Get a burn in even while you’re on vacay.
The summer is a busy time for everyone, but you don’t necessarily want to skip out on working out just because you have a backyard party or beach day with your bestie to get to. You still want to take some time out to work on your core and relieve some tension, and a 15-minute pilates workout at home will do that.
Elite Daily spoke with celebrity pilates instructor, fitness expert, and founder of Natural Pilates, Laura Wilson, who shared 10 quick and easy pilates exercises that you can add to your workout routine at home. These exercises, done in order, will give you a 15 minute pilates workout you’ll want to do all summer long.
Start with a “great core-strengthening exercise,” according to Wilson. While laying on your back, bring your legs into a tabletop position. As you inhale, lower one of your legs to the mat, and bring it back up as you exhale. Do this 10 times on each side, and “remember to keep your back flat.”
Another way to strength your core is by doing 15 to 20 crunches to the center and side, according to Wilson. For the most effective workout, begin lying supine with your “feet flat on the mat hip-distance apart.” With your hands behind your head or stretched out, lift up, squeezing your abdominal, as you exhale.
If you’re looking to increase the mobility of your spine, Wilson suggests doing five to 10 roll downs. Starting in a seated position with your arms and legs out in front, slowly roll back as you exhale. Once you reach the mat, inhale as you bring your arms over your head. Then, exhale again as you slowly roll back up.
For your side body and lower back, Wilson suggests adding side bends with leg lifts to your summer pilates routine. While laying on your side, lift your legs off the mat as you exhale. Be sure you keep your legs together and stacked, and inhale as you slowly lower them. Do this about 10 to 20 times on each side.
While on your side, you can also perform hip abductions, which are great for your outer thighs. With your head resting on your bottom arm and knees bent, lift your “top leg only as high as [your] hips stay stacked.” Do 10 reps on each side.
Roll over so you’re on your hands and knees for leg circles. This exercise strengthens your entire body, and all you need to do is lift up your leg and “draw circles” with it for about six to 10 reps. Add a “booty band or ankle weights” to intensify your workout.
Laying on your back again, do some hip rolls by lifting your spine off the mat. Hold there for a breath. You should really feel it in your glutes — aka your summer booty — and Wilson suggests repeating this exercise 10 to 20 times.
Don’t just swim in the pool this summer. Wilson recommends adding this swimming exercise to your routine as well. As you lift your arms and legs up, you’ll be working out your “hamstrings, glutes, spine, and shoulders.” You also want to “repeat at a fast pace, inhaling for five counts and exhaling for five counts.”
From your swimming position, hold a plank for “as long as you can without losing form.” Wilson says, “Be sure your body is in one long line from your head to your heels. Actively squeeze your abs and glutes to maintain the position and protect your spine.” You can also start on your knees or elbows if you find this plank too difficult.
Get off the mat to perform some squats. Doing about 10 to 30 squats is great for your legs. Be sure to “focus on breathing and engaging the core throughout to perform ‘pilates squats,’” Wilson shares. Also, make sure you’re “maintaining a neutral spine” and squeezing your legs to initiate your glutes at the top.