Cats Want Your Love More Than Food And Probably Aren't Plotting Your Murder
If you had asked me earlier what I thought about cats, I would have said, "Cats meow outside. How bow dah?"
Now, I can officially say I perhaps misjudged cats... even though I am definitely trademarking "Cats meow outside. How bow dah?"
Originally, I believed cats were demons trapped in the form of fur, hellbent on murdering their unsuspecting owners. However, it turns out cats aren't so bad after all.
In fact, I'd even go so far as to claim cats are actually our friends, and that's coming from a fierce dog lover.
According to a new study from Oregon State University published in "Behavioural Processes," cats love your company more than they love food. But... how are we just learning about this now?
The researchers of the study wrote,
Increasingly cat cognition research is providing evidence of their complex socio-cognitive and problem solving abilities. Nonetheless, it is still common belief that cats are not especially sociable or trainable. This disconnect may be due, in part, to a lack of knowledge of what stimuli cats prefer, and thus may be most motivated to work for.
A total of 50 cats (both pet and adoptable cats) were studied. The cats were not given any human attention, toys and food for a few hours.
Around half of the cats went for a chin rub first instead of food, while 37 percent of cats wanted food first.
Only 37 percent went for food? Because 100 percent of me will always go for food over friends.
Well, I've got to say, cats... I'm sorry. I guess I was a little too harsh on you and for that, I apologize.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to break the ice with a neighborhood cat...
That... that did not go well. I'm literally typing while being attacked. Send help. Oh God, what have I done?
Citations: Study: Your Cat Probably Loves You More Than It Loves Food (Take That, Dogs!) (People)