Mercury Retrograde Is Only The Beginning Of This Week’s Astro Chaos
May the odds be ever in your favor.
It’s the final week of summer. Ugh. As if that weren’t enough of a bummer, Mercury retrograde is in full swing in the cardinal air sign of Libra, bringing reviews and revisions to your relationships. It’s also Virgo season — which prioritizes logic, efficiency, and details — so scatterbrained energy is at an all-time high. But at least your September 12, 2022 weekly horoscope is here to allow you to directly confront conflicts in your relationships so that you can reestablish balance and harmony, just in time for the fall equinox.
On Sept. 16, Venus in Virgo will square off with Mars in Gemini, prompting everyone to directly address conflicts and obstacles in relationships. In astrology, Venus and Mars are sworn enemies: Venus aims to unify; Mars divides. This is a day when resolving conflict may not be easy, but it’s nothing a little communication can’t fix.
On Sept. 18, Mercury retrograde will oppose Jupiter retrograde in Aries, centering the desire to pursue grandiose ideas without necessarily having all of your ducks in a row. It’s the perfect time to brainstorm, but not ideal for launching a new project that requires a detailed eye.
Here’s what every sign can expect from this week’s chaos in the cosmos:
Aries September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
You’ll be having some pretty important conversations this week, Aries, and in more ways than one. On Sept. 18, Mercury retrograde will oppose Jupiter retrograde in Aries, bringing forth a period of review and revision to your current plans and ideas with other people. As someone who’s always looking to initiate new endeavors, this transit is likely to be uncomfortable for you, since it’s bound to cause delays. Now may not be the time to launch a new project, but it’s an ideal time to organize information and reassess details. Pay attention to what new information others are sharing with you now, too, it might be important later on.
Taurus September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Sept. 16, your chart ruler, Venus, will square off with Mars in Gemini, causing tensions to arise between your desire for pleasure and entertainment and the resources you have to fund these activities. It’s a good week to be mindful of where you’re investing your time, money, and energy, especially since your chart ruler is currently in the detail-oriented sign of Virgo. Keep track of how you’re making use of your resources, but not so much that you’re unable to enjoy yourself. As a Venusian, it’s always essential that you allow yourself to indulge — with boundaries, of course.
Gemini September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
It’s a busy week for you, Gemini, as Venus in Virgo squares off with Mars in your first house of self and identity on Sept. 16. This transit is bound to bring tensions and conflicts to the forefront regarding your home and family life, so be sure to consider how you’re making time for your relationships at home along with your independent pursuits. With your chart ruler, Mercury, also currently retrograde right now, you’re bound to feel overwhelmed this week, so try your best to tackle one task at a time. You might be an excellent multitasker, but that doesn’t mean you always have to juggle a million things at once.
Cancer September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
You career and public image are top priority this week, Cancer, as Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter in your 10th house on Sept. 16. While you may find that you’re overflowing with new ideas now, you may struggle to put them all in motion since Mercury and Jupiter are currently retrograde. Instead, it’s the perfect time to review, reflect, and revise these plans before Mercury stations direct in October. You may also find it necessary to reassess your current work-home life balance as Mercury retraces its steps through your fourth house. How are you making time for connection and the relationships with your family while juggling newfound career growth?
Leo September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Sept. 16, Venus will square off with Mars in Gemini, bringing tensions to the forefront regarding your money and resources and your friends and community. The pressure to invest into your relationships will be at an all-time high this week, but there’s no need to fold under pressure. It’s important to maintain firm boundaries this week, so try not to push yourself past your limits for the sake of your relationships. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and it’s important that you’re not giving so much away that you don’t have enough time, energy, or money left over for yourself.
Virgo September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
With your chart ruler, Mercury, still retrograde, you’ll be feeling a bit scattered this week, but inspired nonetheless. As Mercury forms an opposition to Jupiter in Aries on Sept. 18, you’ll be called to review and revise your finances in a way that establishes balance and harmony in your life. This will also be a time where you’re bound to feel inspired to brainstorm new ways to accrue resources, but it may not be time to launch a new project just yet. Instead, wait for Mercury to station direct first, and focus primarily on getting all of your ducks in a row for the time being.
Libra September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Sept. 16, Venus, your chart ruler, will form a square with Mars in Gemini, bringing difficulties to the forefront when it comes to your desire to withdraw and isolate. Venus traveling through your 12th house has prompted a period of quiet introspection, and with Mars in Gemini stirring up activity in the area of wisdom, travel, and knowledge this week, you’re bound to find ways to honor yourself behind closed doors while also pursuing new ways to expand your mind. Just be sure to find the time to take part in some self-care now, Libra, adventure isn’t going anywhere.
Scorpio September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
This week, your chart ruler, Mars, will square off with Venus in Virgo, causing tensions to arise regarding your boundaries and resources that you share with friends and your community. As the cautious water sign of the zodiac, you can sometimes be hesitant to put your foot down when needed, but it’s important that you consider how much of your money, time, and energy you’re investing into others this week, Scorpio. While this is a great week for your social life, keep in mind that you don’t have to solve everyone’s problems for them.
Sagittarius September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Sept. 16, Venus will square off with Mars in your seventh house of relationships, bringing up tensions around your professional life and your romantic partnerships. It’ll be important to find ways to balance your obligations in both areas this week, but be sure to keep in mind that you may not be able to appease everyone. Just try to communicate as best you can, because with Mercury currently retrograde, disagreements are likely. The good thing is, you definitely won’t be bored this week.
Capricorn September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
This week, your career endeavors are bound to come under review as Mercury retrograde continues to make its way back through your 10th house. As Mercury forms an opposition to Jupiter on Sept. 18, you’ll be prompted to review some of the big plans and ideas you have for this area of your life, but it may not be an ideal time to launch anything new. Instead, it’s a good time to assess your career and home life balance. Don’t worry, though, this transit still has the potential to be productive, so be sure to keep track of any newfound ideas you have regarding your professional life now.
Aquarius September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
On Sept. 18, Mercury will form an opposition to Jupiter in Aries, prompting you to review and reflect on your current belief systems, thoughts, and opinions. This week is the perfect time to consider where you’ve recently noticed a shift in perspective — and remember, it’s okay to change your mind. With Jupiter bringing forth opportunity for new ideas and outlooks on this day, you’re bound to feel inspired. Pick up a new book, or tune into a new podcast that’s peaked your interest. Anything that allows you to think outside the box.
Pisces September 12, 2022 Weekly Horoscope
As your chart ruler, Jupiter, forms an opposition to Mercury retrograde in Libra on Sept. 18, you’ll be reflecting on your current relationship to your money and resources. It’s a great time to brainstorm new ideas on how to maximize what you have, but don’t worry too much about putting anything into motion just yet. Now is an ideal time to review and revise your finances, and once Mercury stations direct on Oct. 2, these ideas will be ready to implement.