Your July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope Is Bringing Major Shifts To The Cosmos
Wipe those tears, Leo season’s here.
With last week’s incredibly intense super buck moon in the rearview, there’s so much to look forward to. Cancer season was an emotional period for many, but it also allowed each of us to reconnect with our feelings in a very intuitive, gut-led manner, and for that, I’m grateful (Cancer rising here, can you tell?). As the month continues, however, the cosmos are gearing up for a pretty drastic change, as the sun prepares to shift into its home sign of Leo. With the sun stepping out of a Cancer and into the sign where it has rulership, you can expect your July 18, 2022 horoscope to be all about embracing the exuberant, confident energy of Leo season — a pretty stark contrast from the emotionally-lead Cancer season you’re leaving behind. Beginning this week, you’ll be called to express yourself boldly and unapologetically — and in more ways than one.
For starters, Mercury, the planet of communication, will shift into Leo on July 19, swapping out the intuition-led method of sharing thoughts and ideas and replacing it with a confident, bold way of communicating. As a fixed, fire sign, Leo is all about expressing yourself in a way that’s self-assured, authoritative, and unwavering. While this may not be a time where you’re feeling as open to the opinions and thoughts of others, you’ll be paying far more attention to your own opinions, and how they support your sense of individuality. This is a great time to discuss topics that you’re passionate about, and it could also be a time where you receive acknowledgement for your unique ideas. Just try to be flexible now, because Leo is a sign that has a tendency to be a little stubborn.
On July 22, the sun will shift into its home sign of Leo until August 22. Since the sun is symbolic of your identity and self-consciousness, you can expect to feel more aligned with who you are now, and confident in expressing yourself. With the sun here, the desire to be acknowledged and appreciated will be highlighted — this is the sun’s sign, after all. During Leo season, it’ll be important that you don’t seek too much external validation, but instead, find ways to validate yourself, even if others aren’t clapping for you. However, you may find that you are receiving more attention and notoriety than usual during this season, so don’t hesitate to step into the limelight — whatever attention you get now is well-deserved.
Here’s what each zodiac sign can expect from this week’s astrology:
Aries July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
You’re being reconnected with your creative side this week, Aries, as Mercury and the sun both shift into your fifth house of fun, romance, and passion projects this week. As a fellow fire sign, you tend to feel a surge in inspiration when the sky’s full of fiery energy, and Leo season is definitely no exception. It’s the perfect time to tap into new, fun ways of expressing yourself, and potentially share and showcase these pursuits with others. You may even receive some attention or acknowledgement for your creative endeavors now, so be sure to step into the limelight.
Taurus July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On July 19, Mercury will step into the expressive, confident sign of Leo, and on July 22, the sun will join the party in your fourth house of home and family. This week, your role within your household and amongst your relatives is being highlighted, so don’t be too surprised if some newfound attention comes your way. You take pride in where you come from, and Leo is sure to bring out the confidence you have in your lineage as well as your home. Now is a great time to consider how your current living environment is (or isn’t) an extension of your self-expression, and potentially make some changes.
Gemini July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
Your chart ruler, Mercury, is changing signs this week, Gemini, bringing some pretty significant shifts your way on July 19. Moving into your third house of communication, you’ll be feeling eager to express your thoughts, opinions and ideas with anyone who’s willing to listen now. You find a lot of pride in your perspectives, and as the sun joins Mercury on July 22, you can expect some attention to come your way in this area. Don’t hesitate to speak your mind during this season, as odds are you’ll have a pretty attentive audience.
Cancer July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
This week, your money and resources will be a main focus as Mercury and the sun step into your second house of resources. It’ll be important to be mindful of your spending now, Cancer, especially since you typically find a lot of pride in your possessions. On the other hand, now is the perfect time to advocate for yourself when it comes to what you deserve. Whether you’re due for a raise or looking to find other ways to make money, don’t hesitate to ask for what you want now, and be sure not to settle for anything less than you deserve.
Leo July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
This week’s a big one for you Leo, as your chart ruler and Mercury step into your first house of self. Cancer season was a time of deep introspection, but you’ll now be feeling confident enough to come out of seclusion and boldly step into the limelight. With your chart ruler (aka the sun) in the sign of its domicile, you’ll be feeling more like yourself than ever. Now is the perfect time to make some decisions that align with your highest and greatest good, regardless of who does or doesn’t agree. This season is all about you, so be sure to focus on yourself as much as you can.
Virgo July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As your chart ruler, Mercury, changes signs this week on July 19, you’ll be called to draw your energy inward as it shifts from your social 11th house to the 12th house of isolation and seclusion. Now is a period of introspection for you, Virgo, so be sure to do plenty of reflecting as this season continues. In Leo, Mercury’s eager to share and express ideas in a bold, confident manner, but because this sign falls in your 12th house, you’re likely to be less eager to embrace this loud energy. Instead, now’s a great time to tap into your creative, expressive endeavors in private. It’s the perfect time to journal, teach yourself a new skill, and reset your energy before your season starts.
Libra July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On July 22, the sun will dip into your 11th house of friends and social groups, bringing plenty of attention and acknowledgement to this area of your life. It’s the perfect time to plan a social event with friends or community — anything that allows you to flex your natural-born leadership skills. As a Venusian, you thrive in social settings, and Leo season’s definitely the perfect time for you to step out and be seen. Don’t be surprised if you receive unusual attention or acknowledgement from others now, as you deserve to be celebrated.
Scorpio July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
You’re stepping into a busy career season, Scorpio, as the sun and Mercury shift into your 10th house this week. It’s a great time for you to showcase any projects you’ve been working on because they’re certain to be acknowledged and noticed now. You find a lot of confidence and pride in your profession, and now is the perfect time to embrace the attention that comes along with working so hard. You tend to be a pretty private person, so while this is a great time for newfound attention, it may feel a little uncomfortable being center stage. Don’t be afraid to take up space — your work deserves recognition.
young woman blocks the sun with her eyes closed as she reflects on her july 18, 2022 horoscope
Sagittarius July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On July 22, the sun will shift into your 9th house of travel and higher knowledge, encouraging you to embark on exciting new journeys this week. As a fellow fire sign, you tend to thrive when there’s fire in the sky, and as the sun travels through your 9th house, you’ll be even more eager to embark on an adventure than usual. It’s the perfect time to share your belief systems with others, and you may find that you receive some attention or acknowledgement for your philosophies now, too. As the teacher of the zodiac, people are always willing to listen to your stories and experiences, but expect this to reach an all-time high now.
Capricorn July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On July 22, the sun will shift into your eighth house of boundaries and shared resources, bringing attention to entanglements you’re involved in within your relationships. Now is a time where you may find that your role in other people’s affairs is heightened, so it’ll be important to be mindful of maintaining healthy boundaries now. Remember that your worth isn’t defined by how you help and cater others — in fact, what you can do for people doesn’t have anything to do with who you are as a person. Keep that in mind this month, and be sure that you’re validating yourself and not seeking it from others.
Aquarius July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
Your relationships are being highlighted this week, Aquarius, as Mercury and the sun step into your seventh house of relationships. As your sister sign, Leo energy is your polar opposite, which is bound to bring up some internal conflict this season, but don’t worry, because it’s ultimately for the best. Your role in your relationships is an incredibly significant one, and it’s important that you allow yourself to be acknowledged and appreciated by others — especially now. You can also learn so much about yourself and your identity now through others, so be sure to pay attention. How do the people that you surround yourself with make you feel about yourself?
Pisces July 18, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
This week, Mercury and the sun shift into your sixth house of work and productivity, bringing acknowledgement and attention to this area of your life. It’s a great time to assess how your daily routines and practices align with your self-expression and examine how your habits support your need for confidence. You’ll be finding plenty of pleasure from the mundane parts of your day to day now, and it’s a great time to focus on how you’re feeling in your body. Regardless of how others take care of themselves, it’s important that you do things your own way.
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