Steve Jobs Showed Obama The Original iPhone Before Almost Anybody
Barack Obama spotted a revolution before it took place.
One of Obama's top advisors David Axelrod reveals in his upcoming book,"Believer: My 40 Years in Politics," the president was presented the iPhone before it was released in a secret meeting with former Apple CEO Steve Jobs and knew right off the bat he was looking at the next stage of technology.
Obama was a senator at the time, meeting with Jobs in 2007.
According to 9to5mac, Axelrod recalls Obama instantly recognizing that the iPhone was going to cement Apple's reign over the mobile industry.
He said,
If it were legal, I would buy a boatload of Apple stock. This thing is going to be really big.
Apple stock was trading at $12-$14 in early 2007, a fraction of its current value after the triumph of the iPhone 6.
That might have been one of the only times Obama and Jobs saw eye to eye.
The two would speak again in the fall of 2010 in a meeting Obama requested, the Huffington Post reports.
But Jobs took the opportunity to immediately criticize Obama's lack of attention toward outsourcing.
The notoriously blunt CEO said that Obama should make it easier for businesses to expand in the US, claiming that companies instead choose to build factories in China where they aren't hampered by America's "regulations and unnecessary costs."
Jobs also told biographer Walter Isaacson, the author of bestseller "Steve Jobs," that Obama "infuriates" him because he keeps coming up with excuses as to why he can't follow through on his goals.
Jobs' displeasure with Obama's first term didn't end the friendship, however, as Jobs offered to make Obama's political ads when he ran again in 2012.
Isaacson wrote,
He had made the same offer in 2008, but he'd become annoyed when Obama's strategist David Axelrod wasn't totally deferential.
Jobs told the author he had planned to make ads similar to Ronald Reagan's "Morning in America" campaign, which highlighted the former president's economic success leading into his bid for re-election.
David Axelrod's book will be available Feb. 10 with more revelations about his time working for Obama.
Citations: Obama after sneak peek at original iPhone (9to5mac), Steve Jobs Biography Reveals He Told Obama Youre Headed For A One Term Presidency (The Huffington Post)