Scorpio Season Will Be A Dark Time For 3 Unlucky Zodiac Signs
This season’s all about emotional intensity, which is great for some, but not for others.
There’s something beautifully intense about Scorpio season. Halloween is a time where you can express your obsession with gore in a way that won’t be frowned upon, and your all-time favorite horror movies are finally being added back to streaming services. While the fixated determination and emotional intensity of Scorpio season tends to get a pretty bad rap, it prompts you to deepen and solidify the bonds you lightheartedly began during Libra season. Fall kicked off in a different way this year though, making communicating a challenge as Mercury stationed retrograde for the final time in 2021 — but it finally came to an end on Oct. 18. While many of the signs are in the clear, there are a few that aren’t exactly out of the woods yet, making Scorpio season 2021 the worst for three zodiac signs: Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius.
Scorpio is a fixed water sign all about emotional security and privacy, and since this sign falls in a different house in each person’s birth chart, the energy of this sign can show up differently for everyone. For Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius, Scorpio season is highlighting what’s called the “dark” houses (sixth, eighth, and 12th houses). These houses govern over topics that are often private and tucked away in our lives, only being amplified by Scorpio season’s Mars-ruled nature. When this season begins on Oct. 23, these signs may be prompted to withdraw in order to manage some underlying issues. Here’s how the struggles may show up:
Aries: Personal Boundaries In Your Relationships Will Be Highlighted
The connections that you may have initiated during Libra season are now being put to the test. As Scorpio season begins, be sure to reflect on how vulnerable you feel like you can be with this person. Can they be trusted? Will they respect your personal boundaries? As a Mars-ruled sign, you take your independence very seriously, and a partner who respects that without feeling threatened is key. This season is likely going to put a bit of a strain on your relationship dynamic, but only to ensure that it can stand the test of time.
Gemini: Your Daily Habits And Routines Are Demanding Attention
As we shift from a playful, airy season, and your chart ruler, Mercury, finally comes out of retrograde, you’re likely feeling a bit out of sorts. Scorpio season is the perfect time for you to prioritize organization, and will give you the nudge you need in the right direction. The fixed energy of this season is encouraging you to see your new healthy habits and routines through to the end, even if you start to get bored or lose interest. It’s important for you to maintain a firm grasp on your responsibilities, but be sure not to overdo it. This is definitely a sign that can become a bit too fixated on an outcome, so be sure to find a healthy balance that works for you.
Sagittarius: Your Mental Health Can’t Be Ignored
You’ve had a jam-packed social calendar over the last couple months, but Scorpio season will be asking that you slow down enough to rest and recharge. You tend to show up enthusiastically in every area of your life, but it’s important to remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup. In order to continue spreading your wisdom and knowledge, you have to spend adequate time alone, tending to your self-care habits, whether that be reading, meditating, or journaling. While this won’t be the most social time of the year for you, it’s necessary that you press pause on some of your affairs so you can cater to your own needs.
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