People Are Begging Frank Ocean's Mom To Get Him To Drop His Album
Frank Ocean didn't release his album on time, so fans are tattling on him to his mom.
On Friday, the 28-year-old singer's mom, Katonya Breaux, posted an Instagram video with her son at a restaurant.
In case you've forgotten (because it has been FOUR YEARS, for Pete's sake), Frank Ocean stunned us all with his incredible debut album, Channel Orange, in 2012.
Everyone couldn't wait to see what Frank had in store for us next. So we waited.
We waited and waited and waited some more for the next Channel Orange that never came.
Fans had long been anticipating July 2016 as a turning point in this lengthy, arduous wait, as it was supposedly the deadline for Frank's second album, Boys Don't Cry.
But we are now well into August, and there's no sign of an album.
So I guess it's understandable people are reacting to this video from Frank's mom with a mixture of relief and frustration.
(Maybe Frank realizes he's let us all down, since he attempted to hide himself from his mom's camera.)
At least we know he's alive, but also... WHERE YA ALBUM AT FRANK?!?
Momma Frank Ocean, can you please make this happen?