Young couple holding hands on May 1, 2022, the most romantic day of the month and most fertile day o...

The Most Romantic Day In May Is Really Soon, So Mark Your Calendars

Major heart eyes.

by Valerie Mesa

The most romantic day in April for every zodiac sign was at the very end of the month, on April 30. But the most romantic day in May is at the very beginning of the month, on May 1. That means back-to-back days of love.

In addition to the charming astro-weather happening on May 1, this day also happens to be quite sensual, especially when it comes to matters of romance. Also known as Beltane, the first of May honors Mother Earth’s fertility, as well as the element fire, which serves as a symbol of divine creation.

Here’s what your zodiac sign can expect in the romance department on May 1:


Candlelit dinner for two? Unless you’re in the mood for a moonlight swim. Either way, the sun is currently beaming over your second house of sensual pleasures, all while harmonizing with Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune. Privacy brings bliss.

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