Your January 2024 Horoscope Marks The End Of Mercury Retrograde
Off to a great start.
2024 is here, which means that Mercury retrograde is (finally) out. With less mental setbacks, it’ll be easier to set your sights on any new habits and goals for the new year. Playing by the rules may have been your priority last month, but as Aquarius season nears, you’ll also feel the need to break out of any limiting ideas that don’t encourage innovation and authentic self-expression. Your January 2024 horoscope may begin on a reserved note, but by the end, it’s encouraging you to unwind and let your true colors show.
The Most Important Astrological Dates In January 2024
- Jan. 1: Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius
- Jan. 11: Capricorn new moon
- Jan. 20: Aquarius season begins
- Jan. 25: Leo full moon
The Astrological Overview Of January 2024 Is Ambitious
January’s astrology begins on a communicative note, as Mercury stations direct in the candid fire sign of Sagittarius on New Years’ Day. After a three-week long retrograde period, the planet of mental stimulation will finally be increasing in speed, allowing you to process information without too many setbacks. However, since Mercury is in the sign of its detriment, actualizing the big dreams you have for the new year may require more planning and preparation than you initially thought. Fortunately, there won’t be too many other obstacles standing between you and your expansive ideas.
On Jan. 11, the sun and moon conjoin in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, directing your focus to goals that require patience, hard work, and self-discipline. Today, you may find yourself setting your sights on a new objective, or getting serious about a long-term plan you have in mind. However, since the moon will be in the sign of her detriment, you’ll be prompted to prioritize rational thinking over your emotional needs. As a result, today is fortunate for making decisions that require you to prioritize logic over your personal feelings. Make note of where this month’s new moon is taking place in your birth chart, because that will be where you notice some practical new beginnings.
The sun shifts into the unconventional sign of Aquarius by Jan. 20, shifting your attention to your distinctive opinions, concepts, and perceptions. As the sun travels through this fixed air sign, you’ll be inclined to experiment with different ways of thinking, living, and being. However, since the sun is now in the sign of its detriment, you’ll be focusing less on the attention or acknowledgement you’ll gain from doing things your own way. Instead, you may find yourself thinking more about the role you play as an individual within a larger society or system.
By Jan. 25, the Leo full moon shifts your attention back to your personal identity and autonomy. If you’ve lost sight of the purpose you serve as an individual, you’ll be reminded of it as this lunation unfolds. Allow yourself to acknowledge the gifts and abilities you have to share with the world today. It’s important to know what you have to offer, so that you can consciously contribute it. You may also be feeling bolder than usual today, so if you’ve been in need of a courage boost, expect to receive it now.
Here’s what each zodiac sign can expect from January’s astrology:
Aries Zodiac Signs (March 21 - April 19)
You’ll be gaining clarity in your spiritual beliefs as Mercury stations direct in your ninth house on Jan. 1. This is an optimal time for prioritizing studies that enlighten you, or engage in passionate discussions about your beliefs with like-minded individuals. You love speaking your truth, Aries, and as Mercury stations direct, you’ll be feel eager to share your thoughts and perspectives with anyone open-minded enough to listen. Just be mindful of how you choose to communicate your beliefs now –- you’ll be more candid than usual.
On Jan. 11, the Capricorn new moon welcomes new ambitious pursuits in your career and public profession. As this new chapter unfolds, you’ll be setting your sights on long-term goals that support your desire for success and longevity in your field. You may find yourself gaining more responsibility at work, or formulating a plan of action on how to climb the ladder of success – anything that allows you to clearly identify your plan of action.
Aquarius season begins on Jan. 20, illuminating your friendships, alliances, and social groups. As an independent individual, you feel most supported by those that respect your authentic self-expression, and as the sun travels through your 11th house this month, you’ll want to surround yourself with people that are unapologetically themselves, too. Embrace what makes you stand out from the crowd, Aries. What are your most unpopular opinions? You may not be as alone in these beliefs as you thought.
The month comes to a close as the full moon culminates in Leo by Jan. 25, shedding light on your current passions, love affairs, and hobbies. What creative pursuits make you stand out from the crowd? Now is the time to showcase them to the world. As this full moon unfolds, you will also be more inclined to make any admiration for others known now. Feel free to flirt, or shoot your shot at a crush — being true to yourself will pay off today.
Taurus Zodiac Signs (April 19 - May 21)
On Jan. 1, Mercury will station direct in the free-spirited sign of Sagittarius, bringing increased focus and clarity to your shared resources, obligations, and assets. As the money-savvy sign of the zodiac, you’re capable of thinking outside of the box when it comes to the state of your finances. And with Mercury increasing in speed, it’s allowing you to make bold leaps of faith regarding your investments. Expect to feel motivated to get all of your monetary affairs in order, bringing you closer to the financial freedom you’ve been looking for.
The Capricorn new moon on Jan. 11 brings productive new opportunities for higher learning, education, and knowledge about the world around you. What do you want to know more about, Taurus? While you may not be the spontaneous type, today’s full moon allows you to set your sights on a new study or lifestyle that has recently captured your interest. You’ll be more inclined to take this pursuit more seriously today, allowing you to consider what you want to gain from these perspectives in the long-run.
On Jan. 20, the sun shifts into innovative Aquarius, illuminating refreshing perspectives in your career and professional life. As this season unfolds, you’ll feel inspired to push the boundaries of what’s familiar in your field, and in turn, you may gain some increased notoriety around these efforts. While you may not typically be the biggest fan of the spotlight, embrace the extra notoriety this month. Your unconventional way of doing things is turning heads, and you deserve the credit for your originality.
The expressive Leo full moon on Jan. 25 spotlights your fourth house of home, family, and domestic affairs. You may be met with important revelations about what it means to feel validated and supported by your living environment during this full moon. You may also be making some adjustments to your home decor or hosting a dinner party — anything that allows the safe space you’ve created to be the center of attention.
Gemini Zodiac Signs (May 21 - June 22)
The month begins with Mercury, your chart ruler, stationing direct in Sagittarius on Jan. 1, offering a clearer understanding of the relationships and partnerships that you’re in. If you’ve been struggling to communicate your honest thoughts and opinions to the people around you, you should be able to get your point across easier now. With your ruling planet now direct, sharing what’s on your mind with your loved ones will be a top priority. Just try not to be too hasty with what you tell others now, Gemini. The post-retrograde effects are still subsiding, which could affect accuracy.
On Jan. 11, the Capricorn new moon invites disciplined new beginnings into your finances, resources, and shared responsibilities. On this day, you’ll be focused on paying off debts and maintaining more control over your obligations. You’ll be setting your sights on new financial goals that set you up for long-term stability, while closing the chapter on things or people who deplete your resources. While today’s energy may be more serious than you’re used to, it’s allowing you to take a hard look your investments and come up with a useful plan of action.
The sun shifts into unconventional Aquarius on Jan. 20, illuminating wisdom, knowledge, and experiences. As this season unfolds, you’ll feel compelled to mentally step out of your comfort zone and consider different perspectives. You may be educating yourself on a new topic or study, traveling to a different destination, or testing out a new spiritual practice. While your approach to these things may be unconventional, your ability to challenge yourself to embrace different ways of thinking and existing will liberate you in major ways.
By Jan. 25, the Leo full moon sheds light on your current thoughts and ideas, urging you to share information with others. As a strong communicator, you feel most like yourself when you’re sharing information with your peers, and today, you’ll be compelled to use your voice in a way that gets other people’s attention. You may be hosting a social event, or chatting up a neighbor, or relative. Today’s all about sharing your opinions with those that are closest to you.
Cancer Zodiac Signs (June 22 - July 20)
On Jan. 1, Mercury will station direct in free-spirited Sagittarius, clarifying your current habits, rituals, and regimens. With a refreshed mindset, you’ll now be able to create routines that support your desire for ebb and flow in your day-to-day life. Think about how you can incorporate spontaneity and excitement into your world – is it through a different diet or exercise routine? With Mercury moving forward once again, you’ll be able to implement healthy practices that give you plenty of space and freedom.
The Capricorn new moon on Jan. 11 brings new beginnings to your seventh house of romantic affairs. If you’re currently seeing someone, ask yourself if you’re satisfied with where the relationship is currently heading. You take your love life very seriously, Cancer, and today’s new moon is offering you an important reality check when it comes to matters of the heart. Luckily, any new connections that begin today have the potential to be productive, and they’ll support your desire for long-term stability in a union.
You’ll be taking a closer look at your shared resources, assets, and obligations as Aquarius season begins on Jan. 20. This season illuminates your desire for a detached approach when it comes to your obligations. It may be time to settle some debts, or acknowledge what you’re currently responsible for, Cancer. While you may not enjoy the hands-on efforts that this season may require, it’s allowing you to tighten your belt, and get the affairs in order that you may tend to overlook.
On Jan. 25, the Leo full moon illuminates the state of your current finances, budget, and personal resources. During this full moon, your attention will be directed toward the possessions you’re most proud of and the ones you’re eager to attain. Go ahead and spoil yourself today – you deserve it. Just keep in mind that indulging in life’s finer things doesn’t always have to come with a hefty price tag, especially if you can’t afford it. Showing yourself some extra love doesn’t always have to be expensive.
Leo Zodiac Signs (July 20 - Aug. 21)
As the month opens, Mercury stationing direct in optimistic Sagittarius on Jan. 1 brings clarity to your hobbies, interests, and creative pursuits. You feel your freest when you’re given the chance to think outside the box, and as your mentality gets a reboot, you’ll be focused on expressing yourself in a way that has no bounds. This could include taking up a new hobby or going on dates with someone that stimulates your mind. Engaging in activities that encourage you to think bigger is a perfect way to use this spontaneous and restless energy.
The Capricorn new moon on Jan. 11 offers an opportunity for increased organization and focus regarding your habits, routines, and daily duties. Now, you’ll be compelled to take anything that helps you function at your best more seriously. This could cause you to invest more time and energy into a workout regime or a change in diet. It’s a fortunate time for quitting bad habits and channeling increased self-discipline into improving your wellbeing.
The sun, your chart ruler, shifts into innovative Aquarius by Jan. 20, illuminating the current state of your romantic partnerships and love affairs. During this season, you’ll pay closer attention to the unique perspectives and opinions of the people around you. It’ll be important to surround yourself with individuals who are unapologetically themselves this month, and in turn, inspire you to show up as your most genuine self too.
The Leo full moon on Jan. 25 will take place in your first house of self-expression, shedding light on how you share yourself with the world. You’ve never been afraid to take up space, but during this event, you’ll consider how to put the best version of yourself on display. While you’ll be the center of attention now, try not to get too wrapped up in the validation others give you. Remember to put the parts of yourself that you’re proudest of first, even if they don’t gain praise or recognition.
Virgo Zodiac Signs (Aug. 21 - Sept. 22)
On Jan. 1, Mercury, your chart ruler, will station direct in the spontaneous sign of Sagittarius. Now, you’ll have a better idea of your big plans and objectives for home and domestic life, inspiring you into hopeful action. While you tend to give decisions more forethought, you’ll be compelled to make some sudden changes to your private world that support your desire for freedom behind closed doors. It’s essential that you live in an environment that gives you room to grow and evolve, Virgo, and now, any ideas you come up with will steer you in that direction.
During the Capricorn new moon on Jan. 11, you’ll discover new hobbies, interests, and creative pursuits that you may want to invest more time and energy into. During this new moon, the desire to take a leisurely activity more seriously will arise, opening up more opportunities for joy and personal fulfillment. You may also find yourself going on dates or engaging in a new romantic connection that has the potential to turn into something long-lasting.
The sun shifts into conceptual Aquarius on Jan. 20, illuminating your current routines, habits, and daily responsibilities. As this season unfolds, you’ll be made aware of how you use your time and energy regularly, and feel compelled to make some innovative changes in this area. This is a fortunate time for revamping your diet or wellness regimens to better allow for revolution in this area. The tasks on your to-do list may be mundane, but your approach to completing them will keep things from getting too boring.
On Jan. 25, the Leo full moon invites you to take a comprehensive look inward as you retreat into your shell. This full moon is requiring you to acknowledge all the ways you wish to be seen and acknowledged, but this doesn’t mean you’ll want to be in the spotlight. Instead, you’ll gain plenty of validation behind closed doors through your own tendencies and self-care practices today. Do something that makes you feel confident, even if it’s unbeknownst to others.
Libra Zodiac Signs (Sept. 22 - Oct. 21)
As the month begins, Mercury stations direct in the optimistic sign of Sagittarius on Jan. 1, bringing bigger plans and concepts to the forefront of your mind. Now, executing any studies or interests you’ve been eager to know more about will be easier. Pick up some new books, or tune into a podcast that helps to educate you on the new topic that’s grabbed your attention. You’ll want to know more about the world around you now, and with Mercury direct, it’ll be easier to absorb any new information that comes your way.
During the Capricorn new moon on Jan. 11, you’ll be setting some plans and goals in place in your home and living environment that are rooted in stability and longevity. You may be planning to relocate, or turn over a new leaf in your household, bringing more structure into your world. Your relationship with relatives or roommates may also be particularly significant now, and as a result, you may find yourself leaning into a more authoritative role in their lives as the day unfolds.
The sun shifts into innovative Aquarius on Jan. 20, illuminating your passions, interests, and love affairs. During this season, you’ll pay more attention to the hobbies and pursuits that bring you joy. Finding different ways to enjoy yourself will be a priority, inviting you to approach dating or creative expression a little differently. It’s a time of heightened inspiration, so be sure to channel that energy into anything that makes you happy.
By Jan. 25, the Leo full moon brings heightened attention to your current friendships, alliances, and social groups. During this time, you’ll notice how your community supports and affirms your identity rather than overlooks it. Today, feeling seen by your community will feel like more of a priority, so be sure to do plenty of socializing. Just make sure that those you’re surrounding yourself with now allow you to bring your most authentic self to the table without criticism or judgment.
Scorpio Zodiac Signs (Oct. 21 - Nov. 22)
As Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius on Jan.1, you’ll gain clarity around the current state of your money, assets, and personal resources. It’s important that you keep an open mind regarding how you invest your money, and as Mercury retrograde ends, you’ll feel hopeful and optimistic about the future investments you have yet to obtain. You may find yourself reworking your current budget to make room for bigger and better things, or ridding yourself of any items that are taking up too much space in your life.
The Capricorn new moon on Jan. 11 gives you an opportunity to take in new, useful information from the world around you. As this lunation unfolds, you’ll gather knowledge from your immediate environment that feels practical and productive. It’s a fortunate time for engaging in discussions that center logic, as you’ll feel particularly clear-headed today. Be sure to channel this energy into any studies or interests you’ve wanted to take seriously – it’ll be easier for you to get ahead today.
The sun shifts into conceptual Aquarius by Jan. 20, shedding light on the current state of your home, family, and domestic world. As this season progresses, you’ll focus on innovating and re-constructing your current living situation. How can you create an environment that supports your need to think outside the box? While you’ll be inclined to retreat from the outside world this month, you’ll express yourself authentically from the comfort of your home.
The Leo full moon on Jan. 25 sheds light on your desire for authority and self-expression in your career and professional world. During this time, you may find your efforts at work are being put on display, causing you to receive some well-deserved recognition. Though you tend to keep a low profile any other day, you’ll feel proud of your work accomplishments, and will feel called to show them off.
Sagittarius Zodiac Signs (Nov. 22 - Dec. 19)
On Jan. 1, Mercury will finally station direct in your first house of identity, allowing you to communicate your thoughts, opinions, and ideas with a clear and open mind. As the planet of communication begins to accelerate through the cosmos, you’ll have many plans and perspectives in mind that you’ll be itching to share with anyone willing to listen. As a result, it’ll be essential to be mindful of what you’re telling people now, since you’ll be more prone to over-sharing. Since you’ll have plenty to say now, those around you will be all ears – so try to use as much discernment as possible.
You’ll prioritize organization and structure in your finances as the Capricorn new moon unfolds on Jan. 11. On this day, you’ll be concerned with getting your money in order so that they can provide you with increased stability. This could lead to you opening a new bank account or setting up a stricter spending budget. If you’ve been meaning to cut back on your spending, now’s the time to implement that goal, since it will be much easier to maintain self-discipline.
The sun shifts into untraditional Aquarius by Jan. 20, illuminating your desire to know and understand more information about the world around you. As this season unfolds, your current opinions and ideas that set you apart from your peers will be illuminated. You’ve always enjoyed speaking your mind openly, and now, you’ll want to engage in discussions that allow you to express your unpopular opinions. Just be sure to have these conversations with people that respect your outlook.
On Jan. 25, the Leo full moon sheds light on your spiritual beliefs and quests for higher knowledge and wisdom. During this event, you’ll feel the urge to express yourself in ways you normally don’t. This could be through travels, new interests, or by switching up your usual routine. Make sure to do things today that bring you out of your comfort zone but still feel authentic to who you are.
Capricorn Zodiac Signs (Dec. 19 - Jan. 20)
As Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius on Jan. 1, you’ll be thinking clearly regarding the habits and tendencies you engage in behind closed doors. You feel your freest when you’re MIA, and with a clearer mind, it’ll be easier to make better use of this time behind closed doors. If you’ve been suffering from intrusive thoughts, now’s a good time to face them. Journaling and processing what’s been on your mind is a great way to liberate yourself from a stagnant or unsupportive mindset.
The new moon in your sign on Jan. 11 offers a chance to set your sights on some new goals and ambitions for yourself. As someone who prioritizes their accomplishments, you’ll feel incredibly disciplined and capable of achieving anything you set your mind to now. While it may not happen overnight, you’ll be planting the seeds for personal success in the long run as this new moon unfolds.
The sun shifting into conceptual Aquarius on Jan. 20 shifts your focus toward money, resources, and assets. You tend to maintain a level-headed and detached approach when it comes to financial matters, but during this season, you’ll be in the mood to adjust how you indulge in the fruits of your labor. You may be ridding yourself of some belongings or rethinking how you spend your time, money, and energy. Think outside the box this month – your funds may be able to do more than you realized.
During the Leo full moon on Jan. 25, you’ll be looking closer at your debts and financial obligations. You’ve always proudly owned what you’re responsible for, and on this day, you’ll be acknowledging any debts you’ve accrued that need to be confronted. You may be paying off loans or helping a loved one with their own problems today. Either way, you’ll feel confident in your ability to handle even the heaviest of topics.
Aquarius Zodiac Signs (Jan. 20 - Feb. 19)
As Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius on Jan. 1, you’ll have a clearer head when it comes to the friendships and alliances you’re a part of. It’s important that you surround yourself with people who inspire and enlighten you, and as Mercury retrograde ends, you’ll understand just how important it is. You may find yourself having to change your mindset when it comes to the company you keep or giving a friend the pep talk they need. Your voice holds weight in your community, and now, you’ll be able to put it to good use.
The Jan. 11 Capricorn new moon invites you to do a deep, introspective inventory. Are you currently satisfied with your relationship to self-discipline? If you’ve wanted to cut out bad habits or start newer, better ones, you can initiate those changes now. It may not be a day for socialization, but instead, you’ll be setting your sights on how to better improve your mental well-being.
The sun shifts into Aquarius by Jan. 20, illuminating your unique opinions and perspectives. With a newfound spotlight on your sense of self, you may find that you attract more attention from the outside world, mostly for your distinct ability to show up authentically. You may feel compelled to do the things that make you feel the most like yourself this month, even if these pursuits are uncommon to others. Don’t be afraid to go against the grain.
During the Leo full moon on Jan. 25, your romantic affairs and love interests will be illuminated. Today, you’ll shift your focus away from independent pursuits and toward the validation and acceptance you gain from your connections. You may find that a particular relationship that makes you feel seen is a focus now, or you may be giving a special someone a little extra attention.
Pisces Zodiac Signs (Feb. 20 - March 20)
As Mercury stations direct in free-spirited Sagittarius on Jan. 1, you’ll gain clarity around your plans and aspirations for your career and professional pursuits. Now, it’ll be easier to envision the future you see for yourself in your field and accurately convey your ideas to your colleagues or audience. It’s a fortunate time for brainstorming exciting endeavors that allow you to think outside the box in your workplace.
The Capricorn new moon on Jan. 11 invites productive new connections and friendships into your world, prompting you to consider the longevity of these new connections, as well as current ones. It’s important that you feel a strong sense of stability in your community, and today, you’ll feel more sensitive to that desire. If you choose to socialize, make sure that you’re engaging with people who share similar goals as you do, and you’ll feel right at home with them.
Aquarius season begins on Jan. 20, illuminating your current state of mind, along with your habits and tendencies. This season, you’ll be inclined to pull the curtain back on any self-sabotaging behaviors or mindsets that have been unsupportive. Although you may not feel incredibly extroverted this month, you’ll get to know yourself in ways you didn’t think you could.
The Leo full moon on Jan. 25 directs focus to your duties, habits, and productivity levels, inviting you to find more pride and authority in these endeavors. If you’ve been feeling disconnected from your daily routines, today’s a good time to recenter your focus. You may have a long list of things to do, but that doesn’t mean you have to neglect yourself, Pisces. Complete a task, and then give yourself a little treat. Anything that allows you to feel accomplished after the work is done.