’t dismiss them out of hand!
Here’s what Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn can expect from this full moon:
Aries (March 20 - April 19)
It’s time to slow down, Aries. While this may not be thrilling to hear, you’ll thank me later[.]: As the full moon takes place in your fourth house of home and family on Jan. 6, you’ll be invited to take a closer look at how this area of life brings you safety, comfort, and solace. Whether you spend the day in bed watching movies you enjoyed as a child, or cooking up family recipes with a relative, it’s a great day to spend some time at home, surrounded by people who bring you peace. As someone who tends to move at a fast pace, this full moon is a reminder to slow down and prioritize your needs.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
On Jan. 6, the full moon will illuminate your first house of identity and self-expression, highlighting your desire to tend to your needs. As the moon-ruled sign of the zodiac, you’re bound to be affected by this full moon the most, but in the best way. It’s a good time to do a self check-in — how are you really feeling? No one can care for you like you can, and today is a great time to make your needs a top priority. As someone who tends to give tirelessly to others, make today all about you. You deserve it.
Libra (Sept. 21 - Oct. 22)
During this month’s full moon, you’ll be called to address your desire for emotional comfort and security within your career and professional life. Whether you’re in a caregiver role in the workplace, or simply crave a safe, family-like environment in your profession, today’s the perfect time to consider how you can make your vocation feel more safe, comfortable, and familiar. it’s important that your work fulfills you on an emotional level, and this full moon serves as an important reminder not to settle for anything less.
Capricorn (Dec. 20 - Jan. 21)
On Jan. 6, the full moon will light up your seventh house of romantic relationships and partnerships, emphasizing the importance of emotional security and safety within your connections. Although you’re someone who can appear stoic, you seek vulnerability and tenderness from others of course, this does require you to let your guard down. Don’t be afraid to spill your guts to that special someone today, Capricorn. Just make sure that you actually feel safe and comfortable enough with them first.