This Is The Age You're Mostly Likely To Be A Victim Of Revenge Porn
If you've paid close enough attention to the news this July, you might have notice something: revenge porn is back in headlines.
On Monday, July 10, reality star Blac Chyna was on national TV discussing her own recent experience with revenge porn after Rob Kardashian posted nude photos of her on social media.
She said during an interview on Good Morning America,
I was devastated, of course. I'm like, how could somebody, like, post these pictures of me? And, I'm like, 'Wow, OK.' Like, this is a person that I trusted. I just felt… betrayed.
The following Wednesday, the Daily Beast reported on a revenge porn scandal in the military. Nearly 4,000 photos and videos of servicewomen performing sexual acts or posing were posted in a private Facebook group in a Dropbox drive, including one photo of a woman who was unconscious, according to the Daily Beast.
Since the incident, a Marine Corps spokesperson told the Daily Beast that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service is aware of the drive. He allegedly added,
[The] Marine Corps, with the support of NCIS, continues to identify, investigate, and hold accountable those who violate our policies and standards. We take all allegations of misconduct seriously. Disrespect, in any form, will not be tolerated.
But revenge porn isn't an occurrence reserved for high-profile cases. It happens to more people than you may think.
Here are some facts.
What are the basics?
Revenge porn, which can be more accurately described as non-consensual pornography, is crime that's punishable by law in 38 states, along with Washington D.C.
According to survey of 3,000 people ages 15 and older conducted by the Data & Society and the Center for Innovative Public Health Research, one in 25 Americans has been threatened with revenge porn or have experienced being a victim of it.
The survey also found that those who identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual experience these threats at a higher rate: 15 percent.
What's the average age of victims?
Various reports have tried to tab the number of the average age of revenge porn victims.
The most precise of those reports comes from the BBC, which analyzed 1,160 cases of revenge porn in the U.K., between April 2015 to December 2015.
The BBC found that the average age of revenge porn victims is 25, while three victims were as young as 11 years old.
Regardless of the age at which it happens, though, the bottomline is that it's a crime. That is, depending on where you live... but a wrong violation no matter what.