In Astrology, These 5 Planets Shape The Way Your Life Evolves Over Time
Don’t underestimate them.
When discussing the zodiac, it’s only a matter of time before everyone reveals their “big three.” This is just astro-lingo for the sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign; the three placements in your birth chart that tend to have the strongest affect on your overall personality. You may eventually breach the topic of your Mercury sign, which defines your communication style, or your Venus sign, which explains the way you give and receive love. After all, these celestial bodies are considered inner planets, and in astrology, it’s the inner planets that describe what makes you human. It’s easy to understand the purpose of the inner planets, but what are the outer planets all about?
Unlike the inner planets, the outer planets exist in the furthest reaches of the universe. Because these planets are situated a great distance away from the sun, they take a much longer period of time to complete their journey across the zodiac than the inner planets. While an inner planet spends anywhere between a couple of days to a couple of months in a zodiac sign, it can take an outer planet several years before it finally moves onto the next sign.
Because the outer planets spend such an extensive stretch of time affecting a specific aspect of your life, the outer planets shape the trends that define your growth. Some outer planets have the power to shape entire generations, bringing gradual changes that stretch over the course of decades. While the outer planets may not describe the inherent aspects of your personality, they have the power to show you who you’re becoming and where you’re going. Look to the outer planets when you want to understand the way your life has progressed and will continue to progress. Although these planets live many lightyears away, that doesn’t make their impression on your earthly journey any less meaningful.
Here’s everything you need to know about the outer planets and how they facilitate longterm growth:
What Planets Are Outer Planets?
Jupiter is known as the “Great Benefic” because it’s considered one of the luckiest planets in astrology. This outer planet rules over wisdom, adventure, and the desire for more knowledge. Whatever Jupiter touches becomes bigger, because Jupiter is always amplifying, augmenting, and expanding. Look to your Jupiter sign to understand how you naturally attract abundance. And as Jupiter enters a new zodiac sign each year, it brings you growth in a new area of life.
Unlike Jupiter, Saturn is considered a “malefic” planet because it describes the harsher aspects of life and the challenges you will face. Throughout your life, Saturn will “return” to the position it was in at the moment of your birth three times, around ages 30, 60, and 90. During a Saturn return, this disciplinary planet gives you a reality check, showing you how to embrace the realities of life. Think of Saturn like a strict teacher, encouraging you to avoid making the same mistake twice.
In astrology, Uranus is the planet of innovation, revolution, and individuality. This planet encourages you to rebel against the status quo and embrace the part of you that’s not cut from the same cloth as everyone else. Uranus spends approximately seven years in each zodiac sign, influencing you and pushing you in new directions along the way. In your birth chart, your Uranus sign also reflects the areas of your life in which you experience unpredictability and instability.
Neptune is the most mysterious and esoteric of all the outer planets. After all, Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, and psychic sensitivity. Your Neptune sign can describe the ways in which you may struggle to face the truth in your life. It can reveal where you might be wearing rose-colored glasses rather than seeing clearly and without bias. However, as Neptune spends 14 long years in each zodiac sign, this planet has a way of transforming your spirituality along the way.
In astrology, Pluto is *still* considered a planet (and a powerful one at that). Pluto takes 248 years to fully orbit the sun, spending upwards of a few decades in each zodiac sign. During these transits, Pluto — planet of creation and destruction — shapes the gradual evolution of entire generations. In fact, if you’re a millennial, you’re technically part of the Pluto in Scorpio generation. And if you’re a member of Gen Z, you’re part of the Pluto in Sagittarius generation. Wear these badges with pride, because you and your peers were born for this moment.