Your Zodiac Sign Can Help Reveal The Search Party Character You’re Most Like
It’s written in the stars.
Chances are there’s at least one TV show you could watch over and over again. For me, that’s Search Party on HBO Max, which never fails to make me laugh, no matter how bleak my mood may be. I never get tired of spending time with my favorite disgruntled millennials — Dory, Elliott, Portia, and Drew — as they get themselves mixed up in some of the worst drama imaginable. If you’ve ever found yourself relating to any of these characters, you’ll want to check and see which Search Party character you are, according to your zodiac sign.
In my opinion, Search Party is so much more than just a hilarious television series, thanks to how it combines a plethora of genres in a totally genius way. While the first season literally begins as a Nancy Drew-esque mystery, the second season devolves into a Hitchcock-inspired psychological thriller. Meanwhile, the third season unleashes a courtroom drama for the ages, and the last season resembles Stephen King’s Misery. Plus, it accomplishes all of this while delivering some of the most tongue-in-cheek dark humor I’ve ever had the pleasure of indulging in. Seriously, if you can’t help but laugh at terrible things, then Search Party needs to be on your watch list, especially ahead of Season 5.
Read on to discover which lovable (but incredibly flawed) character aligns with your zodiac sign the most.
Aries: April
Impulsive? Intense? Ready to fight? All of these adjectives describe April to a T. They’re also the characteristics of your classic Aries. I mean, you’re literally introduced to April as she’s engaging in a shouting match with her partner in the apartment next door. Aries also has a tendency to be a bit brash, and when is April not brash? Who can forget the way she was gleefully yelling at the local diner that Dory and her friends “murdered a man named Keith Powell”? April is also definitely not afraid of a challenge, which is why she fearlessly takes a stand against Dory’s questionable actions.
Taurus: Gail
Gail is a rich, sweet woman who thrives in luxury and laziness. Could she be more of a Taurus? Just like a dedicated Taurus, she’s also an incredibly loyal friend to Dory and never fails to show up for her ex-assistant.
Gemini: Elliott Goss
I know it’s old news to classify Gemini as the liar of the zodiac, but stretching the truth is a talent that Geminis are known for. Elliott has no qualms about lying. He lies about the fact that he survived cancer as a child and hires flashy actors to pretend to be his parents. He even lies about his age and the fact that he graduated from NYU. The lies are so numerous that viewers can barely keep up. However, Elliott is also potentially the funniest character in the show, and his biting wit is a classic Gemini trait.
Cancer: Marc
Cancer is basically the most loving and protective zodiac sign of all. Marc, who loves Elliott despite all his faults, exemplifies this sign. Even when Elliott is totally spiraling (and clearly behaving selfishly), Marc goes out of his way to baby him through it. However, Cancer is pretty terrible at dealing with conflict and has a tendency to be passive aggressive. What’s more passive aggressive than leaving Elliott at the altar right before they’re supposed to get married? I mean, he literally ghosts the entire wedding party.
Leo: Chantal Witherbottom
I know that most Leos can keep their inner diva in check, but let’s be honest — some can be self-centered and a little too obsessed with their own image. Enter Chantal Witherbottom, a character who always seems to make everything about herself. She let everyone believe she was “missing” when she was really just hanging out in a mansion in Canada. Like a Leo, she’s also hella creative, and between her pretentious poem about a “dirty motel,” her longwinded memoir that she hand wrote while on LSD, and her stint as the CEO of a “Heartbreak Shelter,” no one can deny Chantal’s artistic output.
Virgo: Drew Gardner
No one gets more hung up on the ifs, ands, and buts than Drew Gardner. This fella — who exhibits the classic morality complex of a Virgo — is always presenting himself as the most rational and ethical character in the whole bunch and the one who genuinely feels horrified by their actions. But don’t be fooled, because Virgos are always secretly scheming in their own right. Behind the scenes, Drew is spending a serious chunk of time patiently trying to ruin his coworker’s marriage just so he can swoop in at the eighth hour and steal this man’s promotion.
Libra: Cassidy Diamond
Libra is the zodiac sign of justice, which means they’re natural lawyers. They’re also ruled by Venus — planet of luxury — so they’re attorneys with style. And that, my friends, is Cassidy Diamond. She literally introduces herself as Dory’s defense attorney by handing her a platter of fancy sushi, and she never fails to show up to court dressed to the nines. On the flip side, she sometimes gets a little too hung up on the superficial details instead of focusing on the case at hand. Nevertheless, Libra is always trying to fight for what’s right, which is why, when Cassidy stops buying Dory’s story, she can’t help but show it.
Scorpio: Dory Sief
Scorpios have a tendency to get a little, dare I say, fixated on things. From the get-go, Dory becomes completely hung up on trying to locate the missing Chantal Witherbottom, who was essentially just some random girl she briefly knew in college. Even when her search starts evoking a myriad of problems for Dory and her friends, she can’t stop idealizing the prospect of rescuing Chantal. Scorpio is also capable of being an incredible manipulator, and Dory cleverly manipulates the jury into believing her innocence (despite the mountain of evidence against her). Lastly, Scorpio is the zodiac sign of “transformation,” and no one can deny the total and complete transformation of Dory’s character. In Season 1, she’s just your average millennial struggling to find herself. By Season 4, she’s been through so much trauma and caused so much mayhem that she’s barely recognizable.
Sagittarius: Chip
Chip is all over the map and hard to pin down, making him a Sagittarius. This zodiac sign knows how to seriously spice things up and make light of dark situations. Even when he’s kidnapping Dory and holding her captive, he’s blasting and dancing to “Groove Is in the Heart” by Deee-Lite. Sagittarians are also known as the chameleons of the zodiac. Who can deny Chip’s shapeshifting ability as he literally dons a wig and a fur coat and waltzes around Babyfoot, Massachusetts pretending to be his middle-aged aunt?
Capricorn: Polly Danzinger
Capricorns can be serious, no-nonsense authoritarians. I mean, someone has to be the grown up around here, right? That’s why Polly Danzinger, the prosecutor in Dory’s case, is the Capricorn this show desperately needs. Even though she comes across as someone who doesn’t really know how to have fun (remember how annoyed she was that her coworkers got her a birthday cake?), Polly is the one person who sees through all of Dory’s games and cuts right the chase. Capricorn is also ruled by Saturn — planet of karma — and in Polly’s last scene, she doesn’t hesitate to let Dory know she’s got some seriously bad karma coming.
Aquarius: Julian
Aquarius is a zodiac sign that’s always committed to revealing a higher truth, even if they have to alienate everyone in order to do it. Julian is a journalist who always gets to the bottom of everyone’s sketchy tales and never hesitates to publish it for public consumption. You can thank Julian for proving that Elliott Goss did not, in fact, have cancer as a child. You can also thank Julian for questioning Chantal Witherbottom’s fake story that she survived a horrific trauma (when she really just chose to go off the grid and chill in a mansion in Canada for a while). And you know what? Julian never got so much as a “thank you” for any of it. In fact, he made all sorts of enemies in the process.
Pisces: Portia Davenport
When is Portia not emotional? That’s right, you’re looking at the Pisces of the bunch, because Portia’s empathy detectors are on high alert. However, she also has the tendency to get tangled up in all the various webs her friends spin, and one of Pisces’ pitfalls is that they go with the flow a little too much. Portia’s so concerned about being a good friend that she doesn’t always question what her friends are doing. Pisceans also have a tendency to fall for delusions, which is why Portia always sees the good in people, even when she should pay a teeny tiny bit more attention to the bad.
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