The Super Strawberry Moon On June 14 Will Have Main Character Energy For 4 Signs
The full moon in Sagittarius is bringing plenty of growth and expansion.
This year’s Gemini season has been active, to say the least. Mercury retrograde had its main character moment at the beginning, but luckily we are officially on the other side of that volatile energy, as the shadow period comes to a close and Mercury reenters its home sign of Gemini on June 13. We are, however, approaching the final full moon before the summer solstice (aka the 2022 Super Strawberry Moon), which will affect some zodiac signs more than others. Though it’ll bring plenty of realizations and climaxes to the forefront of everyone’s birth charts, mutable signs are sure to see the biggest impact.
Gemini season has reminded every zodiac sign that it’s OK to not have all the answers; you learn far more in life when you don’t feel like you have everything figured out. With this upcoming lunation taking place in the knowledge-oriented, mutable fire sign of Sagittarius on June 14, however, it’s time to be reminded of what you do know. The Super Strawberry Moon is all about nudging you to embrace your desire for freedom and wisdom. Since this lunation is taking place in a mutable sign, it comes as no surprise that every mutable sign will be majorly affected, but in the best possible ways.
With Jupiter, the ruler of this moon, strongly supported in Aries, it’s also the time to embrace your inner truth. There may be a plenty that you don’t know, but you also have far more wisdom than you realize, and if you’re a mutable sign, this full moon is reminding you of that.
Before delving deeper into the details of how the 2022 Super Strawberry Moon will affect mutable signs, here’s what you need to know about this lunation:
What Is A Supermoon?
The full moon on June 14 isn’t just a regular moon, it’s a cool moon because it’s *super* and appears bigger in the nighttime sky. In actuality, “A supermoon occurs when the Moon’s orbit is closest (perigee) to Earth at the same time the Moon is full,” according to NASA. In other words, it looks *ahem* supersized.
What Is A Strawberry Moon?
As with every full moon, June’s full moon has a nickname. The last full moon of spring is most commonly referred to as the Strawberry Moon — as it marked a time to harvest ripening strawberries — though Native Americans also called it names like Berries Ripen Moon, Green Corn Moon, and Hot Moon.
Now that you have all the background info about the 2022 Super Strawberry Moon on June 14, here are the four zodiac signs who will feel its main character energy:
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
It’s been a jam-packed season for you, Gemini, but the Strawberry Moon is finally bringing all the major shifts you’ve experienced over the past month to a close. Taking place in your seventh house of relationships, you’re being asked to shift your attention to your romantic partnerships; you’ve learned a lot about yourself as of late, but what does that mean for your connections with others? You may realize during this time that there are some relationships you may have to let go of, while others are showing you that they have so much more to offer and teach you. As someone who’s always eager to learn, now is the perfect time to reflect on the lessons others have encouraged you to pay attention to. What you choose to do with this knowledge, however, is up to you.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
On June 14, the supermoon will illuminate your fourth house of home and family, bringing something important and valuable to light pertaining to your private world. You’ve been allowing yourself to get curious about your current career ventures as of late, but now is the time to pull the curtain back and assess what’s being revealed to you about your domestic matters. What can your relationship to your home life teach you? Since the fourth house is essentially the foundation of the chart, it’s important to water the flowers you’ve planted here.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
As the full moon in Sagittarius illuminates your first house of self on June 14, your sense of identity and self-expression will be highlighted. During Gemini season, you’ve learned a lot through your connections with others, and while that’s been incredibly beneficial, it’s important to remember that your relationships with other people don’t define you. Have you been allowing yourself to live in your truth? This supermoon is a reminder that you know who you are, and regardless of who comes or goes, that will never change. It’s a great time to prioritize your own needs, and go off on your own adventure. Your freedom must always be at the forefront in all of your endeavors, so be sure not to sacrifice it for the sake of someone else.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Taking place in your 10th house of career and public image, the full moon in Sagittarius on June 14 is placing a spotlight on your vocational goals and aspirations. As a fellow Jupiter-ruled sign, it’s important that you experience continuous growth in all areas of your life, especially when it comes to the professional work that you do. Now is a time when you may be feeling inspired to embark on new career endeavors, or you may notice a chapter coming to a close regarding current work duties. Consider all the knowledge you’ve collected in this area of your life: How is your current profession allowing you to speak your truth? With Jupiter, your chart ruler, currently in Aries, you may be feeling eager to pursue new opportunities — so do it.