What Is A Twin Flame?
Here’s how you can tell if you’ve found your energetic equal.
We’ve all heard of the term “soul mate.” While its meaning is subjective, the basic definition is equivalent to someone you consider your “other half,” platonically or romantically. However, fewer people know the meaning of a “twin flame” because, though it bears similar attributes to a “soul mate,” its definition is a bit more complex, and if you don’t follow astrology or spirituality, you’re even less likely to know what it is and why it matters. Not to mention, twin flames are harder to come by because in order to have one, you have to have a soul mate, too.
According to Forever Conscious — a publication created by Tanaaz Chubb and Dr. Wei Chao in an effort to promote holistic healing and the connection between mind, body, and spirit — a soul mate is someone who is cut from the same energetic cloth as you, and helps you awaken and challenge yourself, and vice versa. When you meet your soul mate — a friend, family member, a partner, or maybe even one of each (because you can have more than one soul mate) — you can’t help but feel an undeniable pull toward them, almost as if you’ve met them before. And you need to feel the pull of a soul mate before you can ever meet your twin flame.
There is no way you can find your twin flame (aka your mirror soul) without meeting your soul mate, as your soul mate is the person who awakens your soul. Until then, your ability to find your twin flame remains dormant. Your soul mate is karmic and helps you evolve as a human; your twin flame is also karmic, but they’re someone who comes into your life to help you create something for the greater good.
Chubb, who’s also the author of The Power of Positive Energy: Everything You Need to Awaken Your Soul, Raise Your Vibration, and Manifest an Inspired Life, wrote, “When twin flames come together, it is often to achieve something on an energetic level to help expand the consciousness of the planet.”
If you’re wondering whether you’ve found your mirror soul — and you can only have one true energetic counterpart, FYI — here are a few signs you may have met your twin flame:
1. You have an extremely telepathic or psychic connection.
Meeting your twin flame doesn’t need to feel romantic. A lot of times, twin flame relationships come together solely to create something for the betterment of humanity. Whether or not you’re involved romantically, you’ll still always feel a strong bond between the two of you. According to Forever Conscious, twin flames do not need to be physically near each other in order to experience their connection either; it can be telepathic or psychic.
Twin flame connections are so profound, both parties might even experience the same emotions and/or illnesses. They can each sense when something’s wrong, and they’ll perhaps even experience similar symptoms at the same time.
2. You feel prepared for a special connection with another person.
Twin flame relationships are some of the most powerful ones you can experience in a lifetime. So much so that both people have to feel spiritually, mentally, and emotionally prepared to handle such a passionate, meaningful connection and the intimacy that can result from it.
It may take years before you’ve both grown enough to come together in a real way, but once it happens, you’ll never feel separated from them.
3. You evolve together.
Even if it’s not explicitly happening to you, a twin flame relationship may cause you to feel unbearable pain at times. This is because each “twin” has mutual empathy; one twin’s pain can be felt by the other. However, you’ll always come out stronger, wiser, and better able to navigate the world around you.
There is a sense you’ve come together not only for each other, but for the betterment of those around you as well. This is the major difference between twin flame relationships and soul mate relationships, as soul mates serve to aid the growth of the individuals involved, and twin flame relationships serve to aid the growth of the collective human race.
4. You feel a magnetic pull toward each other.
Being physically apart from your twin flame for any lengthy amount of time can be difficult to endure, as you may function better in each other’s presence. While you could go about your life for months, or even years, on your own, you could also feel a deep sense of longing for your twin flame. You may have continual dreams about them, and possibly even suffer symptoms such as feelings of restlessness or anxiety during times of separation.
5. You understand your purpose through your relationship.
Your twin flame serves as a mirror for you; through their issues, you can see your own soul. When united with your twin flame, you’ll understand more about yourself and what it means to be human than you ever have before.
You are also able to forgive them if they initially run from the relationship, as many partners do when they first meet their twin flames. Since your twin flame mirrors your own soul’s issues, you’ll understand their potential need to flee has nothing to do with you or your relationship to them, and you’ll know it doesn’t mean the relationship is over — it means there is more growing to do.
Studies referenced:
Chubb, Tanazz. “Becoming Forever Conscious: How to Live a Life of Purpose ...” Foreverconscious.com, Tanaaz Chubb, 5 Aug. 2015, https://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Forever-Conscious-Live-Purpose-ebook/dp/B013INLINI.
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