Powerful Photos Show What Happens When Laws Mess With Women's Right To Choose
Women in Poland went on strike on Monday due to a proposed abortion law.
The proposed law would basically ban abortions completely in the European country. Right now, the law is that abortion is only allowed in the cases of rape, incest and medical threat to the mother's life.
But the proposed law goes further, apparently taking away those exceptions. The law would also punish women with jail time if they are found to have had an abortion.
Doctors found to provide abortions would also be given jail time. (These are, incidentally, positions also taken by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.)
So, you know, that's not great.
The United Nations said earlier this year that restricting access to abortion is a form of torture. The UN also called on Ireland, which has laws similar to the current Polish laws, to take away the abortion ban.
So with this newly proposed law, Polish women decided to take a stand.
On Monday, they held a pro-choice march in Warsaw, the capital city of the country. Women took off from work and school and instead took to the streets, wearing black outfits. They called it "Black Monday."
As the pictures show, it was a stunning display with thousands of people coming out to protest the restrictive abortion law in Warsaw and other cities.
#CzarnyProtest in Katowice, right now.#BlackMonday pic.twitter.com/1rQUIAMulw — Julia || 11 days (@julipaw) October 3, 2016
The protest was inspired by a strike that happened in Iceland over 40 years ago, according to the Guardian. Then, 90 percent of women refused to do any work -- including housework and taking care of children -- for a full day as part of a strike for rights.
Thousands of women (and men) came out to protest in Poland on Black Monday, but people around the world showed their support.
A massive demonstration also happened in Berlin in solidarity with the Polish women.
There was also a demonstration at the Polish embassy in both the United Kingdom and Belgium.
People around the world took to social media to announce their support for the Polish women.
People all around the world are letting their governments know it's not OK to take away a woman's right to make decisions about her own body.