Your July 4 Weekly Horoscope Is Encouraging You To Slow Down
New month, new planetary shifts.
The first week of July is here, and things are already starting off with a bang — and I’m not just talking about the fireworks. Your July 4, 2022 weekly horoscope is highlighting some major astrological shifts, but don’t worry, you’ve been through two eclipses, countless retrogrades, and a summer solstice over the last couple of months, so trust me — you’ll be fine. With two planets in the cosmos changing signs this week, the energy is bound to feel different now, but in the best way possible. There’s been a surge in action, assertion, and impulse over the last couple of months with so much going on in Aries, but things will finally slow down enough to let you catch your breath. The astrology of this week is all about expressing your feelings while also de-prioritizing conflict, all while Cancer season continues, of course. While it may sound like a lot to handle, don’t worry — you got this.
On July 5, Mars will shift into the fixed, earth sign of Taurus, after hanging out in Aries, the sign of its domicile, since May 24. Mars is the planet that rules over action, conflict, and fighting, which we’ve collectively seen plenty of as of late. In Taurus, however, Mars screeches to a halt. As a Venus-ruled sign, Taurus isn’t nearly as concerned with confrontation as Aries is, making the fiery planet debilitated in this sign. From now until August 20, Mars will be incredibly slow to make any decisions, and will be far more inclined to maintain and uphold actions that were embarked on back when Mars was in Aries. This is an incredibly stubborn sign for the planet of assertion to be in, so be mindful of trying to push something forward that seemingly won’t budge — you may just be wasting your time.
Also taking place July 5, Mercury, the planet of communication, will leave its domicile in Gemini and step into the cardinal, water sign of Cancer. From now until July 19, communication will take a far more sensitive and intuitive approach, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that logic will be as present. It’ll be important to double-check details and information now, because Mercury in a water sign is far more concerned with feelings than facts. It’s a great time to tap into your intuition, however, and engage in emotionally deep conversations with others.
Here’s what each sign can expect from this week’s astrology:
young woman reaches out to shield face from camera as she thinks about her july 4, 2022 horoscope
Aries July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
You can finally let out an exhale, Aries, as your chart ruler finally shifts out of your first house of self on July 5. You’ve been incredibly busy since May, chasing new pursuits and embarking on exciting new endeavors, but now is finally time to slow down, as Mars shifts into Taurus. Now’s the time to take a closer look at your resources — do you have the stability here that you crave? The actions you embarked on recently are bound to be lucrative, but it’s important that you maintain stability to give your pursuits a chance to grow legs.
Taurus July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
It’s a busy week for you, Taurus, as Mars shifts out of your 12th house and into your first house of self. You’ll be inclined to push new pursuits and endeavors forward now, but don’t expect them to take off right away. Mars in your sign is looking to prioritize security and stability, so while you’ll be occupied with new endeavors, you may be prompted to slowly initiate, rather than charge full speed ahead. It’s a great time to prioritize yourself, especially the things that bring you security and stability.
Gemini July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
Things are finally beginning to mellow out this week, as Mercury, your chart ruler, shifts into your second house of money and resources. It’s a great time to brainstorm different ways you can make money in a way that brings you the emotional security and stability you crave. While this transit won’t be as mentally energetic as the one prior, it’s giving you the opportunity to reconnect with your emotional needs, so be sure to honor them now. What can you learn from your feelings now?
Cancer July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On July 5, Mercury will shift into your first house of self, prompting you to share your thoughts, opinions, and ideas in a way that’s sensitive and intuitive. You’ve got plenty to say now, Cancer, and while others are eager to listen, it’ll be important that you don’t become too defensive if someone disagrees with your perspectives now. Your feelings are valid, but they don’t always equate to logic. Either way, you can still honor them by sharing them with the world, just be sure to remain open to the emotions and opinions of others.
Leo July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As Mars moves into your 10th house of career and public image this week, you’ll sense a surge in energy when it comes to your professional endeavors. While you may not experience too many big changes here now, you will be more inclined to fight for what you want now. While things may start off a bit slow here, you’ll definitely be making progress — so be sure to remain consistent. You’re looking for longevity in your career, and this transit is certain to lay the groundwork.
Virgo July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
Your chart ruler, Mercury, shifts into your 11th house of friends and social groups this week, shifting your attention to sharing thoughts and ideas within your community. You’re known as the mom friend amongst your friends, and this energy will definitely be kicked into overdrive this week, as you advise and counsel others. Just be sure to be mindful of how you’re communicating now, because your opinions are certain to take on a more emotional tone now.
Libra July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
You’re in for a busy week, Libra, as Mars shifts into your sixth house of work and routines this week. It’s a good time to get organized and to assess your routines, but don’t expect to feel called to make any sudden shifts. Instead, you’ll be far more concerned with consistency and stability here, as well as prioritizing your pleasure in your daily life. Beware of becoming resistant to any necessary shifts though, particularly regarding how you take care of your body, though — it might be a great time to switch up your wellness practices.
Scorpio July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As Mars, your chart ruler, steps into your seventh house of relationships this week, you’ll be inclined to prioritize your one-on-one partnerships. While any new pursuits in your love life may not exactly hit the ground running, you can still expect a surge in energy here. Since you ultimately crave longevity and stability in your connections, you’ll be inclined to approach any new things here in a cautious, reserved, manner. Remember — slow and steady wins the race.
Sagittarius July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As Mercury shifts into your eighth house of boundaries and shared resources on July 5, you’ll notice your conversations start to intensify and deepen this week. While you tend to prefer lighthearted dynamics, Mercury in Cancer will prompt you to engage in more conversations that consider the emotions of others. This is a time where you may notice people are confiding in you more, so be sure to set boundaries for those who are more prone to overshare.
Capricorn July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On July 5, Mercury will step into your seventh house of relationships, bringing the need to have in depth, one-to-one conversations with your partner now. As the logical earth sign of the zodiac, you tend to avoid communicating from an emotional place, but you may find that your relationships benefit from these kinds of conversations now. Don’t be afraid to get vulnerable with your significant other during this transit. The deep bonds you’re craving can only be established if you’re willing to lean into your feels.
Aquarius July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As Mars steps into your fourth house of home and family on July 5, you’ll notice a surge in action and energy in this area of your life this week. It won’t be a time where you’ll be eager to embrace too much change, but you will be inspired to take action when it comes to prioritizing stability and comfort here. Be aware of any potential conflicts amongst family now, as this energy tends to prompt stubbornness and an inability to be flexible and adapt to change.
Pisces July 4, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On July 5, Mars will shift out of your second house and into your third house of communication, fueling your desire to share thoughts, opinions, and ideas with your immediate environment now. Since Mars is in a fixed, earth sign, you may feel less inclined to embrace different perspectives and opinions now, so it could be beneficial to keep an open mind. If you want people to listen to you, you’ll have to be willing to listen to them.