Chelsea Clinton Is Shading Ivanka Trump On Twitter And We're All Here For It
Few things could possibly be more destructive to a friendship than having your respective parents throw down hard for the same job. Now, imagine if that job in question was President of the United States – and you can probably guess that things got pretty awkward for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's daughters, Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton respectively. There has been speculation as to whether the two longtime friends managed to withstand their parents' intense rivalry, and Chelsea Clinton's tweet about Ivanka Trump might have finally solved that question. Hint: her message seemed pretty shady, and I'm thinking things don't look so great for the pair's future.
It all started when news broke on Aug. 28 that Ivanka allegedly visited Vladimir Putin's office during a trip to Moscow in 2006, and sat in his private chair at the Kremlin.
This revelation came alongside the release of a new set of incriminating emails from Trump's team – this time courtesy of Trump's business associate Felix Sater. In a note written to Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen, Sater bragged that he had organized Ivanka's trip to Russia and added that he thought they should build a Trump Tower in Moscow, which would help get the Russian government in bed with the Trump campaign.
Following the release of these emails, one Twitter user tweeted out that if the roles had been reversed, and Chelsea had visited Putin's office, Fox News' Sean Hannity would have had a field day.
Clinton promptly replied that she also took a trip to Moscow in 2006, where she visited the "public parts of Kremlin."
Can you feel the shade all the way from here?
Many applauded the former first daughter for such a well-crafted burn.
It's hard to know if Chelsea's tweet is a dig at Ivanka herself, or the Trump administration as a whole.
Trump and Clinton are known to be friends, and have spoken very civilly about one another, both throughout the election and afterwards.
During an interview with 20/20 in January, Ivanka called Chelsea a "very good friend," adding,
She's been a friend of mine long before the campaign, [and] of course will be a friend of mine after. I haven't spoken about the specific challenges about this next chapter with her just yet, but I intend to.
Chelsea did say, however, that the two kept their distance during the campaign process, explaining,
I probably won't talk to her before Election Day, but I'll absolutely talk to her after Election Day. Our friendship started before politics, so it will last beyond politics.
The same civility can definitely not be said of Chelsea's relationship with Ivanka's father.
The former first daughter has been very vocal when it comes to criticizing the current administration, speaking out against Trump's policies – and even getting into a war of words with the president himself.
Ahhh, Chelsea Clinton. Our#1 favorite source for the slow and graceful Twitter burn.