How You Deal With Sadness, According To Your Zodiac Sign
Even the peppiest Leo goes through dark days.
Let’s be real — sadness has been stereotyped to be pretty unstylish in society. You’re taught to swallow the feeling back and push forward. You’re told to continue polishing your social media image of happiness, #goals, and success, despite the melancholy that may be tearing you apart inside. This can leave you confused about how to cope in any way other than simply ignoring it, which is terrible. Sadness is a necessary emotion that allows you to ruminate on what truly matters, learn about yourself, and in the end, experience joy in a more vibrant color. The stars have a lot to say about emotions and how each zodiac sign deals with sadness in their own unique way. Not even the peppiest Leo or the most charming Gemini are immune, and the best way for a Cancer to ease their sadness is different from the way a Capricorn might.
No matter what your sign is, the stars always have a big plan for you. When you’re scrolling through Instagram feeds of people who seem much happier than you while scrambling to understand why you may feel so unbearably sad, try to remember that emotions are temporary. You’ll come out of it wiser and stronger than you were before. If you’re looking for an idea of how all the zodiac signs cope when they’re sad and what they look like, keep reading.
When an Aries is sad, everyone knows it. They power up with rage, then let it loose the first way they can think of. They might want to break something, tell someone off, or send a risky, impassioned text. They immediately take action and often leave destruction in their wake.
There is strength in all that energy, because it cuts right to the chase. For instance, an Aries could dance all night at a show or club where loud music is played. They might want to try a sport like kickboxing or go for a run, harnessing all that frustration they're feeling within their body. Even hiking to the top of a cliff and screaming into the wind will help purge their sorrow. If they take care to redirect their negative emotions toward something positive, the healing process for an Aries will move much more smoothly. If anyone ever asks you, “Why are Aries so sad?” tell them that they may not know for sure, but an Aries tends to get over it much faster than you would think.
A Taurus may disappear into a hole when they’re sad. Wanting to be alone with their demons, they isolate themselves and might hole up on the couch or numb themselves with their favorite vices. When they're sad, a Taurus might tend to think the world is against them and reject helping hands.
Their escapism has a silver lining. A Taurus could give in to their need for alone time, but it might be wise to make being alone exciting in some way. A solo trip to their favorite museum, a day in the park with an uplifting book, or just sitting on the beach while watching the waves crash will add new insights to their alone time.
It’s rare that a Gemini knows how to embrace the feeling of sadness. So used to putting on a smile and making people laugh, they tend to reject the feeling altogether and try their hardest not to embrace it. You wouldn’t know they’re sad except that they’re a lot quieter than usual. Once sharp and quick-witted, they’re slow-moving and seem elsewhere in their head. However, they could also start talking even more intensely and rampantly as they try to fill the awkwardness and discomfort.
A Gemini’s racing mind has all the answers, if they find time to listen to their running thoughts. With patience, they may want to write down all their feelings or listen to their favorite music, then allow themselves a moment of peace and quiet. If a Gemini gives themselves a period to reflect and release their feelings, the unsettling quality of their sadness will probably feel so much more bearable.
Why are Cancers so sad? Oh, let me count the ways. Cancers are usually terrible at hiding their sadness. The emotion grabs hold of them and it's hard to distract themselves from the feeling. Terrified of being forgotten or left out, they crave attention from their loved ones and want to be consoled and cared for.
A Cancer's emotions are a beautiful thing though, especially if they manifest those feelings into something productive or meaningful — like writing in their journal or talking to friends — rather than wallow in it. A Cancer can create meaning during this time, whether that’s by pouring their heart into a new hobby or by being generous toward their loved ones. Cancers feel so much. If they harness that sensitivity and nourish the world with it, their sadness will likely transform into something powerful.
No sign is more theatrical about their sadness than Leo. They tend to lean so deeply into their emotions until they're about to burst, and will likely spend time overanalyzing exactly why they're sad and what they can learn from their sadness. They may not be able to accept that, sometimes, sadness happens for no real reason.
Their courage to face sadness head on is an asset to a Leo, if they can stop worrying about how people will judge them for it. It might be wise for them to surround themselves with friends they trust enough to be fully honest with about the grittiness of their emotions. A Leo always strives to be a better person. If they remember to forgive themselves, they can glean so much insight from their sadness that they’ll be able to move forward.
A Virgo is obsessive and compulsive when thrown off track by sadness. Normally meticulous and organized, sadness is a mess a Virgo might not readily know how to clean up. They’re easily consumed by their desire to overanalyze a situation and by being too critical. They also can’t always find the right words to explain their feelings to others.
If they can give themselves a break, their introspection will likely provide a how-to guide for easing their pain. They may take their healing step by step, writing a to-do list of things that will center their spirit, and follow it at their own pace. Virgos have all the practical power to conquer their sadness, if they can calm down enough to rebuild themselves piece by piece.
Emotional balance is so important to a Libra. When sadness tips that balance, they can fall over. They may feel so lopsided, they'll stop caring about their favorite things, even severing ties with their passions completely. Their sadness is one of hopelessness and they’re prone to giving into it.
However, a Libra is just as likely to give in to hope. Libras can be easily swayed, and if they think just one positive thought, another one will follow. Reading self-help books, getting in touch with a mentor who can inspire them to grow, or even challenging themselves with a new venture might help a Libra feel better. A Libra is a self-containing equalizer of emotions. If they trust in their ability to even out their sadness and reach out for help, they can bounce back in no time.
During times of sadness, a Scorpio can be a tornado of mood swings. One minute, they’ll be totally past things. The next, they’re crying hot tears. Since they’re able to read people so well, they’ll be tempted to manipulate the situation to get what they want. However, this often ends up prolonging their sadness.
Their skills in manipulation wouldn’t exist without their profound level of empathy. And empathy is how a Scorpio might heal best. A Scorpio may benefit from spending time with animals, children, or any of their loved ones and devoting themselves to protecting them. A Scorpio heals themselves as much as they heal others. If they choose to use their compassionate talents to help those in need, they’ll bloom in the process.
When a Sagittarius is sad, they often try to indulge in happiness. By distracting themselves with a busy schedule full of social activities, parties, and productivity, they hope to will the sadness away. When that doesn’t work, they start feeling lost, like they’re going nowhere and their future is bleak.
Ambition is the greatest asset to a fiery Sagittarius, but only after they’ve taken the time to feel their pain. Instead of immediately attempting to avoid their emotions, they may want to spend time with their sadness before it becomes a confusing and convoluted mess later on. They’d benefit from writing in their journal, meditating, doing yoga, and going for a walk.
The once headstrong and productive Capricorn might come to a standstill when they’re sad. They could lose all motivation to keep up with their ventures and watch as their hard work and plans fade away. They might even get cozy in their slump as they sorrowfully hope inspiration will find its way back to them.
However, instead of waiting for it, a Capricorn can take steps to find motivation within themselves. No matter how difficult it is, they can get reacquainted with their long-lost passions, perhaps as far back as their childhood. As serious as a Capricorn may seem on the surface, they never sever their bond with their childhood self. By reconnecting with their spirit, a Capricorn will soon remember happiness again.
You know an Aquarius is sad when they disappear without a trace. They tend to avoid emotions and the very hint of sadness can make them run away, literally and figuratively. They might retreat so far inwardly, it's difficult to reach them.
There’s a deep well of emotion simmering at their core. If they’re able to touch it, the healing will begin. They may want to work through their sadness with simple acts of creation, such as writing a poem, taking a dance class, or learning a new language. If an Aquarius can fight through their impulse to turn themselves off completely, even the slightest expression of emotion can do the trick.
When a Pisces is sad, the feeling might continue to gain strength until it becomes total despair. They struggle with guilt and they might blame themselves for their sadness and anxiously cope in all the wrong ways as a result. For a Pisces, it’s not one moment of sadness — it’s all the sadness that has ever existed.
Before they fall into a downward spiral, a Pisces may instead prefer to lose themselves in something beautiful. One of the most spiritual of the signs, it doesn’t take a lot to affect a Pisces. They can heal from watching their favorite movie, redesigning their bedroom, or by devoting themselves to a meaningful project. A Pisces is easily permeated by the world. If they can focus their attention on the most delightful aspects of it, they’ll slip into happiness again before they know it.
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