Here’s Where To Take The Most Insta-Worthy Pics On Your Next Trip To NYC
For when those Central Park pics start to get old.
As a born-and-bred New Yorker and aspiring Instagram influencer, I’ve explored my fair share of New York City in an attempt to get the perfect ‘Gram. I’ve been everywhere from the ever-popular Met Museum to the faraway foodie’s paradise that is Flushing, Queens. I’ve even been to Staten Island, which is actually covered in lush greens. While I’ve come to realize that this city offers limitless photo-worthy spots, there are only a few sites worthy of being considered one of the most Instagrammable places in NYC.
Prior to 2020, I spent a lot of my time traveling outside the East Coast. But when the pandemic began and most travel came to a halt, I decided to turn lemons into lemonade and started scouting photoshoot locations in my own backyard again. It felt great to get back to my city roots by adding backdrops of skyscrapers and a sprinkling of hidden NYC gems to my feed.
With many parts of the city reopened for business, you might be considering a trip to the Big Apple in the near future. Just keep in mind that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) encourages travelers to delay any trips until they’re fully vaccinated. In NYC specifically, you’ll need to show proof of vaccination to take part in indoor dining, fitness, and entertainment starting on Aug. 16. You should also continue to adhere to any local COVID-19 restrictions while you’re there, which means wearing your mask on public transportation and practicing social distancing when able. Thankfully, all of these Instagrammable locations in New York City are either outdoors or large indoor spaces, which makes social distancing a lot easier.
Whether you’re planning a trip to New York in the near future or are a local like me just looking for some new places to explore, keep these stunning NYC locations in mind for your Instagram feed.
The original Pier 17 was destroyed during Hurricane Sandy, but a recent revitalization of the area has brought notable restaurants like Momofuku Ssam Bar, Malibu Farm, and The Fulton by Jean-George, a summer rooftop concert series, and other fun events to the neighborhood. You can get an excellent shot of the Brooklyn Bridge in your background, but if you turn around you’ll get an equally amazing shot of yourself with the Financial District’s skyscrapers behind you.
The CDC recommends traveling only after you’re fully vaccinated and your vaccine has become fully effective. If you’re not fully vaccinated and must travel, check the CDC guidelines before you book. Check your destination’s vaccination and testing requirements before you depart.
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