The Spiritual Meaning Of The November 2023 Beaver Moon
No topic is off-limits.
Now that the sun’s in the open-minded sign of Sagittarius, there’s a lot to say and even more to learn. So much so, that you’ve probably been engaging in plenty of passionate discussions about topics you feel confidently educated in. However, regardless of how well-informed you are, the sun’s trip through this mutable fire sign is inviting everyone to introduce themselves to broader perspectives and experiences. As the upcoming full moon culminates, every sign will be prompted to question their own way of thinking. If you’ve been feeling ill-informed about a specific topic, the spiritual meaning of the November 2023 Beaver Moon definitely has you covered.
What’s A Beaver Moon?
A Beaver Moon is an annual lunation that takes place every November. This full moon is commonly referred to as a “Beaver Moon” because every year around this time, the rodents begin to hibernate in preparation for the cold winter months.
Another name for November’s full moon is “Digging Moon,” another indicator of the animals prepping for the change in seasons.
When Will The November 2023 Beaver Moon Take Place?
On Nov. 27 at 4:16 a.m. EST, the Beaver Moon will reach its peak at 7 degrees in the mutable air sign of Gemini. As this full moon reaches its capacity, important questions, details, and information will be illuminated in the birth charts of every zodiac sign. Ruled by Mercury, this lunation is encouraging everyone to engage in meaningful discussions that allow for increased knowledge and understanding. While you may not have all of the answers to some of your biggest questions just yet, now is the time to let your curiosity take the lead.
Although Sagittarius season illuminates the beliefs and philosophies you feel well-educated on, it’s important to remain teachable during this season — and the Gemini full moon is shedding its light on exactly where you may not have enough information. While admitting that you may not know enough about a topic or area of life can be a humbling experience, there’s no shame in asking questions. In order to master a study or topic of interest, you must start out as a student, and this month’s the perfect time to do so. If there’s anything you’ve been itching to know more about, feel free to do some investigating now.
Since this full moon in Gemini will be square Saturn in Pisces, you may feel a strong sense of duty or obligation that comes along with any important information that’s revealed to you now. With that in mind, it’s important to make sure that as you ask your hard-hitting questions, you’re fully prepared for the answers you receive. Oftentimes, remaining ignorant about a topic or study can be easier than knowing the truth, because with more knowledge comes more responsibility. So, not only will your curiosity guide you to enlightenment, but it may also highlight where you may need to implement this newfound intelligence. The Gemini-ruled house in your birth chart is where you can expect a sudden surge in awareness, while the Pisces-ruled house may be where the increase in accountability may take place. What will you choose to do with the knowledge you uncover? Ultimately, the choice is yours.